ITT: Your favorite UI/Menu

ITT: Your favorite UI/Menu

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i liked Halo 2 menu. it had a lot of cool hidden things and images

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None better.

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Some of those aren't actually in the game, aren't they?

think thats from vice city stories

Dead Space nigga

best godamn trainer UI you can ever want, smart and simple

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This video explains deleted and beta pretty well.

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for me, it's neverwinter nights. sleek and unobtrusive

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the GOAT

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I love Vice City so much. Easily my favourite GTA.

same, great choice OP

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One of the most effective and efficient HUDs I've used and it just has enough style

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What menu?

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Literally the best

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the best UI is none

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also enjoy your jam screen


Plus the music was absolutely God Tier. That series had some phenomenal menus and menu music during the Bungie era.


Quite literally the best. In-game/in-universe UI gets my dick hard.

It's crazy the amount of effort put in the menus by this game
Other games would just give you an excel file and click on the choices you want

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I never noticed that gunshot effect, what the hell

was that removed in the US version or am I retarded

The only issue with it is that the fucking load menu takes like 3 seconds to transition so you can't see what file you're loading. Extremely annoying if you have autism and need to complete the compendium and acquire all abilities like me.


why are you bumping this shitty thread

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Back when developers actually tried.

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Max Payne's UI is perfect

A shame its counterpart in Dota2 was removed

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As others have said, Dead Space. It's basically cheating, but it manages to be really immersive while still being crystal clear at all times.

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I really liked Black Flag's colors for their menus/ui
green, gold with black, and the loading screen was pretty chill with the waves like out of focus particles, Origins has a similar style and it looks great as well.

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very nice