I don’t think I’ve ever seen AAA game announcement be BTFO by an indie game port before

I don’t think I’ve ever seen AAA game announcement be BTFO by an indie game port before.

Does anyone care about Smash Bros? Aside from the possibility that Sans will be playable.

Attached: FED5506F-8FAC-4B63-B0DD-4C970227FF8D.jpg (1024x683, 99K)

You mean besides all of the excited fans that have been making videos, art and character wish lists for the new game?

I’ve seen more hype for Undertale, honestly.

What horrific tumblr communities do you visit? Why are you here?

Have you seen any of the reaction videos to Smash? or any of the specualtion? if you don't see how big the Smash hype is, you're blind.

go back to whatever hellhole you came from

Attached: 1500843507269.jpg (193x242, 20K)

Maybe leave your circle jerk and you'll see more clearly senpai

are you genuinely retarded?

>taking such obvious bait

Why are you still on tumblr tho?

maybe you are blind, because it isn't obvious, there are people that would say stuff like that, so how are we suppose to tell?

considering the switch is atrocious for couch multiplayer, i think people dont have hope for smashs playability unless you spend large amounts of money on accesories

>considering the switch is atrocious for couch multiplayer
>i think people dont have hope for smashs playability unless you spend large amounts of money on accesories
What accessories? You mean extra controllers?

Attached: 6bb32eaebfdd1e90d45f504da78ddaa4.jpg (600x485, 40K)

nice pic of yourself.



>i know u r but what am i xDD
Boy I sure don't miss middle school.

nice come back, you must get all the pussy.
pulling the "you're retarded" card, nice play.

you're pretty nice too...

>Smash Bros announcement broke Sup Forums for several days, nothing but Smash threads
>Undertale got a fewt hreads and it was mostly people fighting over the story

And here we have another example of "how great games create obnoxious fans"

Undertale is years old, user. It’s amazing how it is still so famous even after all this time.

Who do you know who gives a shit about Bloodborne, Splatoon, The Witcher 3, or MGSV anymore? Undertale will outlast them all.

joy cons are extremely uncomfortable when using either side, and have less buttons than a wiimote(no chuck).
so youll likely be forced to buy multiple expensive controllers. Idk if it can support GC controllers via an adapter.

2/10 got me to reply

My Little Pony is years old, user. It’s amazing how it is still so famous even after all this time.

Who do you know who gives a shit about SciGirls, Adventure Time, Planet Sheen, or Regular Show anymore? My Little Pony will outlast them all.

>Planet Sheen

Fuck you in a thousand different holes for reminding me that that exists.

Switch introduced support for generic USB controllers in a system update a while back. You can buy the cheapest controllers in existence if you want to go the cheap route.