VR Thread: Sticking a monitor to your face edition

VR Thread: Sticking a monitor to your face edition.

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The funny thing is you can even shoot your self in that game.

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>when you can tell someone is surprised because their whole body freezes up and just looks down at him
when VR milsims get better this shit will be so great
I get motion sick when I play any VR game and it gives me a massive fucking headache it sucks ass because I cant play for more then an hour

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did you perservere? I had motion sickness for the first hour or so for the first few days, then it just went away

what game is this

wtf I want to have VR boobs

I'm not sure sorry.

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I'll ask for sauce too, please.

god I can't wait to rewatch this after BCS finishes airing

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Bowl of eggs eating when?

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>tfw 2 sensor pleb

Can't wait until I move and actually have a large enough area for a third. Snap turning is annoying.

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I just want a daughter man ;_;

Anyone tried this yet?


Does Live2D actually work in VR?

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is that Nuke?

I can get to about an hour then it starts with the headache, I think its my eyes straining

most often if Im playing a more casual game I just sit on the floor instead of stand, not fat just lazy and perpetually tired after work, since Payday 2 has free VR I think Im gonna go play that and see how it goes
prob gonna pop some advil and just suppress the headache hopefully

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You have them front facing? Why not just have them facing them each other 180? Works better than the standard set up.

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how come there's no interracial VR porn

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>still falling for this bullshit viral marketed garbage
My god, companies are really selling you kids on this shit that has been laughed out of the industry for decades, aren't they?

Because theres plenty of it IRL

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>Shitposting in a VR thread
Why are you here?

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what industry is that and by whomst

Pulling this off in VR is infinitely more satisfying than pulling it off with your mouse.

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That knife draw was seamless and practiced. How many hours do you play?

Still have a lack of room, and I'm about to move, so I'd rather just wait and buy a third sensor for maximum sensing. I plan to get proper mounts and USB extensions, and hook them up above head height.

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tfw I like fruit ninja way more than overpriced VR crap like superhot and H3VR

In VR, Billy Herrington is still alive.

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If your space is small that's when 2 sensors can actually work ok for 360. Getting into a bigger space is when the third is required.

In VR, I am Aniki and Aniki will always be with you.

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It's avatar inspection day in VRCha-

Oh my.

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Here's a throwback to the good ol' days.

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Is Honey Select VR any good?

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The room itself isn't small, there's just furniture and other things in the way of putting a sensor on the back side.

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what game is this

Fun fact: The entire game is a physics simulation before it is an FPS. Little things like holding a M9 Beretta slide still and firing will cause the gun to fail to cycle and not chamber another round.

Lighting a round on fire causes it to fire and release projectiles.

Hell just about every single gun doesn't just cycle and say that there's a round in the chamber. The actual cartridges and inner workings of the guns are all physics objects.

It's also the reason the game will never be

That's fucking gross, user

yeah nothing beats fighting bots that don't even fight back and walk right towards you.

Pretty sure it's Virt-A-Mate

it's fun to look at studio scenes in VR

but the actual VR game mode is really tedious to move around in and change positions and stuff. The fanmade VR mod was better desu


i still can't believe some of you fags jack off to huge bobs
they all veiny and shit

4 u

I accidentally recorded both eyes so now even you can see it in VR.

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>get into VR
>the fad is almost over

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>titty veins

Yes. But therer is no way to post screenshots from it. Maybe POV mod but not true VR

OH man! Perfect timing, just got my vive and I set it up with tilt brush, Zomday, Arizona Sunshine and In Death. Is there any must haves?

Low power shotgun shells won't cycle in semi auto guns as well

Anton is the autist we need.

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idk mate, you're the one who apparently finds it enjoyable, i'm the the one who spent a couple hundred on a gimmick they can only play for an hour a day.

Isn't he? I'm always excited to hear what new devlog video he puts out. He has a voice that screams "excited high school nerd" so you know whatever he's gotta say, he'e passionate about.

no lol

this game is a gift from god himself

Raw Data and Sairento.

Train yourself to become virtual

On my days from working 3 12hour shifts a week, I can spend 4 hours at night in VR and not even realize it.

Now if only I can record and downsize into webm without raping quality

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Payday 2 in Vr is decent and free if you already own pd2
I heard the Serious Sam games were decent
Skyrim in VR is coming at the start of April, its pretty good and it works with mods dont bother with FO4 vr its a dumpster fire
Superhot VR is great if you wanna feel like your in the matrix
The Lab to test out your headset and figure out the controllers and stuff, its pretty fun

other then that
>Rec Room, free party games multiplayer
>Bigscreen free desktop viewing in VR

>poorfag sour graping user discovers subjectivity

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Sairento VR
Raw Data
Pavlov VR
The various porn games
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades if you're a noguns fag but want to learn how guns work

me too. but i will never have one because i know she will leave for some asshole someday

how fun. You must be great at parties.

Thanks I'll check those out, im sure Sairento is that ninja game right?

Got Rec room, ill grab big screen, thanks man!

He's pretty wonderful

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VR Dungeon Knight for VR Dungeon Crawling with MP

Trickster is similar

GORN for the best in melee combat

Orbus VR for the first VR MMORPG

How do I improve my Aniki accent, user?

>You must be great at parties.
lmao this dumb normie reply

spoiler, the games they're suggesting are trash and are only recommended out of desperation

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>tfw too poor for feeling VR anime tiddies
Atleast I'll afford a computer capable of handling VR after this month of wageslaving.

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Just a question, I have rediculous motion sickness in games where I have to move without teleportation it seems. Atleast in Zomday, when I move without teleporting I get motion sick immediatly. the PUBG game has a way to make it less worse or?

(You) me when we're able to upload our conscience into the mainframe and experience 10,000 years of unending agonising torture, thanks.

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vive pro EU when?

I am SO gonna masturbate a lot in VR

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stiff animation makes it look like a shitty horror game.


Soon marie will be sitting on my face

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i have seen this before, what it is exactly?

>Sticking a monitor to your face
Why do people keep making those posts
It's the head and positional tracking that's the big thing.

She is the one I want to see most in sfm porn. I hope her game finally comes to pc.


jeez I wonder who could be behind this post?

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>not wanting to be a normie


Buying Dungeon knight now, it looks amazing! Trickster looks very cartoony i'll think about that. Right now i'm enjoying dungeon crawlers.

My advice is to try your best to power through the motion sickness. It took me a little bit to get my "VR legs", but I don't feel any effects from free movement anymore.

Yes, I'm aware of how shit I am with basic math.

Attached: Math Blastin.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

you don't feel anything

just get a cheap mobile VR and view the porn

Oh my god

You can go back to panhandling, poorfag

Don't just take our word for it. Take a look and see! This one is Pavlov VR. A great modding community and solid 5v5 gameplay of TDM and de_ make it feel like the heyday of CS 1.5/1.6 all over again.

A unique target shooting mode in Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades

Sairento VR! A great action game and a wonderful alternative to Superhot VR

Virt-A-Mate, for your lewding.

VRChat, a free social game that lets you upload your own avatars and worlds. This shot stars Billy Herrington, God bless his gym bossing soul.

Onward, a 5v5 mil-sim, also with a coop VS. AI mode. It's one of the first VR games out and the first one to get non-teleport locomotion right by binding your in-game character's leg and walking directions to your offhand controller, greatly reducing VR-related motion sickness. The developer scored with Valve also and grew his team from a one black man army to a full team.

The sound effects in the game are enough to give you real PTSD.

So many games have copied his locomotion style, including VRChat, that it's usually dubbed "Onward-style Locomotion".

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I payed 800+tax to clip through anime tiddies. Take that as you will.

Is the window OVRdrop? I'm thinking of getting it.

A Township Tale is in pre-alpha right now, you can play it by joining their discord and it will give you a free key for access. The devs are super active in there and very non jewish.

it is a multiplayer RPG-esque village builder, it has really neat mechanics and TECHNOLOGY.

>inb4 shill

the devs are brits so they are probably asleep right now.