The vidya references in this fucking thing suck...

The vidya references in this fucking thing suck. This shit is basically fanfic-tier for kids who think they're too 'grown-up' for Harry Potter but in reality it only panders to the dipshits who play CoD.
The movie is gonna suck even harder.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This film is literally gonna be Reddit: The Movie. I can’t imagine what the theaters will be like

fuck you buddy
There's not a lot of good media that is videogame related, and the book is pretty good regardless

No shit, Sherlock

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Was this the first book you read?

>the book is pretty good regardless

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You weren't even born for the era of gaming or movie pop culture it's romanticising. Who gives a fuck what you think? Do you think Cline is crying himself to sleep? Do you think the movie will fail? What have YOU done with your life faggot?

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>takes a page out of context
>book is still a roaring success
>movie still getting good reviews

Well done faggot, you achived so much.

>and the book is pretty good regardless
maybe if this and are your standard of literarture

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Look up the word prose and get back to me. Maybe then you will understand why you sound like a fucking spastic.

What the fuck is this cuck shit? Jesus Christ

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>out of context
>page is nothing but titles and references
What fucking context is there to understand?

Did the book stop selling? Why are you upset about it? What is fucking wrong with you. Silly little cunt, stay mad.

I can see this will be the new Scott Pilgrim, down to the annoying hipster audience.

>s-sales indicate quality!!
wtf I love transformers and twilight now

The funny part is that when the writer tries to break away from references, the end result is even worse

Does he get a cameo, I heard it somewhere

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>and the book is pretty good regardless
How old are you? 14?

>annoying hipster audience
You weren't even fucking born to experience these games or these movies during their cultural impact you silly hypocritical moron. But please tell me all about how YOU 'get them'.

Is referential humor the lowest form of humor?

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In the name of the wind. Another classic for the crowd that pretends to like fantasy/sci fi.


>You're going to see RPO, aren't you user? You're into nerd stuff, right?

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Reference humour is fine, provided that the joke works even if you don't get the reference.
Compare and contrast Airplane with something like Epic Movie.
Or Alice in Wonderland with Reddit player one.

No, and I still think he writes like a 17 year old making shitty fanfics.

No, Fuck YOU for accepting garbage just cause "Muh Vidjagaems"

The worst part of the book isn't even the videogame angle itself, but the fucking rose-colored glasses the size of Neptune it's wearing. This is all the book has, a bunch of obscure references to 80s shit that the author most likely grew up with. it's quite literally Borderlands: The Book.

Thats ok, its not aimed at tweens like you.


Actually it IS aimed at tweens.
I can't seem to think any self-respecting adult pretending this is something more than something teenagers read in their spare time while they wait for their Fortnite game to load.
Seriously, if you're over 18 and this books is anywhere close your 'favorite books' you are beyond help.

dude references lol

The funny part is that the author doesn't get the irony of his plot, which is based around nostalgia being used by a corporation to milk retards out of their money.
If I thought for a second Cline had any self awareness, RPO would be a work of genius.

I read the book a while ago, and yeah, it's cringe-worthy and pathetically structured in many parts, but I would admit that it's kinda entertaining, still, I can't seem to fathom how this would translate decently on film.
I've seen the two trailers and it seems like they're only going to hold onto the main plot just barely to make room for all the DUDE LOOK AT ALL THE VIDEOGAMES AND POP CULTURE REFERENCES.

Which is ironic because the most cringe-worthy parts of the book are those waves of references
Yeah, I think this is the worst part of the book for what I recall, but I'm not really sure, I won't be reading this shit a second time just to remember, mind you.

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lmao yeah it is

/lit/ here

RPO is the prime exemple of what you should never do when writing a book, but will make tons of cash anyway...
The WHOLE FUCKING BOOK can be summarized by "hey did you catch that reference ? *wink*"

your going to go see it right?

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>that leg

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>it's quite literally Borderlands: The Book.
Fuck... you are right

Yeah, and that makes the differences between the Oasis people and the IoI (or whatever is called) less aparent to those who actually understand said irony.
Why is the oasis people better than those other who seek to get to the fortune?


Well, I'd actually want to watch an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny movie so already it's better than RPO

Hi, Ernest


fucking kek

I'd rather watch the ultimate orgy of homosexuality than RPO.

>/lit/ here
Fuck off.

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Fuck Sup Forums niggers.

that sounds extremely painful

>the ultimate orgy of homosexuality
So, a Sup Forums meetup?

I kind of enjoyed the dystopian setting outside of the Oasis. I think it would have been a much better book if at some point it shifted from the perfect Oasis to the completely garbage real world like I thought it would. It seemed like the whole book was playing with the message of "you can't hide from reality forever" just to blue ball for the most part at the end.

It's okay to be jealous Sup Forums, your board will never be /lit/, I get that the neverending shitpost is getting to your nerves.

>he hasn't seen the ultimate orgy
It's surprisingly well animated compared to the original

Wrong. Scott Pilgrim had no marketing and was a commercial flop.

This is being made by that jew Spielberg and coincidentally has lots of his creations in it.

did you know that john galt's speech being like 60 pages long is bad writing

if sales indicated quality then beyond good and evil would be the biggest best seller of all time

>I think it would have been a much better book if at some point it shifted from the perfect Oasis to the completely garbage real world like I thought it would
>It seemed like the whole book was playing with the message of "you can't hide from reality forever" just to blue ball for the most part at the end.
Since there's going to be a sequel because the fat fuck is also hungry for even more money, it will probably deal with that issue, most likely in the stupidest way possible.

This is Moby DIck. The author is just copying and pasting things that they don't understand, then using that as a framework to build a story.

He's referenced like two or three times in the book, so it's not really a surprise the movie was directed by him.
But again, the licensing issues are what makes the movie at least a BIT interesting to watch, I guess.

Suprised he didnt mention bullet bill was an enemy from mario

Can anyone give me a rundown of the vidya references in the book? Preferably someone who actually read the damn book instead of using it like toilet paper?

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isn't everything moby dick?

You are surely aware that the 50 shades serie of book was number one of the sells for months ?
If I follow you, that means 50 shade is a masterpiece am I right ?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

The framing is that the person who designed the escapist VR was Cline's Self Insert, and the references are used as a thematic treasure map of sorts.

>literally featuring dante from the devil may cry
at what point does your soul die when reading this? my soul died at around sid from fucking ice age

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I can understand references in the book since they're just names and probably are things the creator likes too, but the movie has none of that.

I'm sure it was some sort of "have your IP here" auction thing, and that's how we get shit like this. I'm not familiar with the book, but the story takes place in the future, about 2040 or something right? Who is gonna remember Overwatch 10 years from now? This movie is just "Marketing to Epic Nerds".

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>The movie is gonna suck even harder.

Early reviews were shit, weren't they? Surprising for a Spielberg movie.

coolest people on earth watching an awesome movie having a great time , then going home to play on their VR "just like in the movies"

this page feels like it exists solely for the author to wank himself off
this is terrible

My soul died when I saw the shot on . Fucking Chun Li second to britbong lesbo from flavor of the month.

>/lit/ and Sup Forums shitting on hollywood faggots

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Yes, and it doesn't make sense in the context of the book either. I mean, there are some maps in the oasis where it explitictly mentions they licensed X or Y stuff like D&D or some movies or shit like that, but it never says that you can create a character exactly like Tracer and run around like a faggot in some sort of cheap Second Life wannabe.

The game is not supposed to be open source or anything.

I'm pretty sure /tg/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums will join the party at some point.
This will be like the Dobson of movies.

>Who is gonna remember Overwatch 10 years from now?
>Who's going to remember one the best selling, and we'll received games of 2016 ten years from now?

I’m sorry but are you that fucked in the head that you can’t remember a video game from 10 years ago?

>Make book about references
>Even his commentary is just references for the references he made
Can't make this shit up.

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Also Sup Forums and /m/.

>there are actually people defending cline

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Basically the guy who made the virtual world everyone inhabits is some autist half John Carmack and half Ernest Cline. who was obssessed with the 80s and since he was an autist he never got married or had children so he left his entire ownership stake of the virtual world he created up for grabs with a scavenger hunt.

Said scavenger hunt being based all around his love for 80s bullshit. The entire beginning of the book is quite literally a D&D dungeon, that at the end you fight a lich to an arcade game. Yes, an arcade console where you play a game against a fucking skeleton on a dungeon taken literally out of a D&D module. Inside his virtual reality game.

I dropped the book ever since.

Go away Jeff Kuckplan

>people made jokes about battleborn being in the movie because of duke nukem
>battleborn actually is in the movie
Fucking Randy

Reading literally le site that must not be le named: THE BOOK

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But it has no recognizable characters? Who did they use?

why the fuck does she have palmer luckeys fat face

Sup Forums has already been shitting on this

It goes /lit/ -> Sup Forums -> Sup Forums so far

>we'll received

>John Carmack
But Carmack is the quintessencial alpha-beta dude, he has kids and all that shit.
I'm pretty sure that fat fuck Cline was a virgin until the success of his shitty book gave him some pussy and STILL wrote shit like this
Jesus christ.

You can't name a generic 2006 game from the top of your head.

I know modern Sup Forums, they'll be all over this.

>the combined hatred for this movie brings the boards together
beautiful honestly

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Holy shit he actually does have brain problems.

i like smart women too, but writing essays about nice guy porn is top shelf stuff

Battleborn : El Dragón, Toby, and Ambra are seen in the crowd of Oasis civilians during the final battle. Attikus, Benedict, and Miko are seen walking around the Oasis

I used Carmack because Cline's self-insert is some sort of technological God. The autism is entirely on Cline's part.

Ok let's make a full list, in no particular order except for /lit/ because that's the original source of this fucking evil

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Feel free to add more.

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The only joy I'm gonna get out of this shitheap is the Is It Kino about it

randy should have demanded a cameo him kneeling in a bathroom instead

I took it as extreme overpopulation and wealth inequality, but it was not actually explained at all. It did shift to reality for a while in parts, but only so either the main character could get back into the Oasis or so he could accomplish something for the Oasis.
I mean clearly a big part of the reason the world is so shit is because everyone is just concentrated on their own short-term pleasure which is exemplified through the world's addiction to the Oasis and that in itself is possibly a big contributing factor, but I feel like the author came to a crossroad where it was either some deeper meaning and examination of humanity or more money.