Tempered Jho is out
I repeat
Tempered Jho is fucking out!!!!!!!!!!!!
>tfw getting one shotted

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what? you better not be bullshitting me user

no bullshit man
it's in event quest

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>all the people bitching about him being too easy
>now everyone is bitching about him being too hard


No weekly bounty this week?

there are

I feel like I should just not play MHW again until the G -version.

Anyone know what tier the tracks that appear in the gathering event are?
I'd check but I can't fire up the game right now

>tempered one shots
i call bullshit unless he has a massive multiplier specific to him

I'm probably not gonna touch it again until there's a bunch of new content. I played through everything there was to do for the most part. got the weapons I wanted. And just playing some drip fed new content would probably make me tired of the entire game in no time.

it's real
he grabs great jargas and slam dunk me
I have like 500 armor and 150 hp
and boom! one shot

Level 3 I think.

>too easy

he's a 7 Star hunt, what the fuck do they want.

Level 3 Teostra, Kush and Nergi


so i guess they made tempered Jho scale differently then.

>500 armor
Hello rebbit!

Hello my fellow redditoir

He's still easy tho?

Yo fuck this

Whenever Deviljho is in an event quest, he has massive damage multipliers.

>mfw getting two shining stone from tempered jho
based jho

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don't forget quests like Naked and Afraid where you fight two jhos in the nude. Fun times.

Wtf I think they make all tempered monsters more difficult
I just got one shotted by kusha which has never happened before