You winning, Sup Forums?

You winning, Sup Forums?

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>y-you t-too

I haven't won in a long time, Jade.

no game is as good as yours, Jade

wtf the girl in the OP looks like a grown up version of a girl I went to highschool with, who was named Jade...

I'm trying to take a shit.

I didn't need to have my soul crushed like this tonight.

Are you going to buy their games?

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Look at this Soy.


Damn. Tom Howard's aged gracefully. Jade, not so much.

what went wrong?

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jfc Todd isn't even 5'7"

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she is 15 years older already guise

Jade is a mature woman now

what is she doing in 2018?
does she has kids?

I want to play her game, if you know what I mean.

Absolutely nothing is wrong

Okay so she's about ten years older than the Jade I knew. OP's pic still looks strikingly similar. I thought I was going to have to spend the night looking up her pictures and masturbating but I guess not

t. virgin

>Jade, not so much.

wut she looks like 30

I wanted to play Jade's Game

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Was that the one that dissed Kiefer "Whiskey is key" Sutherland?

I want to play Jade's game

bad angle

protip: 90% of "attractive" people look weird with unfavorable lighting/angle

You're doing it wrong.

t. virgin

You're doing it wrong.

she look beautiful in thsi pic
happy just like brides

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