Give me a quick rundown on the Bioshock series. Good or overrated?

Give me a quick rundown on the Bioshock series. Good or overrated?

Attached: 2K_BioShock-The-Collection_Artwork-Horizontal-ed.jpg (1400x788, 225K)

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>Give me a quick rundown
stopped reading there
>what did he mean by this?>what went wrong?>this is ______, say something nice to her!>*blocks your path*>who was in the wrong here?>what the fuck was his problem?>could someone give me a quick rundown?>what are some games where ______?>enemies can open doors>this company is finished>HAHAHAHAHA BTFO">how will they ever recover?>is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?>NEVER EVER>find a flaw; protip: you can't>HE>BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP>here's your controller, bro>THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT>you did buy her game, right?>>buying games>Apologize to him Sup Forums>Explain yourselves>Well?>Defend this>What's his name again?>Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?>Sup Forums BTFO>Would you?>He did nothing wrong!>Convince me to NOT buy this game>Find a flaw>Now that the dust has settled...>How did we go from THIS?>JUST>Hold me Sup Forumsros>What was his endgame?>What am I in for?>Will this save the gaming industry?>Can we get one of these threads going?>LOL>Keep it vidya>Really makes you think>Don't mind me, just pirating this _______>WE>*breathes in*>*WHIIIIRRRRRRRRRRR*>How do we fix _________?>OH NO NO NO>He/She killed millions.....>Soyboy>Nu-male>E-celeb>Comfy>The absolute state of Sup Forums everybody>Who is bestgirl and why is it ______?>Why is she so perfect bros?>This is your ______ for tonight>Just played this, what did I think of it?>What the fuck were they thinking?>People fell for the ________ meme>Was it kino?>Redpill me on this Sup Forums>Thanks for beta testing consolekeks>.>Choose your character>See this, what do?>Look at this nep!>Name ONE GAME that does this>are you going to buy her game?>daily reminder>S E E T H I N G>Obsessed>El goblino...>if you kill him you'll become just like him>the perfect game doesnt exi->>I love Reisen!>This>...And that's a good thing!/And here'swhy>How do we fix/kill this?>wtf i hate/love ______ now!>Why does Sup Forums hate this thing so much?>DUDE WEED LMAO>This is a man

Attached: dog 8.jpg (415x479, 33K)

1: overrated
2: very fun, best one
3: pure garbage

it's k

stop being a worthless subhuman and talk in something other than memes.




based preset phrase poster