>game punishes you for finishing a level early
Game punishes you for finishing a level early
Other urls found in this thread:
>game mocks you for picking an easier difficulty setting
Yaoi belongs in the trash.
>game changes your avatar to pic related when you lower difficulty
Gonna need some sauce
how do you say "jesus, man" in japanese
Are traps yaoi?
mattaku mo
fuck off gay
Asking the real questions here.
But really, I don't think so. Just like all lesbian sex isn't strictly yuri, I wouldn't call traps yaoi material if they're strictly sexual like this. There's gotta be romance involved between the trap and another man, not just dickings.
Iesuu, otoko.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Fucking meme artist ruining his own shit
>Game actively makes fun of you for it throughout it
The first and last time that I masturbated to gae, but cummed gallons
Sauce me up
>and last
ah i remember when i thought the same thing
>game knows you were reading a strategy guide
Give me an example.
There is romance between those two in the OP pic though.
oh, fuck
I know this is just a porn thread, but has that ever happened?
That's a trap? Disgusting.
Reminder that even kaname found a nice boyfriend and is going steady
Why are you still alone Sup Forums?
>Just like all lesbian sex isn't strictly yuri
Since when? I would call any drawn image depicting lesbian sex yuri.
Kaname literally made me gay. Now I only get hard to traps.
not liking milkies is a criminal offence
>Not knowing Kaname
For shame.
user I don't live in a third world country
I'd argue no because traps typically appeal to men while yaoi typically appeals to fujoshis.
ff7 the huge materia on the rocket, a comment gets made that you must have known the code beforehand when you get it right on the first try
For me it was that one with the trap at the park.
It's a bit of a stretch and not related to the game mechanics at all but Sonic speedrunners generally want to finish levels a little later because of the time bonus.
Kaname is exclusively for choking and slapping the the smugness out of during intercourse
And that would be wrong. I'm going to unironically use the phrase "the male gaze" here because some girl-on-girl action is done purely for the entertainment of a male third party viewer. Yuri is when the two girls are actually attracted to each other and any sex is of their own volition. Note that characters can be depicted even in standalone pieces, but there is definitely a subtle difference even without any actual story or character development attached.
>looks like a boy
>covers boy face
>dude its a girl xd
That's a bulge
This. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to stop. Although 3D is disgusting to me. Maybe it’s just the art?
/u/ is filled with tons of goggles shit where there is no yuri in a series but viewers try to push it anyway for their own entertainment.
With crossdressing developing into a huge lifestyle and popular norm, and not simply the udnerground drag queen life style, what does Sup Forums predict the view on homosexuality and transexuality will be in the future?
Do you play video game with your friends Sup Forums?
>dude its a girl xd
says no one ever
>anal crossdressing footjob maid males only shotacon tomgirl yaoi
>game laughs at your outfit choice
>liking shopped shit
this, all traps need to cover their disgusting manjaws because they very well know they look like men with skirts
inb4 someone posts a surgically transgender guy with more silicon in his face than Sylvester Stallone.
i think someday we'll have the technology to do perfect transitions into male or female bodies
What did he mean by this?
From Wikipedia
>Yuri focuses on the sexual orientation or the romantic orientation aspects of the relationship, or both
Therefore, any drawn image depicting sex between two women is yuri.
Theres too much dialogue going on in these, make me feel like a real brainlet.
My dick does not give the slightest fuck my man :^)
Holy shit, this doujin was so fucking good. Trap on trap doujins are my shit.
remove kebab REMOVE KEBAB
>communist flag
Its just video games, user, take it easy and you can do it
There's a difference between "I want to see these girls have sex because it would be hot" and "I want to see these girls have sex because they would be so good for each other." Like I said, it's subtle.
Two girls can have sex and not be gay, thus not reflecting their sexual or romantic orientation. Basically what I'm saying is that "lesbian" porn often doesn't depict actual lesbians.
These sort of things come in cycles. We're at the peak degenerate cycle, expect things to swing wildly into the other direction. Either the west will capitulate under islamic rule and fags will be thrown out of buildings or a conservative wave like hitler's germany will take hold and public homosexuality will be outlawed.
That runescape quest where the NPC comments about how weird it is that you have the items he just requested in your inventory.
Game tells you how smart and powerful you are for choosing the easy difficulty. I’d like to see that just once.
This guy pisses me off but I still jerk off to him