How would you have made Fallout 4 better?
How would you have made Fallout 4 better?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hire actual writers
Diablo clone
>Level Cap
>Weapon Mod and ammunition system like in New Vegas but with more options
>Power Armour rarer
>More real, less procedually generated fetch/kill raiders quests
>less retarded plot
>Brotherhood as what they have always been, not neo-Enclave
this,also no voiced protagonist or main story
Jezz i dont know.. maybe make it as an actual rpg? Also the fact that blizzard still uses "click door to loading screen and be teleported to another inside map" is pathetic
I think adding RPG elements would improve the game.
Have obsidian make it and make sure any future games have an atmosphere more like 1/2/NV but are still in first person
>no forced backstory
>no voiced protagonist
>factions that didn't range from incompetent to unlikable retards
>more enemy variety instead of a million NPCs all called Raider
>better and more creative armour design - less toilet bowls and more Mad Max
>settlement building that had a purpose
>a more interesting setting
I could go on
Included actual skill values.
>that pic
first time Fallout 4 made me laugh
- pick from a number of different starting scenarios
- create your own back story
- game is an actual rpg
- not copying 95% of the game from skyrim
- expansive dialog (not all of it has to be voiced)
- build mode being actually meaningful and your settlement getting attacked by more than 2 super mutants
- ghouls are ghouls and not mummies
No voiced protagonist
Old dialogue system
Vague backstory like FO1, FO2, New Vegas
More interesting factions (The Railroad was the stupidest shit in the series)
Get rid of the level cap for perks
>hating on 2
>falling for that meme
Added a join able Enclave faction
-No voiced MC
-Better factions
-Non of that pipe weapon garbage
-Level cap
-No level scaling
-Ammo types (AP, HP, JHP, Overcharge cells)
-More weapons/ variety
Seems fine to me.
finally a good answer
huh looks neat, is it compatible for VR?
I don't think so
integrated port mode on release
>ditch gamebryo
>scrap settlement building
>scrap radiant quests
>scrap weapon upgrade system
>scrap all existing weapons and replace them with new ones (IRL firearms, reworked energy weapons, NO pipe weapons)
>scrap human synths
>scrap original background story
>give Institute a real agenda
>add 3 Balmora-sized settlements at least
>don't make them look like shantytowns built by seven-year-olds
>remove raiders, gunners and random super mutants, add aggressive but not hostile by default factions with their own settlements and agendas as low tier enemies
>replace vaults except for 81
>add "'send to stash" option when picking up items or make junk weigh 0
>add skill (perk) checks
>slash quests by 50% and threaten writers to execute them if every quest doesn't have at least two possible solutions with different outcomes
OP said better.
>scrap settlement building
it was fun though
I just want guns that feel special again
Finding a unique weapon was amazing
Now every weapon can be legendary and offers nothing unique to the “unique” weapon itself.
But it was tedious and slowed the game down
Settlement building should be a tool used to edit settlements not from within the game
I don’t care that a settlement with 200 defense needs my help because even though it is surrounded with a hundred turrets, the enemies randomly spawn in the middle
I uninstalled the game after they ruined the robotics expert perk. Only a blind fanboy in denial would agree with such a "fix", when really theres no reason to use it now.
It's like, Jesus Christ if I don't buy a game with micro transactions I get somebody to tell me how to play my single player game.
No wonder gaming is declining.
I just wished there was an economic side to the whole settlement building. Like a farm could produce food and livestock, or a settlement close to the city had more access to scrap metal.
go play minecraft you fucking autist
great, some autist did in 200 in-game hours what a level designer should've done in eight in GECK
settlement building was Bethesda telling you
>you expected a decent game world? just build your own setting haha
it was a last-minute addition and it's literally nothing more than a frustratingly primitive interface that lets you edit the map in-game
>build a giant fucking settlement
>max you can have is around 20 settlers, all with shit pathfinding
You can't have your cake and eat it too
let obsidian make it with Chris Avellone
>max you can have is around 20 settlers
are you on console? On PC you can around 30-35
I love when people post picture like this when everyone who ever played Fallout 4 for an hour knows this would be literally impossible without mods that change collision meshes, building budgets and building borders, with nothing that could fix navmeshes for the NPCs who will never be able to navigate a place like that, let alone would slow down the game to a crawl and most likely crash every time you load into the cell.
>impossible without mods
I wouldn't play skyrim or fallout without them
An easy way would be to forget 3 existed.
I guarantee you Fallout 3 will get a "10 year Anniversary Remaster" this E3
>author says he gets a whole whopping 10 fps with a 980 TI
define "RPG elements"
>Post apocalyptic wasteland where people kill each other for funnies
>Absolutely no rape or sexual violence to be spoken of
It should be option you unlock after beating the game it would fix every problem most people had with it.
you know this would actually work and I think at one point someone wanted to make a mod like this for fallout 4 but bethesda immediately stopped him or her.
How about an engine that doesn't have a loading screen for every buiding you enter?
>260 years after the bombs fell
When are people going to pick up the trash?
When are they going to build actual shelters?
Not having enemies spawn INSIDE settlements when they attack so defense turrets can actually have the potential to wipe a threat out before the player even gets a notification a settlement is under attack.
>Dude you can do anything lmao place those turrets wherever!
>But yeah you're going to have to stop what you're doing and fast travel back every time a settlement is under attack because we're all a bunch of useless flailing retards that can't defend ourselves lol
>make non canon
Just it.
I could forgive a lot of stuff in Fallout 4 if they made even the smallest effort in building the world. I hated finding a new location and being immediately able to chuck it into a combat or settlement bin.
Probably the best example is the combat arena where you recruit Cait. You get the idea that maybe there's a raider settlement you can speech check your way into or maybe a questline to become arena champ, but no. Just kill the raiders and loot a bunch of garbage you need to craft.
There are a few other spots like this on the map. The robot race track (running races and taking bets for 200 years, but as soon as you walk up it turns into a boring combat encounter).
The game world just feels stagnant in general and I am not sure BGS cares about doing anything more than building a theme park with power armor, mutants, and dumb crafted weapons they can market / turn into funko pop accessories.
Bethesda doesn't understand that Fallout after 1 is about rebuilding society, rather than the focus being a Mad Max-esque wasteland.
Even the first settlement you encounter in the first game is a newly built settlement (Shady Sands).
Real choices that matter
This is not up for debate.
>This is not up for debate.
3 was better than 4
Keep RPG elements
Keep the ammo types from NV and make them craftable
Go less hard on settlement stuff. A small handfull of locations or even less that you could have more detail and customization with would have been better than just dumping a load of small places to fuck with.
Remove voiced MCs
Held off power armor until maybe 60% thru the game or behind a brotherhood questline or something.
Change the plot or something because going from my baby has been kidnapped to fucking around for 20 hours before picking that back up and acting like nothing happened makes no fucking sense for a parent. Oh, and no forced backgrounds for the MCs.
For me, I think they were equally shit.
I... Agree with you, actually.
pipe guns were in fallout 2
Why does that mean that he wants them in 4?
I made that picture
>Get rid of the fucking disgusting perk system and bring back the old one
>Change the god awful dialogue options from yes, yes, yes and no back to the amazing dialogue options from previous games
>Given you a reason to actually build anything other than for fun and make things look cool
>Most pipe guns look ugly as hell
>Wish power armor wasn't so easy to use/obtain power cells for, when i finished the main story i had about 50+ power cells j chillin
I'm a huge fan of all the fallout games, it took some getting used to to enjoy F4 but it could've been alot better.
Going back and playing 3 again for the first time in years after 4 I was actually pleasantly surprised.
make more
More freedom in my character. It was always just a father/mother looking for their kid, with some potential for "maybe we'll let you do other sidequests"
Lemmie make a character or be myself, and not care for some lame kid who i've known all of 2 minutes
>Better writing
>Actual new engine that would get more than 30fps with tons of stuttering in city areas with a i5 4460
>No voice for player character
>Vehicles would be cool, flying around in a vertibird would be a ton of fun
>Implement fast travel in a more immersive form
>Better character building by getting rid of crafting perks and replacing them with crafting diagrams. Also perks in general need to be rebalanced in order to make more character builds viable, adding to replay ability.
Anything to add to this anyone?
I actually had a lot of fun in The Pitt
I made several around the same time as the first
it made me laugh, thanks
Who ever thought the dialogue wheel was a good idea needs to be shot
>Who ever thought the dialogue wheel was a good idea needs to be shot
Pete Hines
The quality kinda varies for these things
Last one
Gameplay becomes barely enjoyable with Tale of Two Wastelands and 100 more mods but the plot is still dogshit.
>tfw no Nighstalker pup
Do nightstalkers have a knot or hemipenis? haha
-Just update and polish the engine of New Vegas.
-No rush to launch, let the team implement all of their vision
-A protag with background? Frozen from the pre-war era? Nice, but really explore the contrast, make him really out of place, play the anguish of the lost past and world fully. Not a moron who can only say: Yes, no, sarcastic yes.
-No more fucking shacks favelas, shanty towns, or "post-apocolipitics" deserts with dead trees
-no retarded factions like Railroad, looking to rescue robot slaves while people can't even go inside a city without raaaaaiders and supermutants around
-no lore raping. No supermutants in the east coast, no enclave, nothing that doesn't make sense according to the previous lore
- no bottlecaps and things like that just because HEY MAN ITS FALLOUT! BOTTLECAPS!!!11
Fallout 1 was short though
so are you.
>How would you have made Fallout 4 better?
Like this
I recognize that art on those posters.