How would you have made Fallout 4 better?

How would you have made Fallout 4 better?

Attached: 4.jpg (640x360, 80K)

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Hire actual writers


Diablo clone

>Level Cap
>Weapon Mod and ammunition system like in New Vegas but with more options
>Power Armour rarer
>More real, less procedually generated fetch/kill raiders quests
>less retarded plot
>Brotherhood as what they have always been, not neo-Enclave

this,also no voiced protagonist or main story

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Jezz i dont know.. maybe make it as an actual rpg? Also the fact that blizzard still uses "click door to loading screen and be teleported to another inside map" is pathetic

I think adding RPG elements would improve the game.


Have obsidian make it and make sure any future games have an atmosphere more like 1/2/NV but are still in first person