What other games are inspired by FFXIV commercial comeback?
I can't stop laughing.
FFXIV Cooldowns Added to WoW
Other urls found in this thread:
>Make an ex Vanilla raiding lawyer lead designer
>Cannot stop fucking up
>dumbed down for console version confirmed
they arent being increased to whole 2.5 seconds, it's just that they are considering removing abilities unaffected by gcd
mind you, ffxiv does have tones of abilities that ignore gcd.
It's still a bad change though.
>ffxiv does have tones of abilities that ignore gcd.
Which this doesn't.
It's a flat 1.5s gcd tax. And he says "maybe not everything" in the most condescending way we've come to know and love Ion for: The dev who made us miss Ghostcrawler.
>The dev who made us miss Ghostcrawler.
Can't believe this is actually happening
>Slow down leveling
>Add tons more elves
>Add a XIV GCD to abilities
100% convinced they are trying to kill this game.
Unpopular opinion:
Having a very fast GCD with many abilities off the GCD turns the gameplay into a button mashing tunnel vision clusterfuck.
It's why FF14 feels so incredibly shit at lower levels but has some of the best end game raid bosses for that MMO formula, because the fights are about reacting over pure mechanical performance.
I like what Ion has done so far. Even claimed the fuck ups like random legendaries were personally his fault and apologized on stream. He also BTFO'd the "Bring the player not the class" squad
Warrior detected.
Go play any caster and tell me you still have that opinion. Shit, even a huntard.
So it's coming back to what it used to be? Nice
I don't see what FF has to do with this though
>Slow down leveling
>By giving it a normal speed rather than moving at Mach 5
Let me guess, you also think giving the game a reasonable leveling experience was all part of their evil scheme to make you buy tokens?
>best raid bosses
luv to fight on a plane flat circle with perfectly outlined borders and no ornamentation in a garbage engine that makes everything look like plastic
Old WoW GCD wasn't like FF at all. So I don't see what the fuss is about.
After following closely bfa development, i don't like the direction it's going. Everything is gonna feel so nerfed, all the fun abilities are getting removed, devs pruning classes more and more...
I'm starting to regret prepurchasing the goddamned expansion like the impatient monkey i am. I dont even have any friends who keep playing this garbage anymore.
>So it's coming back to what it used to be?
That's what they want you to think.
They're adding a 1.5 wait between ANY action.
The reason stated is:
>Stacking Use trinket abilities is OP
>It's hard to see the visuals on what stacked abilities are being used in PvP : ^)
Adding a flat 1.5s wait between EVERY action is supposed to fix this. Because potato.
Whatever you say my dude, it's the opinion of a Blizzard raider designer, not just my own.
>FFXIV Cooldowns Added to WoW
What? The post is about moving OGCD abilities back to GCD. What does XIV have to do with this? Is OP retarded? Yes he is
Guess we'll just have to see if it really works or not. If the devs think it'll work I don't see why not.
It's fine, offensive trinkets and cooldowns are ridiculous at this time. Just macro all of them into one button and use that macro. Seems like a shitty meta to me.
Interrupts, oh shit buttons and cooldowns to break off CCs should be the only abilities off GCD
EVERYTHING is OGCD in WoW, dumbass.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I read the blue reasoning and it's very sound. It makes sense to me.
I don't understand what you're mad about. Now you have to actually think about whether you defend yourself or kill the enemy, rather than defending yourself while killing the enemy.
Interrupts and shit like Lay on Hands are still off GCD.
It sounds like you're an asshurt shitter and probably play Warlock.
interrupts being off GCD fucking sucks. you can just mongo smash your abilities and interrupt whenever you want, you don't have to think. it was better back in the day when you had to guess when someone was going to do something and stop smashing the keyboard for once in your life
having self power up cooldowns (like wings or whatever) on GCD sounds like cancer though. those aren't interesting abilities to use by themselves and shouldn't take up a GCD "slot"
shit's gonna suck for you because they are doing the opposite
I don't mind this. The only change is that you can no longer use CDs while on the GCD.
That's a lot of fucking nothing and Arena projecting, PvPoster.
Back at you
Logically, some activision exec probably did the math and realized adding 1.5s to every act increases your chance to resub by x%.
>garbage engine that makes everything look like plastic
are we talking about XIV or WoW here?
Wait, I'm confused. Is removing the ability to literally roll your face across the keyboard supposed to be a problem?
I PvE too though.
Get fucked.
Sup Forums will throw a tantrum about anything
I genuinelly don't know wether you're talking about FFXIV or WoW
>that pic
Imagine being so up your own ass that thats the kind of conclusion you reach as a dev.
WoW has absolutely beautiful environments
FFXIV looks like crap
>Back at you
I can't believe I have to explain this to you
When you use an ability in wow you start a timer that prevents you from using another ability until the timer completes. That's called GCD. For example after you use Rejuvenation you have to wait 1.5s before you can use another Rejuvenation. 80% of abilities of any class work like this. Some are exempt - and they are "off" GCD because you can use them even while the GCD timer counts down. Saying "everything is OGCD in WoW" is objectively wrong and makes you look like a dumbshit who doesn't understand the concept of a GCD.
Not everyone likes playing in a massive, active world like they're inputting numbers in a spreadsheet. Try to understand, XIVfag.
As usual some contrarian faggot on Sup Forums misunderstood a dev and tries to cause a shitstorm over nothing.
LITERALLY the only thing that's happening is that you can no longer use cooldowns while attacking someone. Combat in WoW is already spammy as heck and having to press 3 buttons at the same time can be really frustrating at times.
Fuck off, Ion. You have a GCD change to rollback on the alpha build.
I've never played XIV, sweetie. In fact my only MMO experience is Vanilla WoW-Cata.
Keep telling yourself that
he's got kind of a point
it's kind of dumb to have a bunch of different abilities if everyone just puts them on the same pop all cooldowns button
Imagine being this mentally unstable you love flat land that took 0 effort to make
>WoW copies EQ basically template to create its game model
>MMO's start copying WoW for their template
>WoW copies FFXIV's cooldown model
We've come full circle
Is your mom monitoring you on your family computer, fag?
Their art team is really good and gets me hyped but fuck what are they doing with the classes
Try being in bounds retard
>>WoW copies FFXIV's cooldown model
It doesn't, this is pre-Cata cooldown model, not XIV's
How is this a copy of FF?
>posting a glitched out of bounds map
again, heres a (you)
It's his fault things ended up that way.
Warriors have a billion and 1 buttons to juggle that all do the same shit. Even after the ability pruning in WoD.
Adding trinkets to that, of COURSE people will look for shortcuts.
So if the problem is damage stacking has become spammy, the obvious solution is to trim some of that back, but what do they do instead? Treat the symptom, not the disease.
Fucking stupid.
I unironically like Ion
Even if I'm pro-OGCD in general I can't argue with his reasoning. That's a lawyer for you.
>even the on use trinkets are on a GCD
My sides
>okay boys time to burst
>pop timewarp
>wait for GCD
>pop rune of power
>wait for GCD
>pop combustion
>wait for GCD
>pop terminus beacon
>wait for GCD
Does this genre still exist purely for the reason of bots?
It's been months since I've last seen a bot in WoW
It's fun to kill digital dragons with friends, but I wouldn't expect you to understand
>tfw just realized we'll probably have to use combustion before rune of power in BFA now that there's a GCD
>no more popping combustion 0.1 sec before pyro proc finishes casting too
Furfags and single mothers
Why are people saying this change is like XIV? It's the opposite, all the cooldown buffs in that game are off the gcd not on it. That's a major part of the gameplay, using them inbetween other skills.
autism, there is literally nothing to do but farm mounts/mogs
>Even claimed the fuck ups like random legendaries were personally his fault and apologized on stream
There are so many ways to circumvent WoW's gcd on core abilities with talents, abilities, and procs, it's not even funny.
You are proving you don't play the game.
>expecting people not to be retarded
The people bitching about this are the same people who are hyped for classic, literally no one fucking knows what they want
That's not like XIV at all though. In fact in XIV the majority of your abilities are oGCD. A job typically has about 30-35 abilities but of those only about 7-10 will be on the GCD. It prevents oGCD mashing spam by having animation lock on abilities so you can really only fit at most 2 oGCD skills between each GCD. Which would actually be a better solution than just making everything on the GCD like WoW is doing.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
>people only just realising GC actually used the forums regularly to explain his changes when met with feedback, negative or no
>people only just realising GC made an entire fucking blog post (somehow still on the nu-wow site) about why Cata heroics were difficult and tried to tell the LFD wrathbabby plebs how to handle it
>people STILL not realising based GC carried us through the pinnacle of class design in MoP overall because he was one of the only fucking team leads who carried over and respected the groundwork from the A-Team once they got shitkicked to Titan
I would not DARE bot in modern WoW with all their anti-cheat/anti-toxic bullshit campaigning.
Especially now that it takes fucking forever just to get flying back on later expansions, assuming you farm anything.
>WoW has absolutely beautiful environments
>Keep telling yourself that
I don't get it. Are you actually implying WoW's art team isn't doing some serious fucking amazing shit considering WoW is running on a modified Warcraft 3 engine?
yeah, i can't believe this talentless fruity pebble haired faggot made anyone miss the worst WoW dev in history
it's been so much work retconning and redoing all of the horseshit they've added recently, hope it keeps getting removed
>Still don't have WoD flying
I just can't be fucking bothered, tbqh
forgot pic
>9 years of the post cata dungeon spam being an unchallenged method of leveling
>an ALTERNATIVE to rabid questing
>Blizz implement scaling so new players can quest through zones at their leisure and not feel pressured to get out before they outlevel it
>Decide to nuke heirloom stats and triple the HP of all dungeon mobs without actually increasing their threat in any measure, forcing people to basically quest or be a goy and buy a boost after having their alternative stripped after all these years
you sound just like those 20k wow forum posters user, fuck off.
>cherrypick the one good and sensible GC post
>they nerfed the dungeons before Cata was over anyway
hmm...almost like he was a shitcunt and needs to stay at Riot
>considering WoW is running on a modified Warcraft 3 engine?
It doesn't.
it doesn't have anime catgirls though so of course ffxiv fags will hate it
that celerion guy doesn't work on WoW anymore
he got moved to HotS
You're a cuckolding faggot I dont even need that blizzard shit eating picture.
that's ghostcrawler and he works in LoL
>FFXIV Cooldowns Added to WoW
LOOOOL and the game felt dull enough
guess more reasons to play vanilla
>instanced """""outdoor"""""" zones
top kek
But it's coming back to how it was in classic. Do you have actual brain problems? Did you read that blue post or was that too much text for your bird brain?
I'm talking about the blue haired fag in the pic that was in charge of class design/PvP
Yes it does.
this guy on the right
Yes I can't wait for 30-minute cooldowns!
It literally does
just read what i posted you retarded dumbfuck
Are you going to shitpost or post proof, because I have no fucking idea what you're on about
That's the fag who played with a tablet, celestalon. He didn't leave for hots he went to hearthstone. And he was never a lead designer
You're the one shitposting.
vanilla is not about abilities
now you're thinking of guild wars dingdong
>people always crying about wanting Vanilla
>Ion brings vanilla changes to retail
thea bsolute state of Sup Forums
Liking Vanilla is a RIDLEYINSMASH-tier Reddit meme.
stay on topic you brainlet
have you ever plaxed FFXIV? Every zone and city is instanced and has load screens inbetween them.
noone actually likes vanilla it's just a meme
I just read Ion's post and I see literally nothing wrong. His reasoning makes sense.
Fuck you faggots.
eat shit taurencuck