>what is Sup Forums‘s favorite assassasins creed game?
What is Sup Forums‘s favorite assassasins creed game?
1st one
all other ones are bad
>Objectively best game right now:
AC Origins
>The game Sup Forums likes:
Black Flag
>What everyone else likes:
Ezio trilogy
2 is my favourite. Black Flag is great too, but it's more of a pirate game, all the Assassin stuff takes a back seat for the most part.
>Objectively best game right now:
>AC Origins
mine is 2
Sup Forums is not a single person
4 with the shark hunter outfit equipped.. Because it's barely an ass Creed game most of the time.
Origins for sure
Best gameplay
Best setting
Best DLC
Good story if you actually pay attention, but not the best story
I personally liked 1, 2, Brohood and Unity.
I'm kind of tempted to go pick up Origins but I think I'll hold off for now.