What are some games where you can go BERSERK?
What are some games where you can go BERSERK?
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Idk, what are some games where you get cucked by your best friend?
Any game you play that has multiplayer.
D44M is a pretty good one with the berserker power up
God of War series
btw Berserk is an edgy piece of shit manga for underages who want to feel tough because
>woah cartoon blood so hardcore! Look mom I'm a twisted psychopath!
I forget when he makes this face.
When the first apostle appears at Godo's house after Guts and Casca are rescued from the Eclipse.
>be Guts
>get KEKED
>lose your arm and eye
>fucking outcast no one likes him
>anger issues because his daddy didn't love him
>hideous sword
>the one who cucks
>all body parts intact
>seen as a godlike figure by people and apostles alike
>calm and collected
>elegant sabre
>Implying all manga aren't for this demographic
Oh my mistake there's also cute girls doing cute things uwaaaa!
>see the one you love get raped and retarded
>protect her and fuck your body up in the process
>she finally gets unretarded and probably won't even hug you
Borderlands 2 if you play as Krieg
GTA V playing as Trevor
warband, turn on cheats, max out your strength level and sword skills, give yourself loads of money for a big ass sword and rekt shit
sadly its missing the otherworldly demons and abominations
What are some games where you slowly lose your edge and never finish the series?
>Griffith will never go yandere for you
>hehe Berserk so deep ;)
>half of the panels are characters saying ''woah what a big sword!''
>BLUEEERGH I sperg out, Donovan analed me! *kills over 9000 fodder that is so retarded they can't gang up on him and have blind crossbowmen*
>hehe wow Guts you sure went Dynasty Warriors on them
>Casca shows off her tits because nudity and gore makes normies and underages wet
>Griffith talking some dumb shit about muh dream and his special snowflake definition of what a ''friend'' is
>everything goes fuck itself, Guts enters his edgy phase
>then atmosphere changes completely and Berserk feels like a generic jRPG world
all it takes is to sprinkle some over the top blood and rape scenes and what would normally be a shit shonen like Naruto is suddenly ''deep and mature story for deep and mature readers such as myself''
So what'd you guys think of the newest chapter, and the fact that Casca is back?
Casca was such a great character! I really missed her! I reread Golden Age arc recently and I was amazed by how talented Miura is
>ablooblooo Guts I hate you so much :(
>ablooblooo Guts why Griffith likes you more than me? :(
>*shows off her tits*
>abloobloo Guts I'm being raped :(
I can't wait to see her new adventures
Fuck off.
You are baiting for the most part but I do have a similar feeling of berserk past the conviction arc.
Just make the world medieval fantasy because thats what people want lol.
I don't care if the dragon on the castle is drawn well it just added a cheap way for griffith to shoehorn everyone into falconia (he could have done this anyways with his own demons running around)
Part of the appeal of berserk was that is was a normal world with these terrible creatures disguised as normal humans running around.
Now it's just an RPG that's too scared to kill off anymore of its main cast.
or what? Gonna throw some panels from baby's first seinen and hope the cartoon blood will scare me away?
No? You're just being an extreme edge-lord.
>28 years in the making
>Femto has only showed up outside of the Advent ONCE, and it was against Skull King
How long until Guts heads to Falconia and settles this shit?
Another 10 years?
You forgot
>gets his ass handed to him by the guy who got BLACKED
Griffith and Guts have nothing on Jon 'Bones' Jones though
I would be less of an edgelord if I enjoyed manga about a mutilated guy who was born from a corpse wielding an oversized sword to kill his former best friend who turned into an evil god right?
You're really going all in for this one friend
Here's your (you), you've earned it
warrior with the greatsword is pretty fun.
Yeah probably to be honest
You forgot that Griffith wasn't cucking Guts. Casca cucked him first by stealing away that big Guts dick that Griffith wanted more than anything.
You forgot:
>Be dumb weeb character in weeb story.
>Whole motivation is ends justify the the means for muh kingdom and muh desired king.
>Illiterates that never touched a book praise you.
>Turns out it was a bunch of deterministic bullshit and your whole character development is just a bunch of pointless nonsense.
is miura the kojima of manga?
I cannot wait until Griffith gets the Dragonslayer shoved up his ass.
Right after watching all of his followers get butchered by Guts.
The fuck, guys.
Asura's Wrath
This is hilariously spot on
>I am too dumb to understand even berserk
I swear to god SoL and Harem anime really actually literally physically lower your IQ. No wonder these naruro k-on fans are all dumpsters on fire screaming on Sup Forums in their circle-jerking spirals of complacency. You all have shit taste and can't appreciate anything deeper than fan service and after school clubs. It's impossible for you to understand isn't it? It's reprehensible at this point. Take your shitty culture with you on the boat when you forcibly leave for Gaia. We deserve a hiatus from your incessant shit
If Griffith doesnt die the most miserable of miserable deaths I would be so upset. I want Guts to crush his dreams so bad
What happened to him.
Watch out boys, we totally have a well read scholar here who definitely doesn't just parrot insults like the edgelord, greesy haired loser he obviously isn't.
You don't have to be well read to understand that Griffith is a shitty character and Berserk is all style and no substance.
>all body parts intact
Seeing as you understand neither character arcs nor the importance of character interaction, to the point you can't comprehend a fairly straight forward action manga, you kind of do need to be better read, it might do you good.
It's a fuggin character study, you knob.
Probably going to be suspended by USADA for 3+ years but he's still the GOAT. Griffith would get his obliques kicked in and Guts would get wrestlefucked to a decision
If he was so charismatic, why didn't he charm the torturer?
The most disturbing part of this picture is the umaru watermark.
I understood Berserk perfectly and Griffith has no arc; any meaningful motivation was confiscated by the hack Miura. Also, you might want to work on your syntax because you write like a retarded person. It's good advice for someone like you.
Is this worth grabbing for below $20? I was considering getting it if it's at least okay, since we only get one Berserk game every 15 or so years.
This last year has been crazy. What with Casca becoming unretarded and Guts officially going berserk--too bad Miura will never finish the fucking series.
obvious troll is obvious
Are Berserk fans the Rick and Morty fandom of Sup Forums?
Building a barracks is understanding that Berserk is not about going berserk.
Upgrading your Town Hall is noticing that the idea of evil chapter was scrapped because Miura feared it was too telling.
Constructing an Altar of Kings and rushing the green camp is realizing that the universe in Berserk is not deterministic but merely influenced by the threads of faith.
Upgrading to Keep to get tier 2 upgrades on your ranged units so you can kite your opponent before he gets disabled is knowing that the struggle of mankind is made moot by the creation of Heaven on Earth and therefore denies them their purpose in Berserk by making Falconia.
Forcing your opponent to ragequit when you send in your Archmage with blizzard to fuck his workers is comprehending that the idea of evil is a red herring, revealing that warfare is the only way to achieve Utopia, by tyrrany and domination, and that Evil is created by mankind to justify needing a Utopia in the first place, which in turn shows how powerless the Five are in changing human nature, since only they can bring about the conditions for evil to exist in the first place.
Winning the game is realizing that Berserk is actually about going berserk after all, denying the order and artificial rules that humans superimpose on creation to facilitate their nature.
Yes it is. It's not the best game out there but cutting down hundreds of enemies while running around as guts in berserker armor is really fucking satisfying.
it's repetitive but fun.
Judging from I would say unequivocally "Yes."
What would be the worst thing for Griffith to see as he dies? His city burning down as Guts sits on top of him, pummeling his dumb faggot face into a pulp?
titanfall 2
>go fast
>low ttk means kill fast
>power slide through a hallway mowing down players like they're hot trash, outmaneuver a big golem and rip out its core, etc
play with carpenter brut or some other meme murdertones and it's no. 1
Guts having a better kingdom then him and everyone loving guts instead.
Griffiths motivation was ridiculously obvious tf do you mean? His dream was crushed along with his body and had one last hope after trying to kysirl the god hand gave him the key to the kingdom.
>Story about choosing what's important
>Character chooses ambition when presented with choice, to extreme consequences
>Not meaningful
This is basic reading comprehension. You also fail to understand the relevance of Casca, which is, if anything, on the nose. You're a moron clamoring for attention by being contrarian.
>the umaru
I agree, an apostle taking joy in the depravity of a ruined man is indeed pretty horrific.
they should just have a bracket for dudes roided up to the gills
that'd be some entertaining shit
I don't think you understood my very first post. Maybe you need to hit the books.
Good one.
Yeah, Griffith would never recover after something like that. He'd probably hang himself.
Why yes, thank you for noticing another stupidly apparent thematic element. Maybe you are learning.
I know you've never read a book, but almost every dramatic story is about making hard choices and Griffith didn't make any meaningful choices as we both know. Also, please explain to me what I misunderstand about Casca because I truly want to hear about this relevance you're alluding to that escaped me.
Berserk really is about chaos triumphing over order to ensure good.
Basically this. If you criticize it, you'll be dogpiled by gimps.
Best OST
Best Final Boss
You can enter batshit insane mode
A Metal Gear not written by Hideo Kojima!
Best fucking game ever
It ain't rocket science
why can't he draw hair? wtf is going on there?
His kingdom and guts are what he cares about most, so his kingdom burning with Guts in someone else's arms.
So when are we getting the Evil Genius scan of the new chapter?
>why can't he draw
you forgot
>receives a dimension shattering bitchslap in the middle of his own utopia by a guy who should be dead, who then proceeds to calmly walk away
>calling Berserk edgy
Either you haven't read or seen it or you're an actual retard.
Locus is a bitch and is going to get blown the fuck out comedically by Isidro
It'll be so fucking embarrassing you'd think Rickert backhanded him
Miura lost like 90% of his talent in the Fantasia arc. I have never seen such a blatant negative development in mangaka arts.
read the last chapter fren
>he calls this a negative development
Not him, but to be fair, I prefer Miura settling into Guts' RPG party over someone like GRRM who kills off every single interesting character just for the sake of shocking the reader, and the new characters absolutely do not make up for it.
It wears off really quickly.
I hate nu/v/ so much
ugh yeah man just look how fucking ugly this shit is
Go ahead and post some faces. I'll wait.
man no shit the guy burns out so fast. This one panel mustve taken like a month of i insane hard work
Lurk moar.
"Only portraits are considered art!"
t. artist
Post your art. Oh wait, this isn't /ic/
Fantasia Arc has the best art in the series so far
>literally from the last chapter
Post Caska's face in the recent chapter. I'll wait.
i was just playing the berserk game on the dreamcast
it's decently fun, like an early DMC
like a kiddy drawing XD