
What is everyone's most favourite Castlevania? What is your most disliked/least favourite entry?
>Just started playing pic related and really enjoying it.

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I honestly can't say I dislike any of the ones I've played, maybe lords of shadow for being a gow clone but that's about it. It was still a fair entry for castlevania.

Good taste OP

I cant say I dislike Lords of Shadow either, haven't played the sequel mind you. Despite throwing out the cannon it's still a fun gothic horror themed adventure game.

Fav. Portrait of Ruin.
Hated. N64 Castlevania.

I've been playing through the entire franchise and I have to say I haven't disliked a single game, even Simon's Quest, but I did use a retranslation patch.

lament of innocence would be great if the levels were about half as long

How many castlevania games released for ps1?

>not playing simon's quest in your bedroom during the summer trying to figure out where to go and how
you're missing out

I believe two.
Symphony of the Night and the remake to Castlevania1

I honestly doubt I would be able to figure it out blind otherwise. I couldn't until I got the retranslation

Circle of the Moon is my favorite by far. Least favorite is Lords of Shadow 2.

Unironically pic unrelated, Circle of the Moon is my favorite.
I really couldn't get into the 3d ones, but LoS is by far the worst offender.

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Favorite: Bloodlines
Least Favorite: Simon's Quest

Also, CV64/Legacy of Darkness are both underrated as fuck

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LoS1 is the best 3D Castlevania though.

>tfw Dark Academy

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Favorite: IV
Least favorite: Order of Shadows

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Name a single thing it did better than the former titles.

I don't agree in the slightest

Have you played the Gb games or the N64 ones?

LoS1 isn't even castlevania.
Neither is 2.

I liked Castlevania2:Belmont's Revenge. Havent played Legends and I thought "The Castlevania Adventure" was pretty bad imo.

The N64 titles aren't even bad, and I like a lot of the ideas on them a lot better than what they did with the PS2 and PS3 3D games.
The only real issua is the camera sometimes, but it's not even a game-breaking thing.
CV64 and LoD have a lot of memorable moments and levels. Being chased by a chainsaw-arm frankenstein monster and 2 hellbounds on the maze is still one of the most iconic moments of 5th gen vidya for me.

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Legends is nice, great underrated music and fun character. A bit too easymode tho.

Thread is dying, bump with best girl

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I play the best version of whatever game I'm going through, really enjoyed Legends and loved Adventure 2. Played Adventure Rebirth instead of Adventure 1

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It's funny, because God of War copied elements of Lament of Innocense, and no one cares. But Lords of shadow copies the same fucking elements, and it's a "ripoff"...

Also: symphony of the night master race, reporting

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Eh, decent taste, at least it's not Carrie again

If I played IV and it's a remake of 1 should I play the PS1 remake of it as well?

Favorite: 64/LoD
Hated: GB Castlevania Adventure. The remake of it was great though. Whipping with the wiimote never got old.

Sure, why not? Always fun to see different takes on source material.

Most favourite probably rondo or bloodlines cv4 is good too and sotn. Oh damn there is never going to be another castlevania game again is there.

Probably not. The least they could do is port HD to pc but Konami can't be bothered to do that either.

As nice it'd be to see Castlevania again I think the series really deserves to rest. It had lots of high points with lots of really great entries. For now we can hope Bloodstained or someone else can revive the style.

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I would be fine with it resting too but I want Harmony of Despair on PC and updated to have every character from the series in.

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Lords of Shadow 2 is the absolute WORST Castlevania game. You can see how the team affected the quality of the game and I remember reading some interviews about how the director is still delusional

They're not really remakes, more just reusing the idea. It's kind of like a "Mario goes to fight Bowser" story in that regard, even though Castlevania does have a timeline and Simon only fought Dracula twice ever in it.

Basically, each game has unique stages, mechanics, and enemies. Play them all.

Gotcha, I actually skipped X because I played Rondo but I might as well play it too

Yeah, X is different enough too, though it does reuse a lot of the assets. Also, interestingly enough it introduces an idea that Dracula X Chronicles, an actual remake of Rondo of Blood, later used.

I actually played the X Chronicles version of Rondo, and the SoTN version on it. So I wonder what concept it would be.

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The only one I actually dislike is Lords of Shadow 2 because of how much of a clusterfuck it is and because it ditched the old locations for present day bullshit

Oh wow no kidding? I havent really given it much time to know much about LoS2 besides that Gabriel is now Dracula.

The possible bad end of Annette turning into a vampire.


fag has been working on it for years and its always 'almost done'

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>Just started playing pic related and really enjoying it.
Go for the secret boss dude cool spooky shit

Oh, I got the good ending. I should replay it

The second game was fucked because the director was a ego tripping piece of shit who managed to make the actual development team resign and so he was left with half a game and he put the future/present into the game because he couldn't create new areas for the castle because even the art department fucked off.

I genuinelly don't know how they didn't fuck up the Metroid 2 remake and the actual devs made some studio and last I heard of them they got a 2d plataformer funded

>The second game was fucked because the director was a ego tripping piece of shit who managed to make the actual development team resign and so he was left with half a game and he put the future/present into the game because he couldn't create new areas for the castle because even the art department fucked off.
I believe this but I want to read interviews about this

If I'm not mistaken there were interviews or one of those things the devs do when they go to reddit or something

My current favorite has to be Portrait of Ruin, but I haven't played very many entries in the series quite yet. Also, what game would you guys recommend I play next? I'm mostly thinking between either OoE or DoS, but I can't really decide which. Open to other options too, ofc.

Great Taste. Easily one of my favorite tracks.

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If you want the cutscene then maybe, but getting that bad ending locks you out of the third phase of the Dracula fight along with actually beating him in the ending. Also, the same female vampire boss model with the same attacks was used in the upper route of the bonus Stage 5B unlocked once you complete the game anyway.

Yeah, it was probably one of my favourite CV bosses honestly.

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It was widely reported at the time

Have you played the GBA games? Aria is SotN-lite, or better depending on your tastes.
If you are playing physical on your DS I say OoE for the next best castlevania. Personally I have yet to play DoS.
I'm assuming you haven't played the classic games yet so try out rondo of blood or bloodlines.

I love the idea of fighting a Dracula whose arsenal largely consists of actual vampire powers. Also, some of his moves felt like callbacks to CV III and improvements upon the final SOTN fight too. Also, the modifications to his second phase made that battle better too. The fireballs he can't aim at least can linger a bit on screen now to be a danger, and he can not only fire the electrical wave from either side of the screen, but he does a huge leap to the edge of the screen instead of a slow, vulnerable slide too.

My favorite is the first one on NES. Mirror of Fate is the worst piece of shit I have ever played.

Fave: Rondo of Blood
Least fave: C64

Lament, SOTN and Rondo are all the best in their prospective aim.

>I genuinely don't know how they didn't fuck up the Metroid 2 remake

1)Sakamoto admitted he fucked up and wanted to make things right
2)Nintendo watched MercurySteam like a hawk

I've only played Symphony of The Night. I own the DS one, I should probably play it at some point.

>I genuinelly don't know how they didn't fuck up the Metroid 2 remake
Well, you move Samus with the circle pad instead of the D-pad, you can't say that MS didn't try.

Favorite Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. It was the first Castlevania game I played when I decide to give the Castlevania series a second change and became a fan of it. At least for the Metroid-style Castlevania games, I never became fan of the Classicvania games.

Most disliked entry: Circle of the Moon. No matter how many times I tried to like it, I couldn't. Why people praise it despite having so many flaws and being so outdated is beyond me.

>I own the DS one
Which one? There are three Castlevania games on DS.

Are the Belmonts the most /fa/ lineage in vidya?

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I wonder how games like these take more then 2 years to release. Guy must've worked on revision after revision.

Everything besides art direction and music.

Sotn, Harmony of dissonance, 1,3, Rondo of blood.

No particular order.

Rondo of Blood
>least favorite

the series aside from the original Gameboy games and N64 entries is consistently high quality though.

Probably they make it at their free time or something. Dunno.

4, too. Forgot that one.

They're all really enjoyable, anyway. So picking a favourite is silly.

This, morror of fate sucks, worse than los2. I completed both of them still.

definitely not

>most favorite
>least favorite

I agree and im an oldfag, some dont like the story but I liked los1 a lot.

First game was dracula X
My favorite is Harmony of despair, wish it got ported to this gen.

my most hated is the tiger electronics version of castlevania

What do you find outdated? I just finished a run and perhaps the controls are stiff, momentum is nonexistent and enemy attack patterns can sometimes only be mitigated by chance based drops letting you cheese them. But the game is quite succinct and a good length for replayability (Which CotM's mode encourage. I've yet to feel the desire to replay Aria) has various methods of completing it on a Normal run through whatever drops come your way, it encourages exploration without being bloated down. No shops to break immersion..

for a GBA launch title it captures Metroidvania perfectly, with more -vania than quite a few other portable titles to follow. idk I like the simple story but they're all good games so idk

The castle was damn good too

Favorite Classicvania is 3, hands down. It's just so perfect, in my eyes.
Favorite Igavania would be a tie between SotN and Aria. The only downside of Aria is that, despite being set in 2035, there's only like 1 futuristic weapon, and only like 3 firearms.
Favorite 3Dvania is CoD. It's just fucking great, and I love it.

Yeah. Varied enough levels that only really amount to 4 or 5 screens of exploration. A handful of secrets per level, enemy elemental reskins (yeah, I'll admit a fault. But it's a short game and the card system varies up encounters and drops/farming) and a boss. I love the background art for some of the stages. Chapel Tower comes to mind, or the area you fight Camilla in.

or how about starting the player at the final door, in the middle of the castle, dropping them below to ascend back up with powers? Starting with an idea of survival and being an actual challenging game? Making the apex of the castle your fight with Hugh?

just wanking now but its an ok game is all.

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Castlevania IV

Castlevania 2

Tie between Dawn of Sorrow and Curse of Darkness.
The N64 turd (not the werewolf one).

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how would you add on to this?

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>Curse of Darkness
my fucking nigga
still waiting for sony to release it on the psn, come on sony, you already gave us Lament, now give us the good one

Lament was good though you double nigger

I'm not saying Lament was bad, per say, but Curse was better

that's fair


God, that game could have been so much better then it was. it had a ton of potential. but it was still pretty dang good in spite of that. The atmosphere and music are some of the best in the series. I hope you have a ton of fun OP.

Have a old meme.

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LoI was fun in general but I really loved the cut scenes and voice acting. It had a certain type of ham to it that felt right.

castlevania is ham, it's why the original SotN voice acting is so well known
ham sells
if the Lords of Shadow games took themselves less seriously, I think I would've actually enjoyed my time with them

I wonder about this too as there are fan games out there that didn't take a fucking decade to release after being announced like pic related. Man, whatever happened to that CV 3 remake in the style of 4? did it get DMCA'd I can't remember.

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CV is best b-movie

That's pretty accurate.