its going to be SHIT
Its going to be SHIT
Nightdive sounds familiar, aware me OP
>soundtrack by skrillex
>not liking skrillex
We know this, im just hoping SS3 is ok.
what a shitshow
They do all the patches for GOG that make old games work on modern computers.
Can't wait for the next two kickstarter campaigns!
>not like reddit
Shit taste.
oh shit I forgot 2008 kids are adults now
There must always be a duke nukem forever
>liking shitty dubstep
By which, of course, you mean they re-package preexisting patches or dosbox and charge money for it in most cases.
I actually had hopes for this. That initial demo they released was neat.
Are you ready for scathing satire on the 2020 election being injected in to the remake?
Is it that bad to pay for that?
What games have they done?
no thanks i’ll be playing star citizen in 2020 LUL
I am going to say Yes that is unless you are an incompetent retard
didn't they just say that they need another 5 million shekels to develop 3 because they remasted system shock 1 instead of doing a third part
Stupid fart sounds and shrieking electronic beeps aren't music and they're not what a sci-fi horror game should have for a soundtrack.
> 2020
How will they still have money by then?
I thought the guys doing ultima underworld 3 were doing SS3
3 and the remake are handled by two separate companies altogether. 3 already has a publisher and a set budget.
Didn't he do a live concert on MLP songs
How many fucking remakes and spiritual successors can 1 fucking game keep spawning.
Considering dosbox is fucking free, yes.
They won't. That's the joke. They're either going to keep stringing along their backers until people eventually forget about it and take what money they have left and run, or they're going to start taking out loans until they eventually bankrupt themselves.
that's not even unreasonable, you fucking children have no idea what goes into making/modernising such a complex game most of it will just come down to assets
they won't actually they probably don't have any money right now and have been pitching the game to bigger publishers to keep it funded
>probably 2020 so by then backers will forget about it, stop asking for refunds, and we can run away in the night
you're thinking of Valve/Steam sweetums
People already like the original. The sequel could be shit.
a remake would more than likely be shit.
Mostly since remaking the first will NEVER go over well. It's basically undoable.
Remakes are almost always shit.
Given the series' history and that some of the original devs are working on it, it is more likely that 3 will be good than it is that 1 Remake will be good.
Wrong. GOG does that for most of the games themselves. They have a team that makes sure old games work.
Night Dive actually does a lot of programming to ensure that the game runs natively in Windows, no DosBox required. They also usually add some new levels and visual settings.
>no rpg elements
>no skill leveling
>linear one corridor map design
>no secrets because not everyone can find them and that's not nice
>p2w dlc
>day one dlc
>cover shooter
>dialog wheel
Oh boy! I can't wait!
The original pitch demo was fucking awesome.
Then the faggots went and started shitting all over everything and completely blew the schedule and budget making something completely different to the pitch demo.
it really goes by a game by game basis
generally if there are community fixes they come to an agreement with the modders to include it in the official release or employ them to make a conversion an official release in the case of turok
they are pretty good about releasing games in a functional state or improving on them if possible
>it was another scam
>not a single sussefull kickstarter
>not a single sussefull kickstarter
Dumb Sup Forumseddit shitposter, you have to go back!
Not in the case of System Shock, and Turok at least. Can't say for the rest of the games. What Nightdive basically did is secure the rights to the games when there were already fan projects to make them run natively, then co-opted those projects.
If you want to look at it positively, it means they're bringing legality to projects that probably would have gotten C&D'd otherwise. If you wanted to be cynical, you could reason that it means they get to profit from someone else doing the bulk of the development for something that was planned to be released freely.
>every opinion i dont like is reddit LOL
End your self faggot.
>every kickstarter funded game is shit xDDD
yeah, pretty fucking reddit mate.
I think they did that with System Shock 2 as well. Right after someone released the Dreamcast prototype code of SS2, another person released a patch that fixed most of the problems with running it on modern versions of Windows. NightDive secured the rights, took that technically-illegal patch, made a few changes, then released it on Steam.
I said successful you stupid fuck, every single kickstarter has been a shitstorm one way or another, you cant name a single fucking crowfunded game that delivered in time and what it was intnded to deliver in the first place. Fucking shit you stupid normalfags trying to fit using "le reddit meme" are so fucking pathetic.
Why is it so hard for devs to not completely fuck up remakes and remasters? Literally just copy the original game and give a nice coat of paint. Thats literally all you have to do.
what? wasn't the release supposed to be this year? how did they fuck it up so badly?
Everybody looking forward to this shit is an idiot.
That's what their doing. The game as it was was to distant from the first game so their redoing it to make it actually faithful. They listened to outside influence WAY to fucking much.
According to them, at least.
Go back to >>>/reddit/ nigger. Dubshit is >>>/reddit/ cancer.
People threw money at a kickstarter without properly reading it. Then they spent all the money trying to decide what sort of game to make, instead of using it to make a game.