>if its something you like, you're shilling
>if its something you don't like, you're a shitposter
>if someone else likes it, they're underrage
>if someone else doesn't like it, they're a vocal minority
how do i win this
>if its something you like, you're shilling
>if its something you don't like, you're a shitposter
>if someone else likes it, they're underrage
>if someone else doesn't like it, they're a vocal minority
how do i win this
Post something that is not a videogame.
is that image of a stick figure a male or a female i need to know for research purposes
Don't forget
>If its made by a North American company and you like it, you're probably a burger
>If its made by a Jap company and you like it, youre a weebshitter
The only thing I don't like on this website are the metaposting retards who are emotionally invested in the content of a website full of autistic subhumans.
>how do i win this
play video games
Don't be the typical retard who says "_____ is good cuz I like it" or something equally valid and shallow. Half the time someone gets called a shill or a shitposter it's because they're saying something is amazing/shit without anymore reasoning behind what a 7 year old could muster.
that's just Sup Forums for you
Because sometimes you need to actually fucking explain yourselves
Opinions dont matter if it's nothing more than "It's shit because I said so" or "It's good because I like it"
>old games got their own board
>Pokemon games got their own board
>generals got their own board
When did you realize that the cancer killing Sup Forums will never be removed. Because Sup Forums was the cancer that got removed from actual video game discussion?
>implying that isn't the best possible scenario
Sup Forums unironically is the best place to discuss video games on the internet because it isn't a fucking forum hugbox.
Can't even criticize one thing about the game or someone shits on you and tells you to leave.
You don't, Sup Forums is a shitposting board and only newfags and retards think otherwise
You stop coming to a board filled to brim with people who just want your attention.
Theres plenty of chatrooms or even smaller websites to talk about games in.
yeah it's a giant contrarian shitpost where people ironically perpetuate the most unfunny memes on the internet while simultaneously acting elitist about their garbage sense of humor
t. faggot who's been here since 2007 and still loves it
>stop liking what I don't like
>stop disliking what I like
>It's only acceptable to like it if it's a sony product
>Sony can do no wrong
>Nintendo can only do wrong
>everything must be exaggerated
>xbots only exist as sony or nintendo falseflaggers
>pc is inferior to consoles because my morals get in the way and I refuse to recognize how much money I can save by investing into a good rig, fuck you haha it's my disposable income all pc gamers are poorfags
>jerking it to stick figures
Every game, literally every game no matter the console is the next tortanic and nu-Sup Forums will not let you have the chance to forget it.
>Review scores? What are you a brainless casual?
>But I will post them to show why a game is shit :)
It used to be when there was actual discussion. Now its just baseless hate and accusations of shilling whilst greedly rubbing hands together and awaiting the next ebin tortanic moment
>state a rather tame conventional opinion
>kill yourself
Name one scenario where you had your opinion changed or you changed someone else's opinion on subjective matter on this board.
t. falseflagging nintenbro
By enjoying what you enjoy and not caring what others think, dipshit
there's a general on /aco/
>it's a reddit arrives and complains instead of just leaving episode
You stop taking Sup Forums seriously. Everyone else involved with gaming did.
>it's not possible to like a game because of a vocal minority of degenerates in a fanbase
I convince people all the time that traps aren't gay.
t. Flaseflagging sonybro replying to himself pretending to be a Nintendobro.
i need more convincing
traps aint gay
they're bi
Yeah fuck niafags.
I will never understand revolting images as humor. Am I a brainlet?
The japs have never made a good game so this is always the case.
>What did he mean by this? >Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. >Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. A deal’s a deal, user! What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Bing bing wahoo! Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros. WAKE ME UP. How do we fix this? No way, fag. Redpill me on X. Confess. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY. Can we get one of these threads going? I will post this everyday until E3. LOL. Keep it vidya. What’s the best X, and why is it Y? Really makes you think. WE. So this...is the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? *BRAAAP*. Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X! Look at this Nep! NEVER EVER! Kys. THICC
*blocks your path*
Oh no no no no no no
*breathes in*
>tfw too intelligent to X
>hey user turn on your mic!
[Ranking of Dark Souls games]
haha. I'm at a loss. HE. How's that youtube gaming channel, Sup Forumsros?
What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! I HURT MYSELF TODAY
>people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES. When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X? It’s not fair! Is this loss? Is this a Jojo reference?
>this is your ___ for tonight
>this is ____ say something nice to them
post your thing in moderation, woah that was hard
OP, just stop coming to Sup Forums
there is no meaningful discourse here
>he actually cares about what other anons think
just don't fall into the mindhive, post what you honestly think
you are user for a reason
Almost time to add
to the list.
If you fap with full knowledge of the dick, it's gay.
Fucking delete this.
y-yeah you're the victim
I bet you spam some thread day after day hour after hour
How do we fix Sup Forums?
By fixing Sup Forums
shit list
Read it again
oh it's there. Then good job user!
Sup Forums is old and busted, Sup Forums is the real hotness these days
Undo the board splits, bring back dubs, publicban all wojack/soyposters on fucking sight.
Stop caring so much about what Sup Forums thinks you fucking lemming.