Are you ready for the coming decade in gaming?

Are you ready for the coming decade in gaming?

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"Toxic" = Word that doesn't actually mean anything

They will make a universally vague definition of toxic behavior and apply it to all games

Hope you like sticking to the meta if you group up with randoms in all games
No taunting or using ingame taunts in 1v1 what a safe time to play videogames

I already barely play anything modern other than VNs and porn games

toxic is everything one person can that makes another one feel insecure about themselves

Fucking nuke this planet already, this place is unsalvageable

Luckily I don't play multiplayer games.

I dont mind people getting banned for actual death threats and not banter.

toxic = bad for business

>AAA devs are saving gaming from this autism

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>MUH Sup Forums BOOGEYMEN!!!!

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Only proper physical copies on PC can save us.
Stop paying for digital distribution.

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When will this control come to Sup Forums? I'm tired of seeing this image is way too hurtful

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The only thing that makes me worry about this is that people are going to get used to these safespaces and then they'll demand them elsewhere

>Blizzard, Riot, Twitch, Discord
>not toxic
The irony is stunning.

1v1 or single-player only

>mfw I don't play multiplayer games

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>Add in taunts and taunt-like emotes
>Can't use them without the risk of some sociopath calling you toxic

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cry cry cry! I can't be a racist prick in games anymore?! God you idiots are fucking dumb.

>sell taunts
>punish people who use them

>Cater to plebs with their games
>Wonder why they act like plebs and try policing them

Everything you say makes me insecure
Your silence makes you uncooperative which makes me insecure

What? Will they ban me for saying mean things on a private server with my friends?

shut up nigger

Yeah, Sup Forums loves Reddit

Yes because I'm not a toxic baby

I don't really give a shit. I don't play online because most people there are retarded kids on energy drinks.


Why even put taunts in your game in the first place if this is a concern

yes and they will shut down the server

what are the chances people will stop playing the game because of this
I'd like to see that

Looking forward to it actually. If you have to be an ass hat to enjoy yourself in a game then why bother playing.

And no, im not against banter, but saying 'Lol youre so fucking bad'' isnt banter. At least be clever

Suck it nerd

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>God you idiots are fucking dumb.
Woah bro, no need to be so toxic, maybe a short ban will calm your temper :)

This gay shit just makes me love fighting games more day by day

grow up and get better faggot nigger ch

>oh no, I can't call people niggers online anymore!





Anything partially owned by tencent is the least private you could ever be

>mfw Sup Forums BTFO
black woman for emphasis

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What would happen is that it would target Sup Forums shitposting at first but then the word "toxic" will become more and more vague as it will be mainly used for nitpicks like someone picking the wrong character or telling someone to shut up and play the game. Ironically the people who will fight toxicity will be the ones who are actually toxic as it will cannibalize themselves once someone steps out of line.

>mentioning god or religion.

Sorry user. Gotta ban you for triggering the atheist and non Christian people here. Please try to refrain from further toxic behaviour.

>what are the chances people will stop playing the game because of this
it stopped me from playing league of legends after i got banned for calling someone a retard because he wouldn't stop complaining about our teammate "ping spamming" instead of just muting the fucker

Doing too well is considered toxic. It can mean anything so it means nothing.

I dunno. It'd be nice if people being pieces of shit wasn't the norm literally everywhere on the internet and people behaved like human beings in most public forums.

Not here, of course. I come here specifically because I don't have to be a decent human being here.

Guess we need a toxic avenger to clean up the mess gaming has become.

When will we be able to report people for being toxic on Sup Forums? I'm sick of the bullying

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I can’t wait to see all the butthurt from underage Sup Forumstards getting banned

blizzard are shit, riot are beyond shit, twitch is run by garbage sjws but will continue to suffer if they stop streamers having fun - and amazon can't afford more divisions that don't make money - and discord won't do jack shit

who fucking cares?
steam aren't gonna do anything
if you play blizzard shite and riot shite you're subjecting yourself to that willingly, more fool you
these people will literally never change gaming communities and culture
and stifling opposing views and shittalk doesn't magically make people stop having them, it just makes them stronger anyway

I don't even get the logic behind this. You'll just push people away with authoritarian censorship and people who welcome this would've just as likely rolled over no matter what. I can't wait for "where did all the players disappear to?" headlines in about six months or so.


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this is why you only play with a group of close knit friends

>never antagonize others in game
>always try my best to be friendly and create positive interactions with teammates and opponents alike
>none of these changes will affect me in the least

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>now when truly toxic cunts like me grief people, i can report their salt and get them banned for being rightfully pissed off

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I like how the only place that complains about this is Sup Forums
It's not like any of you are capable of banter, don't give me that shit, all you faggots do is spam "cuck" at someone and then get mad when you can't do that anymore

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I sure am ready to continue playing none of their games!

Just walk away. Just walk away.

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Fucking SJW cucks, you won’t take my free speech rights to say nigger away from me

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look, I call people niggers all the time in tf2 but i wouldn't cry about it like a little niggerfaggot if i wasn't allowed to do it anymore

you are all pathetic

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lel. You know all your conversations are stored server side, right? They don't let you erase your chat history for that reason. You could have said something """""toxic""""" to some random jerkoff in 2016 and if Discord or any of these companies cares enough they'll just run a keyword search and fuck you over.

This. Taunts, innocent banter like gg ez, picking characters you want to play, getting even a little heated, all will be b&

>I'm not allowed to call some teammate a fucking autistic nigger anymore


It's a powerful weapon that lets you report people for the most mundane of reasons and some sort of ban will still be applied due to the games enforcing this kind of behavior don't have any actual GMs to review the cases.

You can also be a shitter and use it to report racism but that's the pussy ass bitch way of exploiting the toxicity report system.

I don't know but it makes me think of System of a Down

>these are the people who call you soyboys on Sup Forums

it's funny how this was always planned, and how gamergate was your inkling that you'd lose this battle

hope you get the death penalty

I mean private insofar it is only we in the server, so nobody will report anyone else or create bullshit drama. Of course I don't believe that we have privacy when it comes to the devs of the program.

There's nothing wrong with banter or calling someone names in an online game

I'm going to play Overwatch while I recite passages from the Torah in Hebrew, while loudly clearing my throat and hacking up phlegm and I will report everyone who complains for antisemitism :^)

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Fact toxicity is subjective means it's utterly useless and only options is to enforce it arbitrarily with an iron fist so you try to exterminate "bad think" in general

Make it look like good PR, whilst at the same time gearing up for plans to decrease liability under FOSTA.

Good show, blizzard.

They can’t beat human nature.

you shouldn't care. these changes will only affect the vocal 0,01% that makes up 99% of flamewars.

this means fewer less crybabies and underage players in all these games. meanwhile, Sup Forums believe this is some grand conspiracy to have them castrated or something.

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>Digital distribution is a good thing!
Fuck off

this would never have been a problem if certain emotionally underdeveloped manchildren had been able to display a modicum of self-control, but not, they ruined it for all of us.

pretty toxic desu

Is "reporting for toxic behavior" over an online game THE most soyboy thing possible?

You'd need to have a T count in the double digits to do this.

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>who fucking cares?
We heard that before, it always gets worse.
These terrible companies coming together can only influence others to do the same shit. I wouldn't like to see steam join them

Niggers aren't allowed hear

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Shut up worm

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What did Gohan mean by this?

They already do. There is a massive debate and beginning legal process in most Western countries about permissable behaviour on the internet and regulating it. Censorship of free speech in favour of mainstream opinions, even if they are wrong or silly, just to appease a fictional ideal of harmony that society and its disaparity does not have. The EU has a right to get media reports about a company or individual removed from public record as everyone should be forgiven. Germany approved actively censoring social media recently. Educational facilities in the US, especially those for higher education like colleges, have their members and teachers silenced by an angry mob of rebelling youth who claims their feelings being hurt is a bad thing instead of them trying to change their ways.
Combined with the advent of full self-enclosed automation or AI and various movements for total control and regulation of information flow on the internet we live in a very dystopian era.
The instant the economy collapses and social disparity worsens to a point the welfare of individuals or their offspring are threatend those legal systems and technological means will be used against the population by those who manage to remain in charge or seize control.

t. banned cuckold

That's typically how it is in life, actually. The savage retards rampage everywhere, abusing freedoms and then actions are taken to curtail the retards that affect everyone.

I innocently antagonize people then report them when they finally call me a retard

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This, people are so mean spirited. No camaraderie anymore.

While there is something to people who spend their days on Sup Forums and then forget how to interact with normal people, this is definitely a push for MUH FEELINGS instead of telling people to develop a backbone and realize IT'S FUCKING ONLINE. Don't like what you hear? You can mute the assholes.

the creator of this image made it while waiting for his ban to expire

you're right I can't think of anything more soy

saved that image btw, fucking hilarious. triggers the soyboys that defend this shit

>in discord
>say a banned word
>get time out
You heard it here first

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>All these women spouting the exact same flawed argument on this thread

Men don't want you, being a whiny controlling bitch on the internet won't change the fact that not even nu-males want to date you.

the gayer times

What do you mean decade? We're going to be stuck in one year forever, all because the educated intellectuals can't read anything longer than a twitter post. Oh well, 1984 here we come.

Yeah, I stopped buying games altogether and gave up online multiplayer. Not that I even went through this bullshit as I dropped online games when they all started sucking, long before the mentally ill took over, but the reports are sickening regardless.

Until eventually you exterminate everyone that is part of the playerbase. It spreads like a toxic in the air.

If you violate the NAP against me on Sup Forums I will see it as an act of war and you will go from having imaginary problems to real problems very quickly.

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Close to zero. The same argument of "but consumers will surely stop using the software" had been made against DRM, DLC and certain types of software licensing in the past.