Do you miss split-screen in vidya?

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Yes, I am honestly very annoyed most of the time I can't go online with my buds on the couch. So many games aren't co-op and it's annoying as fuck.

I miss the days when you didn't need an Internet connection to play a video game.

I don't have any friends now, so not really.

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what happened?

>you have to use a controler even though the game could be played on a single shared keyboard.
Wild Guns Reloaded was even worse at that since you can't even use a keyboard for one player, but only in the multiplayer mode

Jesus i remember playing medal of honor on the gamecube on a tv not larger than a tablet with 3 other i getting old

>you can't use controller, both of you have to play with the same keyboard
this bugged me with the original Lego Star Wars

>blocks your path

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>playing without matchmaking and the developer removing toxic people from your multiplayer

It's like you want to play with Sup Forums nazi LARPers.

I mean, if it's split screen and you don't want to play with those people, they must have broken into your house to play with you

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Frontline or Rising Sun? I never had friends so sometimes is play splotscreen myself.

There are tons of recent local coop games though, some good stuff like Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, the new Gauntlet, Wahoo 3D World.

a way out literally just came out like 16 hrs ago

The only ones who still do split screen are Nintendo.

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Look at this soy faggot

>console game about shooting/racing/etc
>doesn't have split screen
>still looks and runs like ass

I'm not sure you know what split-screen gaming means

I don't even have friends any-more. So i miss friends.

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Speaking of split screen, does the Master Chief Collection include local co-op? My nephew has an XBone and I thought about picking it up to play the capmaigns together.

>i don't understand shitposts

Dumb sapes

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Agree there is barely any fucking co op games for ps4 and a lot them look lime some indie dev garbage. To even use the 2nd controller you have put it in guest mode. so fucking retarded.