Skipping The Witcher 1

This game has horrible gameplay. Would it be a bad idea to read up the story / watch let's plays and go directly to TW2?

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play the full game or kys

you're doing yourself a huge disservice.

It's better than 2.

If you don't like bad gameplay then you should just skip the witcher series

>watching let's plays
How about you go watch a movie, clearly the whole idea of "interactive" media isn't for you.

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Are you a NEET? If not then skip that boring VN game with shit combat. If you are a NEET then what the fuck else are you going to waste your time on?

Witcher 2 has fucking terrible controls and gameplay all around. Not too mention the voice actors don’t really sound like they know what they’re doing yet. As much as I love the third and want to love the first two I just can’t.

2's gameplay is just as bad

I started with TW2 and the only thing I felt like I missed out in TW3 when I finally went back and played TW1 was knowing who Shani was

It's got good story, so if you can look past the gameplay, it's got that going on