High Score Girl Anime

High Score Girl, the manga by Rensuke Oshikiri that is basically a giant love letter to early to mid 90s arcade games is finally getting its previously-announced animated adaptation after being delayed by legal disputes.

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Trailer included.

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It's just a shitty romcom with some videogames sprinkled in. It's to fighting games what big bang theory is to nerd culture.

You are talking about that faggot anime GAMERS! Hi-Score Girl has more vidya involvement as they do delve a bit in combos and manuevers

The MC's mom is really hot.

it looks like shit
fucking kemono friends tier

Fuck you. You see this girl?: She is the purest and best girl, whole series is worth it for her. Plus she is not even the main girl

t. Newfag

Attached: HI SCORE GIRL.png (1245x1800, 545K)

Kemono Friends was one of the best shows in years, so I don't know what you're getting at.

didn't SNK nuke this mango forever?

what's the point if there's no ending?

Those are some creepy character designs.

Is it any good aside from spotting vidya cameos?

Nah it got better.

SNK gave in. The manga has been continuing for a while now. And given that the anime's promotional material has a copyright notice for SNK, they seem to have agreed to everything.

Square Enix settled things with them. Manga's still running.

>Tripfag having a shit opinion.
If you don't think that bug-eyed black-haired grill is a QT then you're a certified homo.
Yes it's fucking good why do you think we're talking about it faggot.

>You'll never own a candy cab


If you think any knowledge that is feature in Hi-Score Girl is above normie levels of research on fighting games you're probably the retarded target audience. In which case, don't fucking reply to me ever again you dirty casuals.

The character design is a bit odd, but it grows on you. Aside from the vidya it's fairly standard "will they or not" romantic comedy stuff with an MC and two girls, but it's handled decently enough.

Holy fuck, I have been trying to rember the nane of that mango for years. Always wanted to bone that loli.

Just curious. Weird designs aren't a turnoff, just the first thing I usually notice.

But hey, I'm a sucker for a good romance, so one with lots of vidya references sounds fun.

Has Morrigan been in it yet?

>Hurr it doesn't talk about frame cancels and my favorite obscure glitches!!!
Fuck you user the manga has a lot of heart and goes deep into the 90s arcade scenes for Japan.
Of course newfags on Sup Forums wouldn't like a manga about vidya. It doesn't even have any E-celebs.

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Is it coming out this spring season? It better be good you faget OP, I'm not adding it to my RSS download list for nothing.

I'm pretty sure there's an entire arc with one of the love interests getting big into darkstalkers. It's been awhile since I read it all.

call me when they adapt this

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I've read some of this, it's pretty fucking good. Hope they don't cock up the adaption. The trailer makes it look like they gave a shit, so I'm hopeful.

The 3 Darkstalkers that get the most coverage are Victor, Bishamon and Huitzil. I think Morrigan might have made a small cameo, can't recall for sure.

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>Tekken 7 the manga
Nah I will pass

They actually recruited Street Fighter 2 composer Yoko Shimomura to do the soundtrack, so yeah, it seems they do give a shit.

>no Talbain

Ah well. Hm. Isn't Huitzil a frequent character in that manga about that Daigo guy?

And apparently, all the game footage is made by people from Mikado, and if you know whant that is then you know they know their stuff.

>it's 3DCG

Fuck this shit, man. I was so looking into it, but they just had to fucking ruin it.

This just looks like fanservice CGDCT with a vidya backdrop just like that fucking ping pong anime this season.

ebin references galore, not much else.

It doesn't go deep at all, you fucking retard. You might as well say Ready Player One goes deep into the culture of the 80s. God I hate faggots like you, you're so easy to market to so we don't get actually good videogame shit.

At least we have 2 goat ping pong anime series.

Then how about listing some anime/manga that does tough guy?

What's the second one?

Attached: [Commie] Ping Pong - 10 [BD 720p AAC] [13248491].mkv_snapshot_01.29_[2015.12.29_23.46.05].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

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I dropped the manga around the point where the MC failed to get into the same school as the girl because his test scores weren't good enough. It was cute, but by that point the video games stuff was starting to feel really hamfisted and the relationship didn't seem like it was going anywhere.

It doesn't look that bad. For me it makes the vidya stand out that much more.
Dat fucking music though.

This just looks like CGDCT with ping pong and from the threads I've lurked it has /u/ undertones and those always seem to turn me off.

Attached: [CMSSide] .hack∕∕G.U. Trilogy [720p-FLAC][C985B9B6].mkv_snapshot_00.23.48_[2017.11.10_23.58.26]. (1280x720, 105K)

How about one that is actually about videogames and arcade cultures and doesn't use the blooming sexuality of young anime girls to attract absolute faggots like you ?
it's not great but it's miles ahead of hiscore girl

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They take the sport fairly seriously even though it is sprinkled with fanservice and the animation is pretty tight.

They even have explanations for different techniques, the types of equipment you use, at least on decent level compared to something like Gamers which just uses games as a backdrop to tell a rom-com.

Not that other guy but from the first few episodes, it kinda felt like the girls un panzer plot but everyone gets sweaty. Probably has a good amount of cgdct but they also play pingpong at each other violently. From what I've seen.

Thats the Daigo one, right? Udon is translating hat now.

This is literally the only good vidya manga and there is no anime adaption in sight as far as I know.

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Not that user, but if looking at girls is gay, what happens if you look at boys?

I'll check it out maybe.
Tell me this isn't video games.

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Fuck do you need an anime adaptation for you can watch all of Daigo's gameplay on youtube or his many streamed events.

>calls others shit taste
>recommends this fanservice moeshit instead of Ping Pong The Animation

Guess we know what to do with your opinions.

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