just got back from serving 8 years in prison to play WoW again
>game is $9.99
>$20 to keep playing each month
>$60 tokens to level up
just got back from serving 8 years in prison to play WoW again
>game is $9.99
>$20 to keep playing each month
>$60 tokens to level up
Other urls found in this thread:
>$60 tokens to level up
>>$60 tokens to level up
>8 years
Get a job spic.
>just got back from serving 8 years in prison
what did you do?
What'd you do Jamal?
Deserved sentenced desu.
I played WoW
yeah I never learn to stop playing shitty MMOS
they dont show it in the Launcher for some reason (it just says In-game purchase)
its so fucked up
I cant believe how fucked up Blizzard is now
Im not supposed to talk about it
You can get gold to buy up tokens in-game, and the only thing worth is the exploration now. They fucked up the game sideways
yeah it takes so long to level up now, im sure the only reason they would do that was to sell more tokens
Yeah it's how they make easy cash from the "huur game starts at max level" crowd. Also the battlenet launcher has spyware in it now. Enjoy.
>Also the battlenet launcher has spyware in it now.
>>$20 to keep playing each month
There's another surprise for you coming up with that character name, dawg.
Oh, so you're a liar?
no comment
>no comment
>gives reply to user
Have you never heard the phrase "no comment" before?
Just got back from serving 8 years in prison.
PS3 still has no games.
you can tell us, you're anonymous. and besides, we're all friends here
actual retards ITT
back in 2004 I downloaded a car online
I saw the warnings on tape but I never listened, it was a mistake, I fucked up OK?
the internet police traced my mouse IP and found the car I downloaded in my driveway by hacking my neighbors security camera and tracing the license plate
I will never pirate anything from the internet again
probably cp
it is only just that you were punished for that. at least you learned your lesson
that's bullshit I pirated the grand canyon and I never got busted
>downloaded a helicopter in 2003
>used 7 proxies
>FBI still think it's legit
lmao get on my level
holy shit a possible non-newfag
did u get ass blasted in prison?
bumping for answer
I'm not supposed to talk about it
youre gonna hear from my lawyer
>not playing private servers like myself (a poorfag)
to be fair, you're better off playing shitty private servers than retail
Tauri isn't so shitty not that many bugs but the only issue there is the lack of people, I honestly just want to relax in a MoP server. I also want to get to Garrosh with Legendary Cloak.
I have never seen a single person actually buy a boost from the store, only from buying the expansions.
Mcmichael claimed this post was a joke
I know someone who's bought like 4 or 5 of them now
say something!
don't blame them for being new
that was a good week
I know someone who only buys boost for his characters. Has probably bought like 10 of them now.
How is Ret in Legion?
>made me check my steam friends as im awaiting his return
>oh shit
Just like everything else is in Legion; garbage.
madthad gets released in October, hoping for a sticky but doubt it
even then, it's not like we can catch him up on everything because in the most likely scenario, they won't allow him computer access
Good. Unremarkably good
>actually paying for retail
jesus christ
Might as well just go back to jail
>just got back from serving 8 years in prison
Did you service any juicy BBCs, whait boi? :3
Alright listen up you fucking little cry babies, wow is and has been for years FREE. Go download TSM, farm the fuck out of silithus/brd/sekethhalls then throw everything that is green or higher onto the ah(stupid fucks buy that shit every day to make their ones and zeros look prety). You will be rolling in fucking gold in less then a week and then you can spend that mountain of fucking gold on wow tokens.
Want more fucking gold then an entire mountain? Grind out as many 110's as you can and do the hours worth of quests to get all your orderhall followers and get them up to 950. Now you can do the fucking gold missions that are 1000g+ at 100% and 2500g+ at 200%.Two or three of those missions pop up every day. 2500g X 11 toons = two fuck tons of mountain gold. And did i forget to mention? You can do this shit with the fucking phone app. That means you can make a tokens worth of gold every week WITHOUT EVER LOGGING IN.
Whats a matter? Gold cap'd twice already and still want more? Make the fucking legion food and feasts. Mats are easy to farm and even cheaper to just buy on the ah. Get all that shit together and post them on tuesdays/fridays/saturdays. Tadah! More fucking money!
If you are paying for wow you are throwing money away, congratulations. Thanks to the above methods and a number of more indepth farms I have bought EVERYTHING blizzard has to offer, including dlc and store merch, with fucking wow tokens
>farm the fuck out of silithus/brd/sekethhalls
Why those places in particular?
shitty greens for transmogsluts
>farm the fuck out of silithus/brd/sekethhalls
Sethek Halls is the only thing there I know what is
Spoonfeed me pls
vanila and bc are loaded with shity armor that people love, metal bikinis pretty much. each one of those three has the largest drop pool for their respective levels, which means you get a larger variety of pieces that will appeal to a wider market, this means your shit will sell faster then the more random xmog pieces out there.
not only do they have larger drop pools, they also have a higher mob denisity or faster respawn then other places, which means more shit to you sell.
both those factors means a few hours of farming gets you a ton of gold faster then someone going after specific pieces in 'better' drop rate spots
silithus is the same farm as its always been, get atleast one monk and any others in a group, make sure everyone is 58 or 59, and go farm the fuck out of the cultists near the crystals in that big camp in the middle of the zone.
you can do this solo and with any level toon, but anything higher then 59 alters the drop pool because shit scales with your level now.
brd was always a good xmog farm spot, but recently because of the level scaling across the board of all content, it has become even better. black rock depths is now droping stuff from sil and zf as well as a number of world drops and other zones. its great because of the large density, soloablitiy(dont need a group to get effective gold/hour), and easy of respawn(can just exit and reset instance) which all means you will get a fuck ton of good xmog items extremely fast
Gonna try a few BRD runs now, thanks user
I've been getting my gold from farming boon drops for obliterum plus follower missions but I've been wanting to shake it up
just get a work 4head
always happy to share and i gotta say, do anything but oblit farms. that shit has dropped in price so much lately its not worth the time invested when you can do so many other farms for much better gold/hour. you are honestly better off farming emperium ore or astral herbs, that will get you the same if not more gold/hour with much less effort invested.
right now the best 'normaly' way to make gold is enchant and/or inscription. enchant will bring you a constant supply of good gold and inscription will bring in a slightly slower but more gold per item rate.
where the real money is at is still xmog and previous established markets such as primals and volatiles. those things always sell for high gold because people are too fucking lazy to farm them themselves.
and i cant stress this one enough, level and do legion cooking, that shit has been my second most consistent gold bringer this whole xpac.
now if you really want to make some gold and are willing to stay in it for the long haul, start stockpiling the 30 slot bags, jc/eng mounts, legion raw mats, lw drums and gliders, and alc extra effect potions(run/swim speed, slowfall, armor, hp, ect) why are we doing this you ask? because the next xpac is a few months away. every single one of those are going to go through the god damn roof price wise the second bfa launches
It was the children wasn't it?
Thank you based weeb of gold making.
I am setting up my alts' class hall champs so I can start mission grinding from my phone as we speak.
I killed someone's Dad and bang his Mom.
>always happy to share and i gotta say, do anything but oblit farms. that shit has dropped in price so much lately its not worth the time invested
I've found it pretty good since I just log in once every two hours so so and get a quick sprocket container, every 6 containers you can make a headgun that turns into 4-6 obliterum. They're usually still selling for around 1k each on my server, so it's decent gold without having to really sit there and grind.
How do you get your champs to 950 I've been stuck on 900 and don't seem to be getting better armor upgrades.
thats great and all for almost no work, added onto the orderhall nonsense its ok gold i guess, but with just a tiny bit more effort you can do so much more. so just from that you are making ~5k/12hours, or ~400g/hour. for one hour of farming the stone basilisks in antoran wastes you can easily bring in 1200 empyrium or more depending how quick you are using serverhop. a stack of 200 ore goes on average for 4k. that means you will make 24k+/hour by farming ore which requires about as much effort. just put on a movie or somethin and kill shit.
you need to finish all the intro quests for argus, when that shit done you will see misions for 950 equips
Just tell us faggot
We're all identityless here
sup Big Herc
>so just from that you are making ~5k/12hours, or ~400g/hour.
Well yes, but the point is I don't actually have to do anything
I just log in and kill falcosaurs for like 30 seconds and then log out
an like i said, thats fine if your happy with that, but with just a tiny bit more you could have a ton more gold.
its just a pet peve of mine really. i hear so often 'waaa waa gold making is so hard i never have enough to buy anything' or somethin similar as an excuse for unsub'in and i know for a fact that can be fixed with just alittle bit of work. not saying your one of those people, its just the reaction i always have.
me? i love being able to buy my raidin guild anything they need/want at the drop of a hat. i have a blast making contests and give aways for randos. its gotten to the point where im bringing in gold faster then i can get rid of it, outside of just mailing people huge chunks of gold out of the blue, just from two or three hours a day of scrolling my mouse wheel while sitting infront of an AH while watchin anime or youtube shit.
Big talk, virgin
It's more that I just value my time, I'd rather spend $15 a month with money I made working for $20 an hour than with blizzbucks I farmed for like $2 an hour.
Granted, what I've been doing has covered my sub for the past year now so I neither have to grind nor spend $15 a month, but if it slowed down I'd probably just start paying.
that seems like a lot of trouble. i'm not poor.
>8 years in prison
>starts playing wow
didnt you have any other hobbies worth investing? or a family? jesus christ