Runs away

>runs away
>only attacks after you do
>only does running attacks
>baits for parries

why are dex fags the biggest pussies in dark souls?

Attached: 1506132570891.jpg (951x951, 115K)

>Wears Chinese armor thinking it's samurai armor
>Uses a shield with his katana

Every single time

STR Chad
>My Thanks!
>Quiet Resolve
>Legion Etiquette
>By My Sword
> Prayer
> Silent Ally

DEX Virgin
>Point Down
> Applause
> Proper Bow
>Dignified Bow
>Patches Squat
>Path of The Dragon

Attached: 1497456575501.jpg (480x360, 33K)

not true
I just spin 2 win with twinblades

Please. I'd wipe out your health bars before any of you faggots could finish swinging your overly large hammers that overcompensate for your micropenises. Can't hit what you cant catch bitch.

you probably do the point down gesture all the time

dex can't trade like str can. also the running stab has phantom range and is tricky to parry

surprisingly, it's one of the easier things to parry, for me anyways because it's so predictable

Just started dark souls 3. Chose thief because I like the gear it came with. How badly did I fuck up?

This post is actually accurate. Most dex fags don’t even wait for the bow to begin combat.

very badly, thieves have the highest luck which is pretty much useless in this game. I think that there are like a couple of weapons that level with luck, but i'm probably mistaken.

delete that character right now and start a new game as a knight. literally the best stats and lowest amount of luck. the knight is good for pretty much 95% of builds

>Most dex fags don’t even wait
even worst are the dex fags who can see you changing your armor and weapons but attack you before you can finish. why are they so greasy?

Thank. I was worried I ducked up picking based on look

yeah it's become common due to memes so there's plenty of practice, but it's exactly why people like OP shit on it

you can always respec later if you don't want the extra points in luck. or if you don't care about the level meta then it doesn't really matter

you can't
class stats ARE the base stat, when you respec, luck goes back to what the thief originally had, which is a lot.

It's Souls, and the easiest one no less, you're fine don't worry about it.

oh, then ignore the respec part. my bad, been a while

if he's just starting a new game, then just be a knight, why regret it later once you realize your stats are wasted in luck?

I use praise the sun.

good, it's a very neutral gesture that doesn't make you look like an edgy teenager

Because he likes the starting equipment of the thief, why should he drop the stuff he likes just because he has a few more points in a stat he doesn't want? Shit I killed the firekeeper accidentally near the end of my run and just threw away souls like crazy trying to kill the Nameless King and I didn't regret it at all even when I realized she actually respawns.

because equipment is not a big deal, all class equipment is obtainable as you progress through the game.

To be honest, this is the optimal PvP playstyle in DS3.

it's the newb playstyle because it's so common, almost as common as the straight sword spammers back in the day

Yes but he hasn't played it before, he doesn't know where it is and could miss it or not get to use what he wanted to use from the start, again, for no real reason because those few levels in luck aren't going to make a notable difference in how hard the game is. It's just pointless delaying of what he knows he wants.

Anri's straightsword was a godsend for luck builds.

It's important if he cares about min/maxing and the level meta. If he wants to go to level 300 or whatever and never do MP like a casul then fine.

Also, I don't know how you could play through the game without finding thief's gear. Most of it is obtainable from High Wall.