Give me 1 (one) good reason he was a good guy

Give me 1 (one) good reason he was a good guy.

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He wasn't, and that's the point.

He dropped a baby, a hero in my eyes.

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He helped Ollie get rid of his massive debt.

>brutally beaten or killed his friends
>would use his own party members in russian roulette for some mags
>literal druggie
>kills everyone because "you don't get it"
>turns buddy into a bitchy killing machine
>won't give two fucks about your life
>almost destroys all hope of repopulation

did you have your eyes closed through the entire game like what the fuck

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give me one (one) good reason he was a bad guy.

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He did what he thought was right, and gave up his arms to save his friends

literally the nicest person in all of olathe

too bad buddy was being salty sue

what lisa fangames have you guys played?
I've played pointless, hopeful, and the lustful demo, also a few more obscure demos and proofs of concepts.

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pointless was great. I wish they would hurry up and release part 2

im actually in a discord thing with the dev of pointless, pic related was all the sprites that he has shared since he started working on it, however the list is pretty damn old so it might be outdated

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he's the protagonist

>You're tearing me apart Lisa

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Why did Buddy have to be a massive bitch even to Rando?

huh, so do you think the franchise will still be a thing? or will they be replaced by that arabic-looking gang?

well from what i know you are going to "the city" i assume whatever that new pink gang is going to occupy that area.

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He wasn't. The whole game is him tearing through and recruiting a whole bunch of losers who didn't deserve it for the sake of personal retribution. He turns on his 'friends' at the end and slaughters an entire organised milita who were, albeit controversially, genuinely trying to save the human race, at the same time convincing his daughter figure that no matter how many people you kill or how much you fuck everything up, as long as you're on the throne at the end of the day then nothing else matters. He's the bona fide antagonist of the entire game and Rando did literally nothing wrong.

He wasn't, that was the point of the game.

i personally think it was the joy making her into a huge bitch

He was going to let hundreds and hundreds of men run a train into a 9 year old child.

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Is Lustful any good? I haven't seen any of the gameplay yet

cant you just impregnate with syringes or with makeshift contraptions so that no one actaully fucks the girl?

He's not yelling with his mouth wide open while holding a switch.

He bought a beer for Olan.

I think Brad got Buddy a chance to choose her own future, even at the cost of lots of lives and ruining his relation with her. But he tried to make her strong so she could live in a harsh world, and to protect her from people who wanted to abuse and use her.
Brad isn't a good guy and he acts selfish all the time, he's trying to make up for his past errors and not really trying to be good just what he thinks is best for Buddy. When she got kidnapped he didn't have much choice but to either forget about her or try to save by any means

He shoul've not kidnap Buddy from Brad, but he probably tough that he wouldn't defend her/abandon her like what happened to him back then
I think that Rando was too good for that world, even if his plan worked for a while he would've eventually get betrayed or attacked by stronger enemies

He didn't want that, but the problem is that he probably couldn't protect her forever

He wasn't, that was the whole idea. He's NOT a good person, even if it is through no fault of his own, he is, in his entirety, a shitty person who does shitty things, and yet he feels somewhat sympathetic in a fucked up way.

I played a little bit of Lustful, and from what I can tell, the gameplay is trash, but the story is...well, it's okay. You play as a whore (yes a literal one) who was kidnapped by Buzzo's gang and brought to a shelter in which a bunch of other women are held until it's attacked.

That's about as far as I got.

No he fucking wasn't
He was going to protect her until she was an adult who could make up her mind
And OP
The point is brad isn't the best person but he had good intentions and genuinely cared for buddy
Tfw he cries when he breaks your motercycle
Recently I saw a post in the discord someone was making a game where you play as a mercenary
Joyless I think
Also chapter 2 of pointless fucking when

How would you have raised Buddy?


Joy and unintended tramua from brad after dropping her as a kid
And i guess after he forced her to kill someone but that is a small one

That's as far as the development has go too, lustful is a demo
Also Lisa the dinnerful is fucking kino
Protected her

He wasn't.
I think one of LISA's biggest themes is that everyone is at fault to a certain extent.
Also, different topic, has anyone else in here tried a solo Brad run?
Gotta say, aside from some early fights and Men's Hair Club (which was damn near impossible), it wasn't that bad.

This didn't feel good.

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I want more gameplay footage of Lisa: the unbreakable

>TFW the game managed to make me feel bad for human trash that deserved his death
Fuck man

Revenge is a dish that leaves a bitter after taste., after all.

Probably would’ve ended up doing the same thing as Brad if I can be sure to provide food. Though, I wouldn’t hide the truth of the world from her, though.

He deserved it. I only feel bad that Buddy had to see it.

Post yfw during "that fight" in joyful

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I don't get how people think he's a bad guy. All he was trying to do was stop Buddy from getting raped basically - the whole "repopulate the world" thing is bullshit. Sure, he's a little overbearing, but it doesn't take place in the modern day America or something - everyone is at least a little fucked in the head and all the people you're forced to kill to progress are pretty evil.

>Tfw he cries when he breaks your motercycle
Why would he cry because of that? When I saw it the first time I tought that it was a gag of him tying to look tough but crying of pain after being hit by the bike
But he's probably crying because he's seeing you again and/or because he knows he'll have to fight you eventually

how hard did you guys find pointless?

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is dingaling's ninjas and bikers game ever gonna come out?
is it gonna be as good?

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Yeah I think it's just because he feels bad/recognizes you but it's played off as a joke since up until that point you only know rando as a feared person

Then you realize that he isn't a bad person or even the bigger twist
dad comforts you

post yfw

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she was raised secluded by brad and also raged up on joy which made her really driven toward her "goal" of being left alone

I struggled to get past roland, but after that it became decently easy, yet still challenging if you fuck up once.
[spolier]Arnold took me a few tries[/spoiler]

>dingaling said that lisa is the worst character in the series
what the fuck?

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Genetically modified to be a killing machine, compounded on by Brad severely traumatizing her to toughen her up, followed by being thoroughly and brutally taught that the wasteland is filled with violent assholes who are barely worth the effort of murdering.

I think it's good that the player didn't get to choose to spare him.
I don't think the average person could realistically relate to the kind of feelings brad would be going through.

Well he may have meant least favorite
But Lisa also wasn't a good person considering what she made buzzo do
Lisa was a bad person but it wasn't her fault

It's probably because she's a bit over the top in how evil she is. I don't agree with him, but I do see where he's coming from. In my opinion the worst character is probably Marty, or whatever brad's dads name was. His conclusion in the painful was easily the dumbest part of that whole game. Buddy was also a little over the top in the joyful at times but I still think Marty was worse.

Why? He literally did everything wrong.

>I think it's good that the player didn't get to choose to spare him.
>I don't think the average person could realistically relate to the kind of feelings brad would be going through.
Plus it makes the scene more meaningful when brad tries to forgive and spare him
Shows how bad the trauma really was

She WAS the catalyst for the downfall of both Brad and Buzzo, which in turn led to them becoming emotional wrecks.

What the FUCK was his problem?!

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this is the result of /r9k/ getting literally any amount of influence or power.

He was upset that nobody liked his trumpet and meat sculptures.

he was power hungry as fuck and actually almost conquered Olathe

I wanna sniff Buddy and make her feel weird

He stops playing his music if you walk up to him
He's a cartoon villan who should have been more fleshed out, I find him causing the flash to be stupid but I'll accept him creating joy

Oh yeah I forgot about him when I made this post. Yado is probably the most underdeveloped character in the story. He's basically just a mad scientist and that's all there is to it.

>einstein looking Lester

Holy shit these sprites are great, really looking forward to part 2

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Who was the best companion and why was it him?

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Anyone who says Birdie and Terry needs to be gassed. The game is easy enough without making it trivial.

okay, real talk, did anyone even find this guy on their first play through? its ridiculous for what you have to do if you even want to get him.
also thats not Nern

Would you like to hear a story?

Nern is really mediocre compared to Bo and Harvey. Why don't more people use Harvey?

I like my fish with a law degree

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He wanted to one-up dudes like Shou Tucker and Ghetsis at being a terrible dad.

>Potato bitch of a wife(godresthersoul)
Gets me every time

>the scythe guy from the TV
>divine homage
>proto-kitty babe
>the manager for the infinity franchise

really looking forward to this.

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I haven't heard of Dinnerful but that name is extra retarded.

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It's just a shitpost of pointless dinner scene

He cared about his daughter.

but marty was the catalyst for her destructive behavior.

Didn't play Lisa, did you?
Fucker deserved every bit of it.

He deserved it but still, he changed and I felt somewhat bad

I was more partial to Geese Thompson

>he changed
No amount of change could make up for that.
I honestly don't see how anyone could feel bad for him.

>Game ends perfectly with Brad in tears as he realized what a horrible mess he made of his life and how he never had a chance
>Creator decides to add shitty DLC with meme ending that's pointless as fuck

Fangames ended up better desu.

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>Creator decides to add shitty DLC with meme ending that's pointless as fuck
>Implying the Joyful's last act didn't tie up the series perfectly

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I'm not implying it, I'm flat out saying it. It sucks. It's horrible.

>Creator decides to add shitty DLC with meme ending that's pointless as fuck
It was a stretch goal, dummy. Joyful was planned from the moment he got funded.

I agree, nothing could redeem him but he regretted his actions

He deserved to be delitized by brad(but not loving every second) yet something felt off with the fight

I still liked the DLC ending, and don't really understand why it got as much hate as it did.

It had its hiccups in writing, sure, but it wasn't awful, and I thought it wrapped up everything nicely.

>yet something felt off with the fight
The only thing that felt off was dingaling trying to make me feel bad.

dingaling would probably agree with you

Where did I imply it wasn't a stretch goal? I didn't say it was unplanned.

It's a shame Dingaling will probably never make another good game.

Your first post implies the game ends perfectly because it's the perfect conclusion to Brad's story, and I agree. But the Joyful wasn't about brad, it was about Buddy. That's why the conclusion to it was so good, because we finally got to see Buddy being honest with herself about how she felt about Brad. Plus without the Joyful we wouldn't have gotten a conclusion on Buzzo either.

I'm cautiously optimistic for ninja tears.