How good are you at Fighting Games

How good are you at Fighting Games

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im okay at them

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I know the basics but I am not good at putting them into practice. Oh well.

Top 100 at SFIV

Good enough that none of my friends want to play with me but don't have the drive to improve enough for netplay or competitive.

I was always really good at Soul Calibur, at least among my friends. Other than that, not really.

Absolute garbage I used to be good then around sfa3 I just couldn’t hang anymore.

Probably 3-4/10
Combo execution is almost good enough to do by doing it for an hour in a non hyper
Footsies is average. I will lose like crazy if they just walk up and the all the time. I will never tech the first one
Whiff punish is ok
need to get better at learning which normals are unsafe on block. Needs work overall once I get and imma try to commit to getting good

better than the people i used to play them with, and thats all that matters

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If we have any more of these threads today I'm going to rip someone's ears off.

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I'm the best in the whole world, but I don't play at tournaments or anything because it would be unfair to everyone else. They would have to create a new category called "the best [insert fighting game here] player that isn't [my name].

complete garbage, same as any other game

>waaah video game threads on Sup Forums

go back to your containment board weenie

super plat

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I made it to orange rank in Under Night and kept it for a good two weeks before moving back to yellow.

im very bad at fighting games
why do you ask?

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I'm decent would get wrecked by anyone who plays meta. I'm pretty gud at Soul Calibur but I stopped after 4 when Bamco decided to make 5.

Hopefully the reboot? is fun

Explain. Do You just mean character?

>tfw lost to DSP at USF2 on stream

feels bad man

These threads just end in retards screaming about games they hate and wanting them to change to accommodate them.

How good are YOU OP? You ask us all the time and you know Sup Forums hates fighting games. How do you feel about them?

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I went 5-17 yesterday in Skullgirls. Taking applications from pro teams

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Is that a real screenshot? I never played much Street Fighter growing up but I played a fuck ton of Mortal Kombat and that's definitely a MK3 stage, so what the fuck am I looking at?

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Am a warrior in Tekken. I think that's pretty good.

Been getting into it the last few months. Been playing dbfz and tekken 7 and haven't done anything past the practice modes. I realised how difficult it is to play on a ps4 pad especially tekken for wave dashing/backdash so I ordered a street fighter stick. Any pros got tips on how you go about getting better? Been learning combos of the bnb spreadsheet for dbfz but not sure how to learn good footsies and everything else. Haven't done much on tekken except practising movement and going through novelists

Better than anyone I know, worse than everyone online. Dead in the middle at locals

I miss playing fighting games in person. It's like poker, a totally different experience than playing online. Someone that's good at playing online might not be able to handle face to face Tekken.

I want local tournies.

Be the change you want to see

I usually get decent at the ones I like. I was a 1st Lord on MVC3, Ultra Gold on SFV. I could beat a lot of people in the arcades on MVC2... I love KOF14 but the online is so dead that my rank is still around the rookie tier but got decent enough with the max mode hit confirms and short hops, which is what this game's all about.

I was planning on getting good on DBFZ but lost interest in the game pretty quick due to the garbage online.

Would you be willing to fork over $8-10 a week for a weekly tournament (with a small prize pool) and a venue to meet other fighting game players? If so then yeah, I could make it work.

Absolutely not, especially for Tekken. But good luck regardless

Not him but I'm in the perfect spot in texas to be at least 3 hours away from any notable scene and I can't make constant trips. I've been trying since high school to drum up interest but got nothing.

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I like to play as the Joke characters.

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What ever happened to the Queen of Fighters?

It's dead, Jim.

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I got to silver only playing for a month so I think I’m on my way

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Better than Mugem

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I was legit good at SF4, OK at ST, HnK and Waku Waku 7 and shit at everything else.

>youngfags will never know what its like to play fightan games during their peak against other random kids at your local arcade.

Someone using an emulator probably pulled the background layer from one game and then pulled the sprite layer from another and put them together.

Nevermind, saw this post. Never knew about this...looks interesting

That's pretty much where I'm sitting with my Mika after 3 months of on and off play. I'd probably be a lot higher if I didn't have terrible anxiety and can only play when incredibly drunk.

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Terrible. My first real time playing against others online and offline. But I am really enjoying it. Got a stick and replaced the buttons too.

I'm stuck in that awful zone where I'm far better than all my friends but get completely raped online even at lowest rank. So its not fun either way.

I love fighting games but I've always been horrible at them. At least I'm 250 lbs all muscle in real life.

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>not comfy summer afternoons playing sf2 moneymatches with quarters on your snes

>How good are you at Fighting Games
absolute dog shit, no strategy just mindless mashing.

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Reminder that you can't claim to be good at fighting games if you play top tier characters no matter how many tournaments you've won

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Reminder that only scrubs shackle themselves down with pointless limitations.

I'm no pro, but I'd be down to practice some dbfz with you sometime.

>pointless limitations
It's called "one's own rules" and the highest of respect is for people who are successful who cripple themselves and still triumph over tier whores

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homray get her ass kicked

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well that really depends on the game, but over Im one of those faggots who only plays with his friends so it's a bit hard to get a real sense till I go online and someone hands me my scrotum.

remember when Sup Forums used to play SFIV together? we had some SFV lounges a couple years ago too. I can't even imagine that now. what happened to this board?

If you feel the need to compare yourself to a tier whore, your ego is still far too out of control.

Make the lobby friend

I'm terrible at them but I love them

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we play under night regularly
i'd imagine people would play SF again too if popular opinion of it were better, then again /fgg/ exists so most people that like fighting games frequent there too

I'm not comparing myself with anyone, i'm just saying that tier whores deserve no respect no matter how "good" they might be and that people who play bad characters and do well do deserve praise. That is all

There's one that goes on regularly, but not every single day, but they get hounded for being a general and breaking the rules.

>tfw yellow in tekken
>tfw silver in SFV

>tfw playing street fighter for decades and tekken 7 is my first tekken

It's kinda heartbreaking, but I guess I'm just better at 3D fighters than 2D. Just wish I had known it sooner.

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What do you say to a person who happens to feel like a character fits their particular style like a glove, but they happen to be A+ tier?

Really? I don't play that game but it looks cool.
>/fgg/ exists
They don't play fighting games anymore either. Very rarely. Most of the trip/namefags went to the faggot ass discord server and go figure, they were the only ones who actually wanted to play. Everyone else that actually likes playing fighting games and not shitposting all day made their own gens for their games.
In what? SFV?

The people in the other generals don't play either. The only people that want to play have gone to discord already. This place is only for shitposting at this point.

Yeah in SFV

Call them a tier enthusiast.

>A+ tier
Bullshit, their "style" is to be a shitter and win at all cost. There are exceptions when someone play a character in a very original way but those are very few, most tier whores are flowchart briandead scrubs

it's pretty late man. I don't want to end up quiting early because I'm tired. I'll make one later today though next fighting game thread.

That's what I mean by ego. A character can be liked on plenty of merits other than just what a collection of heads say they're good at. You've still got a lot of thinking to do.

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>Pick up a new fighting game
>Pick character I think looks cool
>Learn the moves from the movelist and play around a bit, maybe figuring out a combo or two by chance
>Go online and fight a mirror match
>Get absolutely destroyed because I never looked up the optimal metagame developed over thousands of hours by hundreds of autists that I should have been using for that character

Lazy but I still have fun

I'm barely scrapping 1000 LP after almost 3 months of playing SFV.

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The people you play in your first match are not studying anything. They are mashing the easiest stuff to win. Bronze Kens are not good players all you have to do is learn to block. Then you can move on to the next level of scrub town. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to mentally defeat yourself. Understand that the guy on the other end of the screen is a person too. At lower ranks know that you are one correct adjustment from winning.

Lotsa niggas feel like they belong in a ferrari but are they real drivers?

I mean play whoever the fuck you want however the fuck you want it's your game but just don't expect respect.
Would you respect Floyd Mayweather the same if he would have gotten that record by fighting on the women's league and only ever fought female boxers? No you wouldn't, you would have zero respect for him regardless of how "good" he might be

What character? I guarantee I can get anyone to silver easy. I know you people are overthinking it.

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Top panel of pic related is me, so pretty fucking bad. I spent around 20 minutes doing 1 veteran mission in Under Night for Hyde and I'm pissed at how awful I am when I play online. It doesn't help that the games I'm interested in are either dead, have shit netcode or not popular.

I got an arcade stick since it's much then the shitty d-pad on PS4, but at times when I'm playing against opponents, I get nervous ride the gate and my inputs are not clean, plus I feel my hands are tense whenever I play and I have to take a break. What hurts is I know I'll never be a top player, but I can't stop playing. I still enjoy playing them but in the competitive aspect, I'm complete trash.

Anyone have advice for this sort of feel?

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>Get absolutely destroyed because I never looked up the optimal metagame developed over thousands of hours by hundreds of autists that I should have been using for that character

absolutely not true

people at low ranks are fucking bad as shit and you can pick the lowest of low tier characters and beat anyone when you first hop online

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I just don't think it's worth wasting time worrying a if someone's worthy of "respect." A win's a win unless you're blatantly cheating or hacking your game. Thoughts like "you're only where you are because your character is good," or "they only won because my character is lower than theirs" are very damaging and hold you back.

>>tfw yellow in tekken
with what character

desensitize yourself to being nervous when facing other humans by facing other humans a lot? I dunno. I get how you feel but the only solution I can think of to overcome a fear is to do it so often it becomes mundane.

If you're looking for being able to get lots of matches quickly I suggest fightcade. Pick one of the more populated games (Jojo, Kof 98, Kof 2002, 3S) and grind matches constantly. Maybe even talk to them. It doesn't matter if they're not your favorite fighting games to play or if you get destroyed over and over, the goal is to get you accustomed to playing people so you don't get nervous when you play Undernight or whatever.

Mostly Laura, because I like oki shenanigans and brown tiddies. I also play Cammy, though not as often.

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>live in Australia
>everyone has shit internet and the community is tiny


Floyd Mayweather would still be the genius he is but there is not merit in beating women who are biologically weaker than men
Fact of the matter is that some characters are better than others and if you pick a good character you have an advantage over others and that lowers my respect towards you. It's as simple as that

>some BR ahuehueheuehehuing you across 300 ping in some dead game

Different guy but I play Cammy and I'm just as bad. The only thing I've really learned is to not randomly spiral arrow from full screen because human players are not CPU players and they'll block and punish you every time.

Youre a bronze player. You do not have oki.

Back up charge fireball. Walk behind it and stmk. c fp for cc baits. Use your vskill constantly. Bronze players dont block overheads and even if they did, they arent punishing it. Block random dps and use stHk > EX elbow. Then exdash throw on wakeup.

Congrats you are now silver.


I have a perfect 3-0 record in Guilty Gear Accent Core +R online play, but as I know I couldn't possibly handle the pressure of Daigo levels of fame I've chosen to retire.

Cammy is easy to auto pilot to victory. C mp > C mp > drill is your braindead hitconfirm. Walk up and do it repeatedly. Learn what a tick throw is. Walk up to the opponent press jab then throw them. Bronze players do not late tech so dont try shimmying.

As before, block dps and stHK > Knee bullet > c mp > dp > super. If you want to get fancy, use ex divekicks for free pressure. You are now silver.

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t. butthurt faggot who has creeps in the lobby for any new name
>pls play my dead game so I don't feel like the only duck in the cave

I didn't expect to reach an agreement on this, but whatever. I'm not a fan of tiers as a main factor of character selection in general. Mainly because tier whores do exist, and the annoying "lol you lost to x/so what if I lost, I'm just playing x" option select exists. I like people that choose characters that fit the playstyle they want like a glove and/or they like that character's style in general.

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kinda stupid way of thinking considering that not everyone picks a character because of their tier positioning

not to mention as games go through several iterations, characters often jump from being bad to top tier and vice versa.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Thanks my dude I'll give it a try.

as recently as last year there were regular guilty gear threads with lobbies but they got chased off to /vg/