Donald Trump is now literally videogames

Donald Trump is now literally videogames

>Upcoming FPS game Far Cry 5 includes a mission asking players to steal President Donald Trump's infamous alleged “pee tape.”

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So, what happens when there is no piss tape and years down the line people are looking at this game and thinking "how did they believe this?"

Probably because of all the massive "coincidences"

I'm apolitical and even I find the themes and writting/dialog I've seen so far to be PAINFUL. If I play this game it will be on mute with subtitles off..


Yes and Amita's last name in 4 was Sarbeesian just like sourceless fucks like you said when that came out

This is just embarrassing. The future is going to mock us relentlessly

>make epic Drumpf BTFO post on /r/politics
>it starts gaining tracktion, few hilarious replies after a minute already
>go to sleep
>wake up
>check reddit
>inbox full
>over 3k upboats
>get exited, start screaming "THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE END FOR DRUMPF!"
>check CNN to validate his impeachment
>he's still in office

What the FUCK, bros?!!!!!!!!!!

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imagine being so butthurt about a video game that you have to make up lies to create more butthurt about it

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Sup Forums really is the worst board. It's only good for shitposting wojack memes now.

The russian dossier was literally made by some drunk poster from Sup Forums who didn't bother to use spellcheck or proofread and used screenshots from a Kanye West music video. That's how stupid the people who believe in it are. It's never going to go away.

>tfw i was in the thread where that pee tape rumor was made

>trying to pretend Sup Forums is sensible
Place is crazier than this place. I don't see this board openly calling for literal assassination attempts on fucking government officials. I have seen thatt on Sup Forums.

It's on par with the Obama birthers. Fucking retarded.

>Anons this dumb

but what if the game itself is the epitome of liberal butthurt?

>Making fun of recent events

GTA does it all the time, and its kinda something they would do. I still find it odd how no one blinked an eye at the 9/11 mission in GTAV

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I hope not, I cba with some basic ass reddit tier DAE THINK DRUMPF = BAD tier Comedy

>I made this

Do you actually fucking believe this? Holy shit. Also, make up your fucking mind

>dossier was made by fusiongps and an ex-MI6 agent
Do you really fucking believe every fucking intelligence agency on Earth is fooled by Sup Forums? Holy fuck.

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>I don't see this board openly calling for literal assassination attempts on fucking government officials. I have seen thatt on Sup Forums.

I wonder if that's got anything to do with one board strictly being about politics and the other board supposedly being about video games. It'd be kind of weird if you saw people posting about how Merkel should be gunned down or something while talking about your latest Mario title.

>oh no a game where you find Bigfoot has you find the obviously made up video of Donald Trump having hookers pee on one of Obama's beds he slept in during his stay in Russia while he was in his pajamas
Who the fuck cares? I mean no one actually believes that it's true. Doesn't congress have like a 9% approval rating now? Why would pskld suddenly trust one of the most outlandish claims made against a president in history?

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Ready for war with Iran, fellow MAGApede?

can you imagine if someone pushing this pee tape ended up becoming president

>saying something true mixed in with several made-up details
>people disregard the whole thing
The dossier is a collection of a lot of information. The piss tape part specifically is a ruse written by someone from here, sent to, I believe, Rick Wilson. Pretty sure everything else you said was made up somewhere along the way of people referencing this over the past year+.

>implying all of Sup Forums is one poster
>implying news sites and channels need actual validation from alphabets before they run a story that based off of what "some sources have said"

Is there a mission where you have to recover 30,000 deleted emails?

Oh okay, so there are people dumb enough to believe this Birther tier bullshit. Everytime I say "no people are dumb enough to believe this", I'm wrong.

Why am I still so hopeful?

I'd let a hot girl pee in my mouth

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>dossier was made by fusiongps
*By them contacting and compiling sources, one of them being an obvious troll. Do you just not understand how this kind of research occurs?

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And I am sure you believe all the weird coincidences between Trump and Russia are made by the deepstate or fake.

>He thinks any of the information can be considered credible when it's obvious they just threw anything they had into one document
Yes the whole thing is not credible

Well if Obama isn't a secret muslim born in Kenia, why doesn't he just show his birth certificate?

This is literally (you). Do the world a favor and just end it.

Why do white people keep fighting with each other?

Yes, but the whole thing is not written by a drunk Sup Forumstard. Are you literate enough to understand the difference between those statements?

Do you want another shoah? Is that what you fucking want? Because that's what you're asking for.

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So slightly offtopic, but ontopic for far cry 5, I wanna play it co-op with someone, best price I've got so far is kinguin with their jewbucks @ 41, any vpn prices or whatnot I can take advantage of for cheaper? NA by the way

hopefully it'll run better that far cry 4 cause that shit ran like garbage on even high end pc's

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>Can't even pass a budget bill through a Congress that is fucking owned by his party
Donald Trump is a weak joke of a president who deserves to be ridiculed

I dont believe it. But I also don't believe that Sup Forums invented the rumor. It's not like we don't know that DJT is a degenerate.

>Weird coincidences
Of which there are 0, most of it is pure yellow journalism which this country has s severe issue with
>Trump has money invested in one of the largest economies on Earth
Oooo spooky
>His son rejected information from a Russian Lawyer that supposedly had dirt from Hillary Clinton
Oh no
>""""""Russian bots"""""" meddled in the election
Jus like how Russian hackers got through DNC and Podesta emails because there was a detection of Russian mafia sourced script used to hack them, which isn't how hacking works at all

It's all bogus, every admin there has to be some cooky bullshit the opposition uses to gain popular support