Yoko san is thinking what to have in Drakengard 5. Any ideas?

Yoko san is thinking what to have in Drakengard 5. Any ideas?

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More sexy girls since thats the only way this gook can make money

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Turn Scalebound into Drakengard 4, boom. It would actually be good and the tears from Taro hipsters would be scrumptious.

A scene where sexy girls kill a dragon, cut off its dick to make a dildo, and then do some weird interpretive dance to emi evans' singing


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inb4 Square Enix tells him he can make another Drakengard but only if it's a Soulsborne clone.

He's livestreaming himself on the toilet
Literally shitposting

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Drakengard Tactics with Nier, Kaine, and Emil as hidden characters ala FFT Cloud.

>Drakengard 5

How about making Drakengard 4 first?
What the fuck, is he literally saying Automata is a massive log of shit