Why are the toons in this game so fucking ugly?

Why are the toons in this game so fucking ugly?

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It's called Splatoon. They are toons.

Splatoon is a play in splat and platoon

>toons splat one another


You play as toons in a platoon and splat one another.

No, you play as squids.

Cartoon squids.

>Made in Japan

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Yes, and?

user, those are anime squids. Far superior to any cartoon squid.

No. Who the fuck calls video game characters "toons"?

Yo ho ho Marcus Phoenix is such a toon!

Nobody, except when they are toons like in Splatoon. Splat toon.

They aren't.

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Cause it's a game for children not for overweight sex peprived pedophiles such as youself

Fucking Gaijin

No user.
Splat platoon.

That's not a Splatoon character and therefore not a toon.

But they are all very cute, aside from Pearl who looks like a snot-nosed little bratty gremlin.

That's ridiculous, it's Splatoon, not Splatplatoon.

This is a terrible thread that should've never been made, OP.

>What is a portmanteau

Pearl is beautiful and deserves to be treated with respect.

They're not portmanteaus, they're squids.

"toon" is really old mmo slang, it refers to one's player character. I don't know exactly when it started but it was definitely a thing at least as far back as everquest in '99

it definitely hasn't been in common usage for years, though.

It's a portmanteau of splat and toon.

You're such a toon.

I want to portmanteau Marina and my dick.

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fucking damn it

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>Splat toon

Attached: it takes d batteries.png (598x369, 387K)

He's a fucking minion.

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Minions can be sexy too.

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I don't know how to feel about this, my body is so confused



Why do you have such shit taste?

I'm gonna need you to never post that gain user.