Yoko san is thinking what to have in Drakengard 5. Any ideas?
Yoko san is thinking what to have in Drakengard 5. Any ideas?
More sexy girls since thats the only way this gook can make money
Turn Scalebound into Drakengard 4, boom. It would actually be good and the tears from Taro hipsters would be scrumptious.
A scene where sexy girls kill a dragon, cut off its dick to make a dildo, and then do some weird interpretive dance to emi evans' singing
inb4 Square Enix tells him he can make another Drakengard but only if it's a Soulsborne clone.
He's livestreaming himself on the toilet
Literally shitposting
Drakengard Tactics with Nier, Kaine, and Emil as hidden characters ala FFT Cloud.
>Drakengard 5
How about making Drakengard 4 first?
What the fuck, is he literally saying Automata is a massive log of shit