She's never going to be useful again, will she?

She's never going to be useful again, will she?

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She's good fap material, which is all that Overwatch as a whole is useful for.

I want Mercy to wear a diaper and sit on my face


she's in a good spot

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>juggled around nerfs/buffs for a while
>game introduces 3 better healers
>she gets completely reworked

I still enjoy the challenge of playing a somewhat new character every 2 weeks, but she's no longer meta and she probably never will be again. I'm a flex shitter so I always play around anyways, but my most played is Mercy at 69 hours and I'm leaving it at that since it's poetic and Moira/Ana/Bregeta are superior.

Wow, I'm actually surprised at how overall balanced the usage of healers is.

>consistently picked along with zen
Shut the fuck up and own up to it if you just want a cheesecake thread you piece of shit.

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We all know why this thread was created

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I'm surprised Ana gets used at all after Diamond


Really, what for?

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What's more surprising? That she's still used at all, or that she's used about equal to the other healers in grandmaster?

I am not certain, but I think it has something to do with fan art

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That she's used equally compared to other healers. I know her abilities are useful but I would expect her to be a niche pick

I suppose co-operating is necessary to avoid the hotpockets' suspicion, then.

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I got you senpai

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Is it true what they say about the good doctor's "bad touch"?

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Why are western artists so cancerous?

Don't worry. she is a doctor

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Pharmercy will always make my dick go dokidoki

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tsundere moira and mercy are surprisingly entertaining

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old hag

Hottest OW girl rolling thru

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I just can't deny the chocolate/vanilla swirl

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They have a cute dynamic

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You might be right

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I want to be mercy.

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>from niche pick to highest pick in GM
what did they mean by this

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mercy popularity was on the rise before the retarded rework due to ana being trash in dive, and recent buff to rez ult invuln

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She still has Ress and is the best single-target healer with some of the best mobility, right? Then she's always going to be useful.

Mercy isn't high pick anymore

that was after 5 nerfs in a row after the rework turned her from pretty good to bonkers, to meh after the nerfs

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I want to see the data of how many people flipped from hating her to wanting to love her

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Wonder how Brigitte's going to fare. She's certainly different from the other Supports.

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Pharmercy is still broken.

I wonder how butthurt genji and tracer players were to get castrated by sombra

only good for porn

Butthurt enough to make Blizzard revert Sombra's buffs and nerf her to boot.

she has stronger lucio heals on hit, less aim, good CC, small shield and a pretty decent match up against dive. Her and moira will fuck up genji and tracers day

Alright, alright, yall win

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Genji and tracer have literally destroyed the game point out anything that effectively counters them that hasn't been nerfed. If characters designed to counter them could actually do something, people wouldn't accuse of bias

anything that hard counters genji tracer would just be more oppressive with less skill.

>she has stronger lucio heals on hit
Her heal is slightly weaker, actually. You allies also need to be in her range when she hits someone to receive it or they won't get it even if they move into range while it's happening. It's also not constant since it has an internal cooldown and requires her to hit people.

>first time going winston since her addition
>basically doing nothing with Brigitte on the other team

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as opposed to letting them run rampant? the biggest problem is the unrestricted mobility. If Mei's/symmetra's slow down affected their mobility skills travel distance % by movement reduction, we might have less problems.

Tracer is Blizzard's pet poster girl for Overwatch and Genji is the mega-fan favorite. Blizzard has admitted they balance the other characters around those two and it's also why they've rarely if ever been touched except for bug fixes. If anything is a hard counter to them it gets nerfed, if anything is a soft counter that works reliably it also gets nerfed.

They only run rampant because they scale so well with skill, there's a reason tracer is almost a throw pick below masters. Want to know what the last counter to genji tracer was? double mine no falloff junkrat and that was fucking stupid

sfm models don't do it for me desu I don't know why

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nice try but i already have that one uncensured.

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I sure do love watching genji and tracer in every fucking game

Are who I see in every single fucking match I'm in. If you're wondering "Why Hanzo?" it's because of Scatter Arrow, spamming 250-damage headshot arrows everywhere, and dragons.


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I have it also I just dont want to get banned again

We need a second Omnic support, like a medical robot built by the military who has Symmetra's old "give people individual shield" ability and heals by dropping medpacks its allies can pick up.

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hopefully not


She's fun and good. Needs some nerfs on cooldowns tho.

That being said, I'm pretty sad she just had retooled assets as abilities. That's extremely lazy and disappointing especially since melee centric characters are my favorite. She brings no new mechanics to overwatch and usually new characters do.

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she's broken in my opinion

>she stuns
>she heals directly and indirectly
>she gives armour
>she displaces and does burst damage (enough to slap down 200 hp classes easily)
>she does cleave
>she can perfect block
>she moves fast
>good ult

6 seconds for heals and five for stun isn't long enough? She's no main healer anyway and ranged characters eat her for dinner.

Not everything needs to be brand-new, and you'll quickly exhaust your options trying to do that. Different variations on existing things works just fine.

I don't even play Overwatch anymore but that Halloween Mercy though

>she stuns
Just like several other characters do.
>she heals directly and indirectly
Just like other healing Supports do.
>she gives armour
The only armor she gives worth talking about is the armor from her ultimate.
>she displaces and does burst damage (enough to slap down 200 hp classes easily)
Widowmaker and Hanzo can OHKO 250 and lower characters with a simple headshot from much further away.
>she does cleave
Which requires enemies to be bunched up and she does pathetic normal damage anyway.
>she can perfect block
And anything explosive bypasses her tiny shield easily.
>she moves fast
Only when she ults.
>good ult
Agreed, but armor is the worst form of damage mitigation anyway and since Junkrat is in every single match it gets destroyed very quickly.

>Halloween Mercy

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It's a weird feeling not seeing Mercy in every single game now, it's just something that you got so used to you kinda play around it. Oh well, can't say that I miss her really. I'll always be eternal with Orisa though.

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I'll miss this sexy swede, but they're going to kill her off for "plot" reasons if her player rate gets too low.

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She's Swiss, the dwarf is the Swede.

At least one second needs to be added on that stun. You can use it too often and I completely disagree with you on not needing to implement anything new. Just about every character released has had one new mechanic added and she's just a Reinhardt/Lucio hybrid with a roadhog hook that pushes. I bet the only reason they didn't make she shield push and flail stun is because the similarities would be even more obvious.

>but they're going to kill her off for "plot" reasons if her player rate gets too low.

thats fucking retarded, if less people play your charater you need to fix it, not kill it, but again we are talking about blizzard.

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Gross. I'd rather fuck a robot and get my cock mangled and ripped off by it than fuck a floppy uttered nigger.

They haven't killed off Torb yet

they had to shit out his daughter first. He'll probably be killed off soon

there's an animated version and the pose is godtier

Moira is Mercy and Zenyatta with a bit of Lucio and Reaper, so not every character brings something new. Like I said different variations and combinations of existing abilities work just as well.

This is how you spot the shitters. Mercy isn't even bad now. She's just specialized in comps now. The fact that she was always a good pick no matter what and if the enemy didn't have one they were at a disadvantage meant she was totally fucking broken. Not even op but broken with no equal.

My waifu Sombra > Fareeha > Young Ana > Symmetra >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of the other girls because they're not brown.

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Have fun.

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>having sex with your legs crossed
wtf user

You're just wrong on every level with this post. I'm curious at what mental gymnastics you went through to make that make any sense to yourself.

how do animators not get boners while working?
Especially something this good

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its so she doesnt get pregnant

She needs to be made useful in a way that actually requires skill and doesn't make even the most brain dead player able to turn the tides of the game.

Then again, Overwatch isn't about rewarding skill at all.

Respectable taste, user. Sombra has definitely grown on me over time. I think I'd go with Mercy > Sombra > Mei > Symmetra > Orisa > Brigitte >>>>>> all others

Imagine Sombra talking with a lisp
thee you layter

no matter how badly she gets nerfed i'll still use her
besides my teammates are so reliant on their mommy

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I'm sure they do.

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my waifu is perfect the way she is

>not constantly masturbating while working

How do you even live with yourself.

I really want to give Ana grandchildren. Pharah is the main reason I want a brown wife.

We do, it's how you know your art is good.
Without the erection you'd be working blind, and unsure if others would fap to your art

>Her and moira will fuck up genji and tracers day

haha so far in qp shitters ive loved it as a genji. she's just as dumb as reins and a friendly bri giving me armor packs lets me live so much more than any other healer on my team. Brig and Zen are just gonna make diver stronger.

Explain my "mental gymnastics", please.

sluts are only good once

I really want to dominate Pharah.

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