Why do people want Crash in Smash so damn much? I get the occasional person thinking it'd be pretty cool...

Why do people want Crash in Smash so damn much? I get the occasional person thinking it'd be pretty cool, but holy fuck I see people wanting Crash more than people wanting Ridley or Goku.

Then again I don't even like Crash as a character so I'm probably not going to get it.

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You fucking autistic fucks never shut up about that uh

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His power is that he can spin and...
Huh, that's it.

Crash just seems like a good fit for the series with his character, attack style, and power-ups. Imagine a nice Crash stage with the TNT boxes.

Someone please explain the Goku meme to me. I ask this every thread and no one ever answers. What does Goku have to do with Nintendo?

>mentioning Goku is a standard of frequent requests automatically means I want him in

Why are people against more video game characters being in Smash? The more the merrier.

It's a very specific form of autism. Whenever a new port is announced for the Switch, people think that means a character from that game is going to be in Smash.


>Reading comprehension

Very little. People just like goku

Maybe they just want to see the sonyfags tears

People love Goku. Super popular, super recognizable, and a lot of people have a lot of nostalgia with him. He's a fighter, and he's appeared in quite a few games on Nintendo systems, so the people who unironically want him in get delusional and think he actually has a chance. Closest they'll ever get is Ryu or Brawl Lucario.

I'm not against it, I just don't get why so many people want this character specifically. Like... why Crash? What makes him so special for Smash Bros.? Why not Spyro? He's appeared in as many Nintendo games as Crash has, maybe more, and there's a LOT more you could do with a moveset.

>A lot more.
>Flamethrower and ice breath.
>A glide move.

Ridiculous. May as well be asking for Shrek.

As opposed to crash who has only a spin?

Have you even played a Spyro game before? Or just seen him in Skylanders?

I agree. At least the responses you just got admitted he doesn't have anything to do with vidya. In all the other threads, people really argue as if he really deserves it. It's fucking stupid

Yeah, neither of them are good.

He has multiple different types of fire breath, the horn charge, ice, electric, and water abilities, Sparx the dragonfly, gliding, and a good number of other abilities.

Crash has spinning.

Sonic only has spinning, he'd never be a Smash character.

>Why not Spyro?
What makes him so special for Smash Bros.?

I'd like if he was included but I also understand his chances are slim.

>Man that hone rush side-b would be such a good move that Sakurai would love to put into the game.
Dragon's better than Crash sure but that's not saying much.

Help me fill out Raymans moveset, lads. I imagine he'll look like his original Rayman model but in 3D and less cute, something like a less smug Rayman 3 model.

>regular attack combo is his rayman origins attack button combo
>tilts are his rayman origin hold attack attacks
>dash attack is ____ ?
>smashes are short range huge fist winds in all directions, except for down which is a huge foot kick
>neutral b changes depending on powerfup. by default is a wind up punch throw, exactly as done in the original rayman
>up b creates a pink lum for him to automatically latch onto and swing from as it travels up for a moment, similar to snakes up b
>side b is _____ ?
>down b spawns a random powerup from rayman 3, which grants him a few seconds of a different neutral b special. iron fist does much bigger damage, electric claws does shock damage, tornado fists launches people upwards, missile fist has huge launch power
>grab attack is ____ ?
>final smash gives him rainbow hair and golden and silver sparkly fist from original game, so he can fly around throwing enomously powerful punches with great launch potential
>one of his taunts is the mean tongue waggling he pulls both in rayman 1 for no reason and rayman 3 to turn black lums into red lums

They could probably give crash a TNT box move like they gave sonic a spring move but it's still not enough to build an entire Moveset.

I recall he also has a body slam in his arsenal, and is known for riding hogs in some levels of the games. Invincible ooga booga mask is a given for his final smash.

>dash attack
Origins/Legends dash attack
>Up B not his helicopter hair
>side b
That shot thing from Rayman 2

>I imagine he'll look like his original Rayman model but in 3D and less cute

Nintendo already made a 3D model for him and put him in as a trophy in Smash 4 for some odd reason. You can expect him to look something like this.

Attached: RaymanTrophyWiiU.png (512x512, 127K)

Sonic also has springs, spin dashing, various power ups including the fire and magnet shields, and Super Sonic.

Crash literally just has spinning and Aku Aku. Like... there is nothing else without getting really abstract.

Nothing, and that's my point. Why is Crash the one I constantly hear requested over anybody else? Crash is the only character I consistently hear on practically every list people make of characters they want.

>it's still not enough to build an entire Moveset
Like that stopped Duck Hunt and Pac-Man from being in with uncreative movesets

>Why is Crash the one I constantly hear requested over anybody else?
Because he's the most popular "Sony" mascot. On top of that, being "special" no longer means anything when you can get things like Wii Fit Trainer or characters attacking with sprites from their own game.

I'm of course keenly aware of his helicopter hair, but in no game has it ever made him fly upwards except when using the rainbow/pink and blue potion from the first game. It wouldn't look right if got to use that every time he uses up b. Certainly though he would be able to hover using helicopter hair by holding jump.

Once made 3D, his Legends interpration is actually a good mix of the original and Rayman 3, so this looks really fine.

>but in no game has it ever made him fly upwards
It should be like DK's recovery. Great for horizontal recovery, weak for vertical.

Crash for Smash Rhymes, its iconic, sony tears, can have a good moveset, great stage, final smash. Crash is my megaman.

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Why do people want Ridley in smash? It's just an ugly ass purple bird.

His helicopter hair is so iconic that I couldn't argue with it being tweaked in this way just to be represented. Sonic's neutral B, after all, makes him slowly levitate up before attacking which has never actually been an ability of his in any Sonic game. Because Rayman swinging from pink lums (or metal hooks) has been a staple of the original trilogy though, I would like that to be represented somehow in his moveset too, and his helicopter hair would fit more faithfully as a glide.

>good moveset
I'm sure they'd come up with A moveset, but what makes you think it'd be good?

B Spin, Down B Body Slam, Side B TNT Crate Throw, Up B... Crate Bounce?

Where's it get interesting?

God damn can you imagine if both Crash and Rayman actually made it in?

There would be a video game with Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Crash, and Rayman in it. That sounds fucking insane.

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Its just memes.
Everyone wants Goku.

If Bomberman didn't get in why even bother? It'd just be an incomplete set.

>Mega Man

I can't even think who's missing from such a star studded list.

Banjo Kazooie

There's a lot of stuff that could be taken from the trilogy he can use in his moveset. Its like saying "Diddy's power is that he can cartwheel. And..."

Not him but neutral B shouldn't be spin because he should be able to do it easily while moving. I think it would be his standard and running A attacks. Neutral B is probably Wumpa Bazooka

Since no one gave you the real answer

When the first smash came out everyone memed and said, "dude goku is in the game just beat it on hard with one life as jiggly puff and you get him"
That was even on trusted cheat sites that tell you how to unlock shit.
So ever since then people want Goku in
Because some fag lied on the internet and for some treason people believed him

If Konami is holding onto Snake by the balls, I doubt Bomberman would ever have the chance.

I know it's the exception but Beneath the Sanctuary of Rock and Lava.

Happens every time Smash is announced
>duh character is practically GUARANTEED A SPOT etc etc


I used to write autistic fanfictions about Mario, Sonic, Crash and Rayman teaming up as a kid.
I need this.

What if his helicopter hair worked the same way as peach's float?

>Doom Guy
>Pixelated sprite
>Inoffensive jpeg guns
>glass cannon that gets launcher super easily but does huge damage
>every single move in his moveset is a gun
>neutral attack pistol
>smash attacks in any direction is a different gun depending how long you charge it, starting with pistol and ending with rocket launcher
>tilt attacks are laser cannons
>neutral b shotgun
>up down and side b all rocket launchers that launch doomguy in the opposite direction so instead of a dedicated recovery he just fucking blows himself all over the place once in the air
>final smash is BFG with unlimited ammo for a brief period

Attached: 1393096057586.png (444x339, 156K)

>also grab is chainsaw
>a picture of his face hovers behind his health percentage and changes accordingly to the situation and his percentage number but without blood
>activates berserk once at 999% where his neutral attack becomes an instant punch with homerun bat power just to include it

Anyone who's played warped wants him cause warped game him the perfect moveset.

Duck hunt was creative as fuck.

Alright now we are getting somewhere.

Literally why didn't he make it in yet?

>B Paint Blob
Mickey flings a blob of paint forward in an arc, the longer it's held the further he flings it. The color is random and each color has a different effect.

>Side B Paint Spray
Mickey releases a flamethrower-like spray of rainbow paints, dealing continuous damage, pushing enemies back, and painting them a random color with matching effect.

>Down B Paint Swipe
Mickey will swipe his brush at his feet, leaving a streak of rainbow paint in place that creates a temporary platform (if used in air) that only Mickey and his allies can use. If the paintbrush touches an enemy they will be painted with a random color, receiving the matching effect.

>Up B Paint Mixer
Mickey will spin his brush above his head, lifting himself into the air like a helicopter and splattering various colored paint blots around him that paint enemies with matching effect. If the spinning brush hits an enemy they will take continuous damage and be lifted briefly.

>Final Smash Paint Paint Go Away
Mickey will summon a massive storm that rains down large damaging drops of randomly colored paint all across the stage, leaving puddles of paint that slow enemies who step in them. Drops and puddles paint enemies with their matching color and effect.

Attached: Mickey_standing.png (404x404, 91K)

Because some retards think "OH HIS GAME IS GETTING ON THE SWITCH, THAT MEANS HE'S SUPER VIABLE TO BE IN THE GAME" for some fucking reason, when that has never been the case for any new third party character in any Smash.

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Not a video game character

One day, Cloud was revealed in Smash, and there are actual people that see him as a anime character first, and a video game character second, so that's what started people saying that Goku could get in. Because apparently once you have a anime movie, you stop being a character that originated from a video game.

Epic Mickey is a video game original character, based on a character who isn't. This particular version of Mickey Mouse is as different from Mickey as modern Sonic is from classic Sonic, and he was made specifically for a video game.

People have been asking for Goku since Melee, the fuck are you talking about?

Sure. And he has about as much chance of being in Smash as "Classic Sonic" does.

I loved playing Cloud Strife's game on Nintendo systems.

Its still mickey mouse and still not a character that originated from a video game.

Well now yeah, but that's why I don't get why he was excluded to begin with. He had two huge games on the Wii. It'd have been great advertising and at the time he was perfectly suited.

It's a different version of Mickey Mouse named Epic Mickey, though.

An exception proves the rule, it doesn't negate it. You can find exceptions for anything, but its a rule because its right a majority of the time, one or two instances doesn't disprove it.

Epic Mickey is still based on Mickey.
Just like Goku from a video game is still based on Goku from the manga/anime.

>An exception proves the rule
That's not what that phrase means

But Goku in literally any video game he has ever appeared in is still meant to be the original version of Goku. He's not a new character BASED on Goku made for a video game like Epic Mickey is, he's the same guy.

Epic Mickey is a completely new individual based on Mickey Mouse, he isn't the original Mickey Mouse himself. He IS a video game original.

You mean an exception doesn't prove the rule.

I'd take Crash over Goku

And it serves as a bonus fuck you to PS All-Stars not having him

Based on a cartoon character = not created 100% in their video game.

No I mean an exception proves the rule, as in, there being a exception proves that the rule covers the majority, means that the rule is valid cause its based on the majority.

Gibe Doomguy, Midna, and Rayman, pls.

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Link was based on Peter Pan, who is NOT a video game character. He's still in, though. Two of him, even.

DK is based on King Kong. Sonic is based on Bill Clinton. They're in. Why's this different?


almost as deluded as Gokufags

He's getting a port to the Switch. It's the same reason people think Doomguy has a chance. If Crash and Doomguy has a chance, then so does the protagonist from LA Noire.

No he was not, Link was not based on Peter Pan. There's a difference between based on, and inspired by.

>Been ported to SNES
>Ported to GBA twice
>N64 Exclusive
>Recent switch port

He's got more going for him than Snake did, save for maybe Carmack and Romero begging for his inclusion.

Attached: daisy.png (1065x1310, 2.74M)

>little boy who never ages
>from magical forest land with kids who never age
>runs around in tights and green tunic
>has a fairy

You're right, if anything they stole him.

We get it, you want your cartoon character in Smash, but it's not happening.

bill clinton for smash

>Crash has spinning.
Don't forget the fruit launcher.

>but in no game has it ever made him fly upwards

Rayman 3. They could also give him the grapple chain from that game. He can have a tether.

That's not the problem with Doomguy not being in Smash, think harder.

I'm yet to hear a good reason it never did. I know it's never going to, I'm mad it didn't to begin with. He should have been in Brawl.

You have to admit he'd be fun.

>not being
shit, didn't mean to put not there

>things like Wii Fit Trainer
To be fair, it does represent an era in Nintendo's history. They can't exactly represent Wii Sports, so they took the second best thing.

>oot is the only zelda game

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Neutral B: Spin.
Side B: Tornado Spin. (Can constantly tap the B button to make it last longer, and if done in the air, slows your fall and lets you slowly hover down as you move to the side)
Down B: Fruit Launcher.
Up B: High Jump. Doesn't lock you out of using your side b right after, so his recovery is technically two parts.


>wasnt referring to OOT

So if cloud can get in, why not replace him with Sora or Crono?

Link's origin story is different in the first game then it was in Ocarina of Time. He wasn't a fairy boy then. He didn't have a fairy either. He didn't not age either.

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He's got enough sci-fi looking weaponry to make it in. The Pistol ,Plasma Rifle, Super Shotgun, and Rocket Launcher are all fictionally functional enough to not break up the kid-friendly aesthetic. I'd argue that even the chainsaw can be used in his smash attacks, at least if we can cleave people apart with Ike's sword.
>Ripping and tearing
Most of which is kicking and punching, even in NuDoom. Doom 1 and 2 had him beating demons up with just his fists/knuckledusters. He does more than just shooting and goring
>Mature rated games
Never stopped Snake or Bayonetta

Don;t read me wrong, this is more of a hope than a prediction, but you can't deny that not only is he doable but he's got good enough of a track record with Nintendo that he just might make it. Plus, his is the only western franchise Sakurai's openly praised when he was questioned about pivotal developers and franchises (he cites Carmack as the "Father of FPS" in a recent interview).

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Sora would make the most logical sense yes.
Also, who?

Look, I'm sorry its not likely, but making up stuff to try to say that video game characters are based on non-video game characters when there is no proof from the developers themselves is just selfish speculation on your part, and makes you seem as desperate as a Ridleyfag at this point. Please tell me you won't be making a picture to post about how Epic Mickey is a video game created original character and how Sonic is somehow based on Bill Clinton. Learn the difference between based off of, and inspired by, and then come back and try another time.

Crono (main character) from Chrono Trigger. It's kind of a cult classic game on the SNES.

>what is a link to the past
>what is a link between worlds
>what is majoras mask