Is this game worth playing or should I just skip to 9?

Is this game worth playing or should I just skip to 9?

Attached: Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg (856x800, 182K)

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Definitely worth it. It was my first “new” final fantasy and I thought it was just as magical as all the 2D entries.

You can skip it if you want but I just want to share happiness to another user.

Only reason you think its good and not just okay/bad is because it was your first 3d final fantasy.

Op skip to 9, do 8 someday, but allways postpone that day.

>I liked 8
>It was my first
Every single time.
Skip it and come back later, 9 is way better.

Depends which you like more:


Even with broken game mechanics and giant plot craters it's way better than the derivative tripe 9 was.

To post on Sup Forums you have to experience at least all of disc 1.

How bad is 8? Is it 2 levels of bad or 13 levels of bad? All I heard was it had crappy level scaling and you can win the game by making a ton of curagas on disc 1 to put on your HP.

Cheat at it.

The mechanics are retarded and extremely grind-heavy.

8 wasn't my first, but is my favorite.
It's worth playing and the only advice you need is to always have draw on one character, play cards, and learn the card and card mod abilities.

Wasted potential tier.

8's great. Shitting on it is just a meme because it's not quite as good as 7 or 9.

The cheat way takes fucking hours to do playing a card game and having the OST for it stuck in your head fo the next 15 years. You can just play the game normally and be fine.

Oh don't worry, it's not nearly that bad.

Attached: 1515620294129.jpg (640x480, 61K)

The story is actually good beyond the everyone knew each other as kids reveal.

You're pretty much forced to make your characters overpowered in the way you already mentioned yourself, because if you don't, the game becomes nearly unplayable.
Honestly, nevermind the fact that 13 literally played itself. FF8 has the worst overall gameplay design out of any final fantasy game.

9 battles are slow as fuck, but otherwise a good game
8 is pretty fun too, and the card game is amazing, most people complain that the Junction system lets you break the game very early on, but that is up to you. The story is balls to the wall retarded

>or 13 levels of bad?
Not even close. If you made it through XIII you can make it through VII easily.

8 and 9 are both shit, 9 is especially shit

Really? I thought it was because the need to junction for stats effectively removed magic from the game, and the story is somehow more juvenile, tryhard, and edgy than 7 combined with Mystic Quest

VIII is fantastic. Its better than IX.

XIII is pretty solid though.

All FF games are worth playing once. You're not going to like every single one, but every one has its fans for their own reasons.

Just play all of the FFs. Ignore everyone who says to skip any of them.

If you ever had a close group of friends or a girlfriend growing up in high school, you should play it. If you were socially stunted and had no friends, you probably won’t be able to relate to it.

Once I made the connection that it was supposed to exemplify that idea of strong bonds existing beyond death and time, it got more palatable. Absolutely no arguing that the delivery was clumsy as fuck, but I can respect what they were going for.

That fact that GF Junctioning causes memory loss is hinted at right from the start of the game actually makes that a little less dumb in retrospect.

8 is broken, but it allows for more gameplay options. 9 is a more focused game. Personally I like 8 just a bit more than 9


boy i sure do hate making decisions.

+One of the best OSTs in the series
+Skill system is simple but fun
+Most of the cast is great
+Chocobo Hot and cold is one of the best sidequests in the series
+Battles take a long time
-Trance is a shit mechanic
-The card game is poorly explained and not very fun
-You are forced to play the card game once to advance the story, so better spare the time to get some decent cards

+Battles are simple and quick (unless you use summons)
+Skill system is fun
+Pretty good OST
+Triple Triad is the Best minigame in the series
-you can easily break the game
-Your party is full of retards
-Romance subplot is stupid
-Actually most of the story is stupid

The characters are juvenile, but they are adolescents. It is ultimately a story about teen angst, but that doesn't inherently make it bad.

Though, I can see why it might be less popular with Americans since they hate kids.

There's no timeline as to when the others ever junctioned their GFs so there's no clear indicator of how long you have to keep one junctioned and yes I did read the terminal before playing the game.

>Is this game worth playing or should I just skip to 9?

Gameplay is a mess
All the characters suck
The game scales to your level
The story goes to shit after disc 2


>+Battles take a long time
Yeah, no

>only pretty good ost
It's factually the best in the series.

It's the best Final Fantasy game, no joke. Only faggots dislike 8.

>worth playing

Yes, I subscribe to the idea of playing games and coming to your own conclusions based on your own experiences with it. XIII has fans, lots in fact, so it's possible OP would be one of those people. As I said, he isn't going to like all of them, but they're all worth trying before discounting any.

>worth playing

Attached: average fight in FFXV.webm (640x360, 2.37M)

Rinoa is horrible, but the rest of the game is good.

needed it the most in my life when i was playing other ffs

This is incorrect.
Rinoa is the best.

Attached: 67515763_p0.png (1280x1648, 1.87M)

Wrong. It is not even remotely worth playing.

That's nice.

Eight is okay so long as you don't grind.
The draw and junction system is a bit shit but Triple Triad makes it all worth it.

8 is the most polarizing ff, i don't like it very much, but you should at least try it.

but is still in the first 10, which are the only games that deserves the name final fantasy, so go for it.

Who here is a /believer/?

Attached: rinoa ultimecia.jpg (500x231, 26K)

Your dumb theory was debunked by one of the top people behind the game, go away.

This. Even haters can't deny 8's god-like OST.

I can because 9s was better

post your top 5 from 9.

Nope fuck you.


inb4 cringe

FF8 change my life, i was like 12 when i first played it, took me 4 months to beat it and i played everyday for like 4h
beat it 5 more times since then

OP dont skip this gem, people who hate FF8 are fucking retards

Disc 1 of FF8 is one of the greatest experiences of all time. Interesting combat system that discourages straight up grinding but Once you get familiar with it though there is a plethora of customization options. Story could some work but Still servicible (or at least till disc 3)

9 is such a sunny, bright, imaginative joy ride I would recommend putting on after 8 just to get the slog out of the way first.

9 is definitely top 3, but 8 is the king.

>eyes on me

first time I fucking muted the game. A cheezy love song played over a shitty romance scene

This fucking game. Made me an awkwatd kid. I thought love would be like this. . than i learned how wrong i was. That fucking card game ost.

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FF2 type bad. Character growth/progression is wonky as hell, game is fine otherwise.