Earthbound thread

Earthbound thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

Favorite part of the game: Ness' Dreamworld.
Least favorite part of the game: Dark Swamp.

Least favorite game feature: Jeff fixing shit if you sleep at a hotel

Needed to look that stuff up because the item descriptions were useless

Second place is condiments

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why did he play a stupid game?

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Because the plot needed to move

>Sans in Toriel's house
Nice try.

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tfw underage shit posters talk smack about the mother series on Sup Forums even though they haven't played it because they associate it with undertale

Condiments were cool I thought. I barely used them, but I love how there's so much variety in food items you find.

While looking for images I found this, seems cool

Attached: earthbound real food.png (1552x873, 2.21M)

>mfw there was a youtube video 10 years ago of this cute tomboy girl dressed as Ness doing the funky monkey dance
>can't find it anymore because it was probably deleted
>gone forever

i wish i had saved it so much

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at least this one is still up :D

so the same reason hinawa died?

Smash Bros needs more Earthbound reps imo, I think Papyrus would fit perfectly as a fighter

Apple kid is a best

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Boy do I sure enjoy inventory management.

Condiments would've been a decent addition to a game that didn't have fuck all for inventory. But as it stood in Earthbound you barely had enough space just for key items.

We can at least all agree that we need Paula as a Costume like the two wiifit trainers

where does Papyrus fit in the Earthbound lore?

I don't believe the "leaks" either, but come on. Sans would TOTALLY hang out at Toriel's house.

>he doesnt call for the mach pizza guy whenever he gets to a phone

>Find an item in a chest that can only be equipped by Party Member C
>It is put in Member B's inventory instead
>Can't equip items without moving the item first
>Move item --> Member C --> Yes
>Equip Menu --> Member C --> Equip item
why are the shops so good but boxes suck ass?

>Outing yourself as someone who actually played that shit game


Would you say I'm asking for trouble?


>Outing yourself as someone who knows anything about that shit game



>Hasn't played the game
>calls it shit

nice bandwagoning faggot

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i deleted my post because of my grammar error

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More food recipe stuff

He's right, it's shit and this comes from someone who actually played it.
I do have to say that the music is top tier though.


>his OPINION is correct

yeah okay.
>inb4 "objectively"

If you don't share the accepted Sup Forums™ point of view you are asking for trouble. If you want to talk about the game that shall not be named go to r*ddit


>Missing the point

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That's not an intentional dab, right?

This. That guy got blown the fuck out so hard by Kermit. Very one sided

Nintendo think they slick.

Thank you, at least half of these appear to have congruence in terms of taste.

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If you for Saudi Arabia dressed as a flamboyant gay man, yes you are asking for trouble. The same thing apples to mentioning Und*rtale on Sup Forums

what the fuck i just wanted to talk about earthbound

So there were rumors of a Earthbound Remastered being datamined on the switch

I...I think I would actually cry if that happened.

Lmao are you serious? Be realistic dude

>talking about [ONE] game belongs on Shiddit
Maybe you haven't realised this board is called Sup Forums and is about video games of ALL KINDS, one shitty tumblr game doesn't make a diffference to what can be posted here and what cannot, you fucking idiot,

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>getting killed is equivalent to some autist throwing a fit at you
yeah ok

It was off some twitter account but I can never actually believe leaks until they happen.

But we got Star Allies off datamining so it's not far out of reach.

Datamined on the Switch...? Why would Nintendo store names for their secret upcoming games in the firmware for the common person's Switch? That's the dumbest thing I've ever fuckin heard

Like I said, technically you can dress up as a flamboyant fag in Saudi Arabia, just like you can post A
Und*rtale on Sup Forums, just don't be surprised when you get stoned or beheaded

>we got Star Allies off datamining

No... Are you talking about the data that was mined from the star allies demo file?

>best ending
sad most people didn't even know

Fuck off. If people want to talk about Undertale let them. It's already bigger and better than that blunder called Earthboundand, and we all know these are stealth Undertale threads anyway.

The dog is you.

You might not think it do, but it do.

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Shit like this is why everyone hates you niggers.

the ending of EB made me depressed.
what happened to giygas was the most sad thing in the series.

Have fun on r*ddit

no (you) for you

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Easily the most overrated JRPG. Shouldn't even be mentioned on a list of them other than as a novelty, and wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't on SNES.

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I can safely say that Undertale is a shit game, because i played it so my opinion wouldn't be biased, but its fucking morons like you and others who are basically "asking for trouble" for throwing a tantrum because ONE game they don't like because of the fanbase instead of the actual source material was mentioned on Sup Forums: a board for video games. Why not take yourself back to Faggit's video game board instead of the person your throwing an autist fit over because they mentioned ONE game you don't like instead. You fucking baby

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did they fug?

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You can deny that it's "asking for trouble" all you want but this thread is proof of the rule

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>"its okay if i act retarded because i didnt like the topic"

for anyone who actually wants to discuss the game theres a pretty decent EB thread in /vr/ going on right now.

>i don't like the topic of the thread so it's okay for me to be stupid
Fuck out of this thread brainlet, this is your last (You) you'll ever get from me

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that picture is literally describing you
are you just baiting or are you actually this autistic?

This is one of my favorites. The face is perfect, and deliberately being misspelled adds a nice touch I feel.

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You're the one who entered this thread even though you clearly do not like Undertale and now you are mad, why did you reply to me? are you that autistic you're in such denial of being wrong

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why the fuck are people talking about furrytale? this thread wasnt even about that.

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> The Ghost of Starman used PK Starstorm Omega!

I get that the battle system in this game wasn't the focus, but the last act is a literal flowchart by that point, there's no real satisfaction from the battles.

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Motherfucker this is an Earthbound thread.

>being this much of a brainlet that you cant use PSI shield

That's why Undertale is so much better. Its battle system is actually fun and really innovative

Say something nice about her

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>gets called out on autism
>posts anime
weeb intelligence.

which of course would attract Undertale fans, use your common sense

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she is /bestgirl/

not an argument

god i hope you arent american.

Literal who?

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He dabbin

Actually, it checks out.

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It's not that I can't use PSI Shield, it's that 3/4s of my party's health is gone by the time it's active.

yes you are.
only americans can be this dumb.

Not him, but here it literally is a kingmaker argument.

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>I intentionally make the board worse for everyone else for no reason
How are you any different from the reddit and Sup Forums boogeymen?

Kumatora best
Ehhh looks like a standard junk food and variety cookbook "except Earthbound!!!", it's hard to present unique recipes even with vague things like "Brain food lunch" since for the most part Earthbound's food items are actual food.

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>he cant level up his party
i bet you ran from battles, didnt you.

Kids like you should be burning in hell.

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thats not paula

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this thread is proof that americans should be rangebanned.

You're right, it isn't

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Whew lad

>ugly dyke
>loyal, capable girl.

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Fucking god dammit, smug faces are just a last resort to use when you know you're wrong and going all out for attention and (You)s

nobody reply to this post, he's wanting (You)s

fuck off back to /vg/

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