If a child were to come up to you and say they were interested in playing older games, which ones would you recommend?

If a child were to come up to you and say they were interested in playing older games, which ones would you recommend?

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Peak Reddit image

How old is the child?
If they are at least 10 I might recommend some classic eroge.

Which era of childhood games was yours Sup Forums?

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Cave Explorers


Middle-left and center
I feel like media in Canada was always at least half a decade behind the USA

I remember watching most late x era shit, even playing with an atari then a nes, born 88.

Literally anything on gameboy or nes.

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Gears of War and Call of Duty 4
That shit was literally my childhood

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Middle right and lower left
Born in 97

>If a child were to come up to you and say they were interested in watching older TV shows and movies, which ones would you recommend?
What a vague question.

Stuff from my childhood is sprinkled all around this image, but I guess the part of the image with the most is center and center right

Spyro 1
Sonic 3nK
Wario World
Ape Escape Trilogy
Duke Nukem 3D
Paper Mario

Probably some others that I'm not remembering

Yeah, I really don't like the way the image is made. I feel like a person born in one square will watch TV and shit from 1-2 squares after it


That's a very shitty and inaccurate image, really.

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Same. Also born in 97.

i dont know if this is ultimately going to be good or bad but this shit really makes me laugh

w-what do we call the gen after gen z?

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Gen Alpha. Seriously.


cuz they've run out of letters innit

I'm a mix of early/core gen Y

I'm the third 97 here, and I remember specific things, like Inspector gadget and transformers from upper right, Ren and Stimpy from left-mid, Fresh prince, Goosebumps, Turtles, and a TON from middle onwards to halfway lower left with some things from there on, such as skyrim and Minecraft and memes.

Mega Man, Castlevania and Super Mario Bros.

I would go with the games that would still feel okay.

Super Metroid, Zelda a Link to the Past, Banjo Kazooie, Conker Bad Fur Day.

Games that would be Indie games today.

I was born 92. Why are you all so young you lucky bastards?


Gameboy and NES have the worst collection of games that actually have endings.
The Atari is probably worse, but the NES and Gameboy had worse quality of shovelware.

SNES shovelware is at least playable.

Fourth '97 here. Oddly enough, most of my experiences come from straight middle and left-mid, but that's mostly because I have a shitload of older siblings. My first console I played on was a SNES, followed by the 64, then the GameCube.

>lol-comics is somehow reddit

Nigga, it came BEFORE reddit was a twinkle in your daddys ballsack.

Joyreactor can kill themselves for not sourcing the fucking artist.

Deus Ex: Invisible War

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rockman x and beat it in under an hour or get out of my face

call of duty 1 my dude

Honestly mate, way back in '07 I got introduced by my brother to Sup Forums as if it was a fun website.
It turned me into a child that said cancerous things, called people nigger and faggot a lot and got behavioral problems and saying "user-i-moose" a lot.

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im gonna have my 6 or 7 year-old cousin play this

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>Gen Alpha
Uhhhh.. I don't hope this catches on with demographers.

>Mr. Rogers not in every era
Shit chart

What a retarded names who names this shit?

89 here. Go fuck yourself you little shit.

I feel real bad for Gen Z kids


Ketsui and TGM are pretty good

>how were we okay with this
You dont use it outdoors.

Early to core GenX is my actual childhood.

Yes, I'm old.

I think the chart is based on when the stuff was first released or at the height of its popularity. Everyone's seen Fresh Prince through reruns, but it's those born in the 80s who remember watching new episodes every week in 1990-1996 like a ritual.

Look at that crap they grew up with. Corporations finally knew how to commercialize everything according to focus groups and check lists. Everything prior was just a pet project of some talented artist

Core/Late Gen Y

>born 98
>older cousin is visiting
>lets me use his laptop to play Quake 2
6-year-old me loved it, too bad I was too shit to get past the second level.

This image is all messed up and inaccurate. For example, The Legend of Zelda is on the Late Gen X culture for people born in the late 70s to early 80s. But The Legend of Zelda came out in 1986. If you were born in 1980 you'd be 6 years old when the game came out. A bit young to really get into it and have it be a formative experience for you.

I was born in 1984, for reference. When I was a kid The Legend of Zelda was already an "old" game. One that was still very popular and I played quite a lot of it in the 90s (along with many other NES games), but it wasn't the release I was looking forward to. It wasn't even AlttP. The big Zelda game of my youth was Ocarina of Time.

I would disagree with you there. A number of games that I played at age 7 resonated with me heavily, I didn't feel "too young" to get into them.

Late GenX/Early Gen Y. Fondly remember everything between Late Gex X up to Late Gen Y
Born in 84

Dancing Eyes

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FX Fighter

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City Connection

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Rolling Thunder

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Fallout New Vegas

This hurts my neurons

Retard who made that doesn't realize gameboy screens literally decay over time. They fade and even mould.
So they didn't look like that originally.

'89 represent
how have i not killed myself yet

W-what? You can't be fucking serious.

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idk I'm not a burger

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>These faggots where 13 when the Ponyfag fandom started
Jesus time is a son of a whore