Did they make this bad on purpose?

Did they make this bad on purpose?

Attached: metalgear.jpg (460x215, 55K)

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It isn't bad

It isn't good either

It's good though. Did your e-celeb tell you it's bad or something?

yeah they made it bad on purpose, that's a thing people who invest a shitload of money into something often do

Nah it's pretty good


Consoles ruined gaming.

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that must be why everybody's still talking about


>shitload of money
No one invested shit. The engine and assets all were pre-existing

Only when the last copy of Survive is uninstalled, will the MGSV nuclear disarmament cutscene play.

Not all of it

No one on the board talks about witcher 3 therefore it must be terrible

They sure did

Attached: Lost Heaven butt.jpg (3290x1390, 2.47M)

>Did they make it this good on purpose?

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>Did your e-celeb tell you it's bad or something?

Nice to see that this is the only defense to this shitty game

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What? witcher 3 is talked about or brought up all the damn time

There's a weird progression in this.
>Early game is rough trying to survive with food and water biting at every action you make
>Mid game is a lot of immersive fun once you're able to start heading out more into the Dust, and see yourself and your base getting stronger
>Post game is waiting days for Base Camp digs to go through and never having enough Kuban Energy to level up or unlock gear perks

I enjoyed it though

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>do 10 salvage missions to level up one subclass that you have to relentlessly grind 20 levels putting points into meaningless skills to max out



Attached: Metal Gear Survive 2018.03.19 - (800x450, 2.64M)

Yeah there's a hard wall in terms of leveling, and it doesn't help that Scout is the most useful outside of Co-op.

Who the fuck keeps posting this