Vermintide 2 thread
Vermintide 2 thread
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Give me one good reason why you're not running a Bounty Hunter right now.
I like to trivialize spawns and be an credit to the team as foot knight kruber.
I like the Glaive's ability to kill Rot-helms and Black rats.
I'm busy chopping up stuff and praising Sigmar as zealot.
busy wrecking house as slayer
Busy deleting specials, elites, hordes and bosses as Wizza.
why does bounty hunter have such an unbelievable ass? I swear bh players crouch and aim their crosshair to the sky and suddenly it's more in your face than your nose
Anyone have some of the Saltzpyre voice lines for his class power?
>team8 jumps from behind you and u head shot him
>Behold a son of the fuehrer and the Reich
What the fuck Fatshark
Okay i thought u fuckers were talking shit about elf players and boy was i wrong, stupid fucker heals at 90% hp with 2 teammates at 20% after the boss, grabs second grim before boss and dies with it,pops a fucking speed pot to drink a pot and grab a heal again while the rest of us get 1pot, takes everything, dies, never goes with us, cant even fucking walk in a fps game
I think i lost my mind from all the rage
I want to like the glaive, but it feels like it whiffs attacks way more than it should.
how are your champ runs going, lumberfoots?
I get that feeling sometimes because its swings aren't perfectly horizontal, they're somewhat angled so they don't have quite the sweep that some of Kruber or Bardin's weapons do. It helps to compensate with appropriate strafing.
so what is the best Sienna build right now?
>play shade
>use ult to kill chaos warrior
>nothing personel kid
How do I unchained?
It's literally spelled out on the screen. How does one still misspell it?
His name is Ronald, or Randal if you prefer. Thank you very much
>yfw this music comes on
I need some vermintide reaction images
Bounter Hunter's ability lines are total garbage compared to WHC or Zealot
>War funding
>Double the discipline
Why the fuck am I laughing?
>screaming bell, everything is fine until everybody shits the bed after the bell is down
>kruber and dwarf die to the absolutely massive slave swarm, elf books it down the escape with not a second thought
>spend the next two minutes doing this
You forgot:
I've had a few games like that, when bosses spawn people seem to forget there's other vermin with it usually
>1 teammate is leeched
>1 other is down
This game is okay until it decides to just shit everything on you at once
why is every fucking voice line wrong
>leap into a crowd axes swinging
>charge forward, flail flinging
>charge into a mob, bowl them all over
>blessed taal, mask my scent, guide my aim
It plays the voice lines of whatever careers the host has set the other heroes to. Meaning it plays shade's lines if the host has shade as Kerillian, even though you're playing handmaiden.
It'll also use the talents, gear, etc. of what you have for bots if you end up using bots.
>have to eat their weight in food a day or they starve
>somehow able to support themselves by the gorrilions
Fuck off. How do you expect anyone to believe this shit?
Tabletop games.
I hear this game is a lot like Left 4 Dead.
I loved playing that with friends but sadly I don't don't have any friends with a PC good enough to play with me.
Is it still worth it, and what's the total rundown, give me the scoop before I dunk 30 bucks into this.
Skaven birth rate is ridiculously huge.
slayer yelling an old ranger trick is too good, out of anything i hope they don't fix that one
Yeah, but how do they support the numbers?
>Sienna's Pyro career gets to obliterate shit with her ability
>Waywatcher's is pathetic in comparison
Oh damn I didn't realize Jesper Kyd did the soundtrack for this.
Dude makes good game OSTs.
The same way they expect you to believe rat men and giant green orcs exist.
For one, Skaven can eat dirt, cloth, bones, etc. and weight a lot less than humans do.
Cannibalism of the weak/slaves/captured humans/dwarves/elves/etc.
Massive slave worked farms
Raiding settlements for food and people.
Skaven grow rice, which is per acre the most calorie-dense crop out there.
Don't they also grow some corn and make some weird bread? I swear i heard something like that once.
Yeah, black corn. Skavenblight is surrounded by miles and miles of marsh that's strewn with the stuff.
It's worth noting that even with black corn and rice produced on an industrial, factory farm scale, the Skaven are still always on the verge of starvation. Hence the cannibalism and raiidng.
Man, FUCK Skaven. Rage-including that they won Warhammer due to endless Zerg-rushing
They 'won' because GW has such a big ass boner for chaos that nothing could top their shit baby.
>t. Sotek
Grimgor won the Storm of Chaos event and GW just couldn't deal.
I wanna play zealot saltz any tips for using him properly
step 1) Play bounty hunter
>all these people on Sup Forums with friends to play with
what the fuck? is this worth playing solo?
too many elves.
If you can tolerate shit pubbies you can probably do champion runs with a 50~ success rate at beast
>playing markus merc
>smash that F button
surprised the hell outta me
Likewise with Saltzpyre yelling WHC lines after firing Locked and Loaded.
>blast a chaos warrior's head off
alright then
I swear to god I saw a Saltzpyre BH with what looked like a shotgun for his ranged weapon and he wouldn't fucking tell us where he got it.
No it wasn't his active.
repeater pistol
>Played Slayer in beta
>Leap at someone who is on an incline
>Go slip-sliding up the hill till I'm no longer on an incline
>My face
Did they fix this? I haven't played in awhile.
they've barely fixed shit all
Any tips? I was playing veteran until recently and did ok as bounty hunter but i moved to champ and am having a lot of trouble pulling my weight.
I can't play the videogame because I refuse to give PS+ money.
>3 tomes, 2 grimes
>finish the fight, weary but unbowed
>everyone is on white but we're making it to the portal
>suddenly an assassin pounce kills the dorf
>lose a grim just like that
>really want to make shade work
>no reason to bring it over huntsman or BH for boss dps
i hate this
current huntsman is complete ass compared to shade though
console release when
>when your squad has an elf in it
why do the slow weapons all suck so much ass
you prolly just spam left click
kinda all you can do. I tried using kruber and the 2h sword takes so fucking long to heavy swing. meanwhile elf is left click spamming killing everything in a 10 mile radius
yeh 2h sword is pretty shit compared to halbred or even hammer even saltpyres 2h sword is shit compared to flail
>3 minute cooldown for a moderate 6 second boost to the party's crit chance
>tag enemies to deal 10% more damage to that enemy for 5 seconds (only the WHC gets this damage boost but it doesn't tell you that)
>damage bonus on headshots
>kill everything
Why is this allowed
holy shit, really?
I like the game and all but the more I learn about it the buggier and more fragile it all seems.
I mean even after 4 patches we have subtitles still not match dialogue properly.
Greatsword is still sitting in that power valley that the repeaters used to live in before they got armor pen. I'm sure fatshark will get around to giving them a buff after 6 months.
Some of the DLC in V1 still has fucked up subtitles.
>WHC talents: get a 10% dodge distance bonus, get damage resistance when grabbed/pounced, get 6 extra shots for your ranged weapons
>BH: get max-trinket attack speed boost, +25% stronger crits, infinite ammo on your guaranteed crit skill
I can't tell if BH is overpowered, but hot damn WHC is so underpowered.
it was my first character and I thought I was just shit because that's all you get t start with. I got a sword and shield out of my first crate and holy fuck not only does it deal more damage it can actually swing BEFORE the enemy attacks.
People seem to complain a lot about Purplesnatch Bumblebee, but for me Spinewrangler is much worse.
2h sword at least for Saltz is really weird. It claims to have high damage and hits multiple enemies, but it's absurdly slow, does less damage than a falchion, and hits fewer enemies than a rapier, and even with 10% or more attack speed buffs on it AND swift slaying you still can barely swing before enemies do, and your power attack is basically worthless.
>that time I played as BH but the host had WHC so I got WHC lines
>draw my pistol and blow away a horde on righteous stand from the temple steps
>immediately literally immediately afterward the holy music kicks in
>sigmar's light fills the room and he cleanses the temple
It gave me chills.
You forgot they nerfed his temp health spot kills from 5 to 3, or maybe it was as high as 7, I forget.
WHC needs a lot of love. His ult not sure what word we agree upon to call the "talent abilities" either needs to be a gamechanger in the realm of almost guaranteed crits, or a way lower cooldown. This also isn't dealing with the fact that it has low utility to begin with and deleting enemies is far more important than knocking them down
Yeah, as it stands WHC could be a good support option, but when his other options and other options of other classes outshine his, he becomes pointless.
It's like, playing WHC is like wanting to delete a file on your computer so you call up a friend and give him good direcitons to your place, cash, food, and gas money to come over and delete the file for you, while BH is just deleting the file yourself. best analogy i could think of
I have never ever found ammo towards the end of Spinemanglr ever. I don't think it'd be a problem for me now that I hit level 15 on bh but it'd suck dick for the rest of the classes.
There's nothing quite like pulling your team out of the shit when it happens, though.
Because I aint a meta slave.
Makes sense to me. What would you do when out of ammo? Leap out of the bushes butt naked and ambush those fags.
Yesterday I had 4 assassins and 2 leeches in the span of 10 seconds all jumping on me while I was on the phone trying to survive this bullshit.
Very nicely done
fuken kek
It's basically left 4 dead; you start out in a fairly linear level and fight your way through random groups of rats(zombies), have to deal with certain roadblocks like raising a gate (making noise and luring hordes) and are periodically ambushed by special rats, hordes, giant tank ones, etc. You choose your weapon loadout before you enter the mission, and find your medkits and speed potions and bombs and ammo and shit throughout the level. The basic combat mechanics are similar to Skyrim (m1 to attack, m2 to block, hold m1 to charge attack/block shove). You gain experience upon beating or losing a level, and get essentially loot crates upon beating a mission or leveling up, which contain new, stronger weapons and equipment that you can take into the next mission.
>Insta kill on crit head shots
>15 max percent chance to kill something that probably is dying anyway to head shot damage
>Increased damage on pinged enemies
>When you have super truncated ammo and horrible damage fall off so you can hunt specials with your ping
>Oh shit button that knocks everyone down for a second and gives your team a laughably low amount of crit
>Its on such a long cooldown that you will use it like twice a run
Fucking nice meme frankly. The no stamina blocking is also pretty weak because it doesn't benefit from the parry angles, but at least it works. WHC is not as bad as hand maiden but goddamn is it trying .