How the fuck are grenades deadly?
All they do is release compressed air, all they should do is push you back a bit.
How the fuck are grenades deadly?
All they do is release compressed air, all they should do is push you back a bit.
there's poisonous gas in them
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board /k/ is two blocks down.
just like farts
the air has a witches curse on it
>what is shrapnel
nerve agent
>tfw too brainlet to understand how explosions kill you
What IS shrapnel?
I thought the government put Illuminati spells inside?
Try activating one in your bathroom and post the results ;^)
mustard gas dude
When you tear your asshole from shitting too hard.
What do you think happens to the physical matter that composes a grenade when it explodes?
If you ever get the chance just stand right behind a rocket launcher. It'll be a blast, believe me. I mean the rocket comes out the front, what can all that pressure coming out the back do to you? It won't fuck up your skull, or your bones, but shit I don't know I think pressure build up is supposed to do something to you... Hmmmmmmm... Maybe. Probably. Fucking cook your brain or some shit? Yeah that might be it bud. But you wouldn't know that, because your brain has been fucked since your mother drank all throughout the pregnancy.
They have nerve gas inside.
It's made up of the shattered hopes and dreams of soldiers who wanted to grow up to be more than an unmarked grave somewhere.
Sharpnel: sharp nel prro
t.never threw a grenade
/k/ is one block to the left. You just sent OP to the hell that is /vr/
They fill the grenade with the souls of aborted fetuses. When the grenade explodes the souls shoot out and push your own soul out of your body, killing you.
Never really thought about it like that. What DOES happen to it?
It makes you die
That makes sense.
How though?
By piercing your body.
>high explosives
>compressed air
They’re not it’s propaganda by body armor companies to sell more products
Tiny baby tier bullets that are metal, flying randomly about.
One of them can pierce your skull
And there are 100 000 of them instantly
OP do you really not know how grenades work or is this a meme?
How does that hurt you though?
user do you really not know how threads work or is this a meme?
It's called shrap metal. bababooye
user do you really not know how posts work or is this a meme?
How the fuck are shotguns deadly?
All they do is release compressed air, all they do is push you back a bit
Since we're on the topic. What kind of grenades do you like to use the most in your vidya games? I'm partial to smoke grenades myself.
That's crapnel, retard.
The ones that you can place in walls so enemies fucking explode when they touch them.
My favorite is the one from dead space two.
I like mini's that you can throw further or like you get 2 instead of 1 as well if you're lucky
Why did you make this thread?
As much as I hated borderlands 2, I really liked some of the more unorthadox grenade mods. Shit like a sticky homing grenade that created a vacuum when it triggered then exploded while electrocuting people. Was good times.
White Phosphorus
Lack of faith in Jesus.
Healing grenades
The ones that explode and kill the enemies.
Why waste my time with smoke or flash shit if i'm gonna have to shoot them afterwards anyway.
Hahahahahahahaha how the fuck are guns deadly hahahaha nigga just move out the way of the barrel like nigga step to the side haha
Holy Hand
Why use pussy ass grenades when you can throw one that has twice the explosive radius.
an explosion is not just compressed air.
it's intense heat and force that is suddenly released at high velocity.
Either frags because I love cooking one with perfect timing to not even give a fag a chance to react or detonatables that you can toss quickly and set off quickly like C4 in CoD or nitro cells in siege
Any grenade that lets me bomb-jump.
Trip-wire or proximity.
Ones that let me break the geneva convention
Ones that open black holes
None. Grenades and me don't mix.
I'm more likely to kill myself rather than anyone else.
>smoke grenades myself
Smoke grenades are pointless to against AI.
Are you speaking from experience?
Any kind of grenade that creates a localized black hole.
Alternatively, cluster grenades that explode into even more tiny grenades.
Grenades are made of corn, which is the reason for the government subsidies. Corn syrup is just a coverup. Wake up sheeple!
I used to be legit confused by this too as a kid.
Whatever part of my brain calculates the arc for throwing the grenade just doesn't work. It'll either go somewhere completely wrong or just bounce back right at me.
That and I have the general luck to be paired up against people who do understand what they are doing with them, like living STALKER Clear Sky AIs.
So in general I've learned to fear them.
Come on, if the shit that have inside don't kill you the burst/shockwave of the explosion will.
lots of little grenades made of lead that go really fast when I throw them
Pineapple, there's no other right answer
This thread might get nuked so I gotta ask a slighty off topic question anyways. I'm trying to play Sonic Mega Collection Plus on PCSX 2 but I can only get it to top at 60%. What can I do?
fuck that sounds awesome
like something outta painkiller or doom
Molotovs, mainly because the explode on impact.
They use them to scare people with heart conditions
For everything wrong with Borderlands 2, they really made Grenades and Shields awesome. They fucked up guns from the first game, but all the cool effects on other stuff was great.
> shields that explode when depleted
> shields that hurt melee attackers
> shields with %chance to absorb bullets/rockets so you take no damage and get free ammo
> shields with melee buff when depleted
> shields with gun buffs when full
What's wrong with /vr/
I'm partial to the super banana
Sounds like the Screaming Cannon from Oni
Impact grenades
Properly timing regular grenades breaks my brain
>shields with gun buffs when full
shame The Bee just completely invalidated all of them by virtue of its unique effect AND having the highest amp damage.
otherwise the shield and grenade variety in BL2 was great.
looks like a chocolate bar
Holy shit, it actually works.
Explains why burgers get shot more than anyone else
How the fuck is the sun so deadly?
All it does is release hydrogen and helium, all they should do is suffocate your lungs.
>Get shoot
>So fat that they can't move
I love cooking grenades and suiciding near enemies with them
or just tossing them after cooking
you fat fucker. you huge ASSHOLE. DROP DEAD.
I'm partial to the N-bomb
I know its a grenade thread but if your gonna bring that up then you gotta admit:
1) Laptop gun
2) Callisto
3) Farsight
90001) anything else
What does the N stand for?
triggered poltard
Wait, how the fuck IS the sun so deadly?
thats BRAPnel, idiot