>Stealth mechanic
>If one enemy sees a quarter of your ass, every single enemy is instantly alerted of your position
Stealth mechanic
>All characters can be any job they want be
>has elves, dwarves, orcs and "original humanoid race"
Fuck Tolkien.
Reeee every shitty WRPG'S does this shit
this is good though?
That's good though
New colossus
what's wrong with dwarves ?
>Gameover if the main character dies
Persona 5 does this shit why.
Nope makes the characters bland everytime and it takes away any iconic characters from happening. I like the way FF series does with unique gameplay for all characters. Really wish dragon quest would stop that shit.
No it isn't, stupid faggot.
Preset parties are fucking gay
If you won't let me customise my characters then at least let me choose their jobs
It's especially horseshit even if you kill him silently a literal millisecond after he sees you
Because it's based on SMT where only the MC is important and everyone else in your party is literally just mooks that don't fucking matter.
nigga go play fucking x-com if that's what you want
>Stealth sections in games that aren't designed with stealth in mind
>stealth game forces you to not use your fun toys if you want the best ending
Oddly the enemy rng seems to favor sparing your character, especially with the self-sacrifice mechanic working overtime.
>Stealth game punishes you for killing your enemies even though kills look much cooler
>Variety is bad
If a game doesn't want to give a job system, there better be like 20/30 party members. People suck off FF IV all the time but as a game itself it's fucking boring.
>stealth mechanic
>if you hide from an alert enemy for a few seconds they forget you ever existed
>Sequel to said game says that the good ending is canon but no one took you seriously because you spared everyone in the first game and planned to start a coup de dat
>get the best weapon at the very end
>no way to go back and use it on anything besides the final boss
>coup de dat
Literally do fuckall except jerk off to their glory days.
Actually SMTIV got rid of it. It's still a death sentence a lot of the time since the MC is so powerful, and demons have to have a special skill in order to use items. But it's a lot less bullshit.
>demons are more willing to help you in battle than your friends in P5
they are just short elves
That's not Tolkien's fault though
but X-com doesn't let you choose your units jobs either.
Long War does and that's the only way you should be playing the new games anyway.