How do we kill the Battle Royale genre?

How do we kill the Battle Royale genre?

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We wait.
Time is the only killer. It worked for MMOs, it worked for mobas, it worked for hero shooters, it'll work for battle royales.

Still quite active
Still quite active
>Hero Shooters
Still quite active

Bring back MOBAs

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MMOs are a husk of their former selves with many circumstances killing them, one huge one people don't realize being mobile games.

MOBAs have moved a little past their hype and are evolving into different game styles with MOBA influences, like action oriented arena battlers and shooters

Hero shooters are still very active, you're correct.

They're all out of the spotlight, and they aren't getting spammed everywhere anymore.


This is the only answer. It moves in cycles, we just wait for the next big thing.

the same way we killed bitcoin, associate it with pedos

Most people here can't stop shitposting long enough to unpause a game.

Its something fresh compared to Ass Creed 9, Mario platformer #12589123, The Last of Us 8, Halo 10

kill yourself.

>It worked for MMOs, it worked for mobas, it worked for hero shooters
imagine having no idea what the fuck you are talking about

welcome to Sup Forums youll fit right in

Enjoying your spring break little guy?

These genres aren't fotm anymore. You're a retard.

>variety is bad
Yes yes give me more single player cinematic experiences

>how do we kill the genre
>time is the only killer
>it-it-its not flavor of the month anymore
hey goalposts where you going, get back here

why does Sup Forums have to be contrarian to whatever the biggest fad is?

You know that's what people mean when they say "kill a game." None of these flavor of the month genres actually die in any relative time frame, but nobody cares because what they want is for their influence to die, which happens once they leave the spotlight and some other new meme genre is fucking everything up instead.
Stop pretending to be a retard

you don't. you just wait for an actual good game in the genre to come out. as of right now pubg is still the patricians choice of BR but there are others in the work like rockstarts BR and the upcoming halo BR etc etc.

It's the normie containment genre, we don't kill it.
Also the fact that a lot of developers try to do more battle royale games brings us closer to a video game crash which is a good thing.

You can't. One or two games will always be big. Shit players can think they did something when they get top 5, or carried in teams, and the feeling of winning is much better than in any other shooter right now outside of 1v1 games.

Ignore them because no one is forcing you to play them

drop a 100 battle royale games onto an island...


>what did he mean by this?
>what went wrong?
>this is ______, say something nice to her!
>*blocks your path*
>who was in the wrong here?
>what the fuck was his problem?
>could someone give me a quick rundown?
>what are some games where ______?
>enemies can open doors
>this company is finished
>how will they ever recover?
>is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?
>find a flaw; protip: you can't
>here's your controller, bro
>you did buy her game, right?
>>buying games
>Apologize to him Sup Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?
>Sup Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>He did nothing wrong!
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>Now that the dust has settled...
>How did we go from THIS?
>Hold me Sup Forumsros
>What was his endgame?
>What am I in for?
>Will this save the gaming industry?
>Can we get one of these threads going?
>Keep it vidya
>Really makes you think
>Don't mind me, just pirating this _______
>*breathes in*
>How do we fix _________?
>He/She killed millions.....
>The absolute state of Sup Forums everybody
>Who is bestgirl and why is it ______?
>Why is she so perfect bros?
>This is your ______ for tonight
>Just played this, what did I think of it?
>What the fuck were they thinking?
>People fell for the ________ meme
>Was it kino?
>Redpill me on this Sup Forums
>Thanks for beta testing consolekeks
>Choose your character
>See this, what do?
>Look at this nep!
>Name ONE GAME that does this
>are you going to buy her game?
>daily reminder
>S E E T H I N G
>El goblino...
>if you kill him you'll become just like him
>the perfect game doesnt exi-
>I love Reisen!
>...And that's a good thing!/And here's why
>How do we fix/kill this?

Attached: dog 7.jpg (667x659, 27K)

>no more great stories
I'd love more great stories over play multiplayer for a year games

Associate it with racism

>It's the normie containment genre
ding ding ding

Demand a back story I don't think Fortnite BR or PUBG have any back story.

H1Z1 does because it was the first Battle Royale

they are here to stay,you contratian fuck

>muh Sup Forums trolling

grow the fuck up

>we don't kill it

>battlefield 5: battle royale
>call of duty boiiii: battle royale
>final fantasy: battle royale
>persona 5: battle royale
>the sims 5: battle royale

are you sure

work on your grammar friendo

Yes, I love when devs show they have no fucking idea what is a good idea for a game so they resort to blatant rip-offs

Yeah guys we gotta kill it soon cause it only lives twice


why would this happen? why would you even think this could happen?

Again, no one is forcing you to play them

>PUBG makes a fuckton of money
>Fortnite makes a fuckton of money

I don't know, user.

and nothing of value was lost

>Minor spotted

Easy. It will kill itself. PUBG and Fortnite were massive successes and you know what that means. It's ripoff time. Like World of Warcraft and League of Legends there is going to be a sort of gold rush to rip those games off as much as possible and with as little effort as possible until the market is flooded with these kinds of games and people don't give a shit any more.

>>>wethis is ______, say something nice to her!>*blocks your path*>who was in the wrong here?>what the fuck was his problem?>could someone give me a quick rundown?>what are some games where ______?>enemies can open doors>this company is finished>HAHAHAHAHA BTFO">how will they ever recover?>is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?>NEVER EVER>find a flaw; protip: you can't>HE>BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP>here's your controller, bro>THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT>you did buy her game, right?>>buying games>Apologize to him Sup Forums>Explain yourselves>Well?>Defend this>What's his name again?>Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?>Sup Forums BTFO>Would you?>He did nothing wrong!>Convince me to NOT buy this game>Find a flaw>Now that the dust has settled...>How did we go from THIS?>JUST>Hold me Sup Forumsros>What was his endgame?>What am I in for?>Will this save the gaming industry?>Can we get one of these threads going?>LOL>Keep it vidya>Really makes you think>Don't mind me, just pirating this _______>WE>*breathes in*>*WHIIIIRRRRRRRRRRR*>How do we fix _________?>OH NO NO NO>He/She killed millions.....>Soyboy>Nu-male>E-celeb>Comfy>The absolute state of Sup Forums everybody>Who is bestgirl and why is it ______?>Why is she so perfect bros?>This is your ______ for tonight>Just played this, what did I think of it?>What the fuck were they thinking?>People fell for the ________ meme>Was it kino?>Redpill me on this Sup Forums>Thanks for beta testing consolekeks>.>Choose your character>See this, what do?>Look at this nep!>Name ONE GAME that does this>are you going to buy her game?>daily reminder>S E E T H I N G>Obsessed>El goblino...>if you kill him you'll become just like him>the perfect game doesnt exi->>I love Reisen!>This>...And that's a good thing!/And here'swhy>How do we fix/kill this?>wtf i hate/love ______ now!>Why does Sup Forums hate this thing so much?>DUDE WEED LMAO>This is a man

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Wait till COD does it

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You go play others game you enjoy and stop paying attention to it

only ffxiv and wow
both dying
>Hero Shooters
only overwatch and paladins
both dying


You wait for the normies to get bored and move on, it'll probably never die but it'll be so ignorable that it wont matter it's not dead.

why do we need to kill them. Only children are playing them anyway

Just like league of lejuuns, right?


Wait until the next big meme is out.

I think Epic will cause it in some ways, we're going to see a solidarity in a game that isn't too sophisticated and can work on multiple platforms. Maybe it'll be a bit more serviceable in short term bursts while still facilitating sharing wins/replays.

Because it's exactly as you said, a fad.
Nobody is gonna care about this shit in 5 years. PUBG, Fortnite, and whatever game is gonna take Fortnite's place are basically the same shit anyways.

Sup Forums is a shithole but at least the people here try to have SOME level of fucking standards, not just lying on our backs and letting fads fill our mouths up.

Why do you want to till it? It's multiplayer only, it's not like it's really interfering with other genres like open world is (i.e. quantity over quality game design).

It's interfering with every other multiplayer game. They're all adding battle royale modes.

Like what? I think I heard GTV was doing it but that's been out for ages so who cares?

>SOME level of fucking standards