What is Sup Forums‘s favorite assassasins creed game?

>what is Sup Forums‘s favorite assassasins creed game?

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1st one

all other ones are bad

>Objectively best game right now:
AC Origins

>The game Sup Forums likes:
Black Flag

>What everyone else likes:
Ezio trilogy

2 is my favourite. Black Flag is great too, but it's more of a pirate game, all the Assassin stuff takes a back seat for the most part.

>Objectively best game right now:
>AC Origins

mine is 2
Sup Forums is not a single person

4 with the shark hunter outfit equipped.. Because it's barely an ass Creed game most of the time.

Attached: AC4_Shark_Hunter_outfit.png (658x699, 995K)

Origins for sure

Best gameplay
Best setting
Best DLC
Good story if you actually pay attention, but not the best story

I personally liked 1, 2, Brohood and Unity.
I'm kind of tempted to go pick up Origins but I think I'll hold off for now.