Why Dunmers are the worst TES race?

>used to praise false gods
>actually praise evil gods
>fucked by their own slaves
>slaves were literally weak lizards
>fucked by a volcano and their own land
>the race is literally cursed
>remains of another race who were literally nigs (chimer)

Pic not related with the lore.

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Because they are niggers.
They ruined Morrowind (Africa) and now they are crying for food and equally on Europe (Skyrim).

filthy s'wit

Also Daedras are not totally bad only the dumners are bad.

But Morrowind itself is the entire province I think the Red Mountain only destroys Vvardenfell and the rest of Morrowind great houses.

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Nope. Everything was destroyed.
Now you only can find ashes and argonian poo.

>Concept of evil in a deistic universe

Go away brainlets

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>weak lizards
>He doesn't know what happens when the Hist get piss'd

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>They ruined Morrowind
They didn't. Sheogorath did.

The mountain kills a big portion of Morrowind total population that’s why argonians attack.

I might have to boot up Skyrim just to go view that spot. I never played the DLC

>Sheogorath ruined Morrowind
He didn't. Vivec did.

If you wanna find somebody to blame, blame Vivec.

Fuck those trees.

How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive?

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Actually dunmens are Muslims.

Dunmer girls are SLUTS and I love them

It wasn't Vivec who threw a moon at the city. He's still at fault for not moving it somewhere else, but he didn't start it.

lest we never forget

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They're both assholes

Orcs best race.

>have the power to do something
>do nothing
Thanks uncle Vivec.

They are too retarded . Not an insult they are just mentally retarded.

>god of madness
>not mentally retarded

I guess you didn't worship him enough, enjoy having your country fucked by meme lizards while Vivec is off having sex with supernovas or whatever

I'm not saying he did nothing. Just that he's not the only one at fault.
More than the retard they are selfish. Vivec didn't give a shit when he fucked over his entire race so why would he care about some city?

Did the fat guy in Morrowind dodge this because he did not strongly share the rest of the dwemer's attitude toward denying the dream?

literally scatfags: the race

Wasn't it because he was in another plane at the time, which blocked his connection with the other dwemer or something?

>dwemers became a major force on tamriel and have enormous scientific achievements thanks to their craftsmanship, labor, determination, defiance and perseverance
>gets poof'd out of existence

>chimer openly adore the daedras
>one day a few chimers do something bad and a daedra curses the entire race

>argonians spend centuries under dunmer slavery
>gets free thanks to a divine cataclysmic event and thanks to a great force from a previous talpa

So what is the lesson here?

So how many dwemers do you guys think dodged kagrenac's autism by being in outer realms?

>be physical handicapped
>gets elven AIDS
>be forgotten by your race

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Not much. I think it was Yagrum himself who said that if there are any other survivors they can't be more than a dozen.

No, the redguards are the Muslims. The dunmer are the Chinese

>Literally can't keep a tiny province in land nobody wanted together for more than a couple generations at a time
Orcs are the worst. It's no wonder their shit got annexed multiple times.

wtf is that disgusting thing?

They are Hindus.

>didn't worship him enough
The entire point of his worship was to keep it in the sky instead of letting it fall. It was blackmail on a retarded scale.

I bet we'll see at least one in an upcoming tes vi: redguard

You mean TES VI: High Rock?

The last Dwemer.
>The entire point of his worship was to keep it in the sky instead of letting it fall.
The worships isn't what made Vivec divine. Stealing power from the Heart of Lorkhan did. He's a fraud whose power had been waning ever since Dagoth Ur ambushed the Tribunal at Red Mountain, effectively cutting off their supply of divine power.


Attached: DAGOTH.jpg (624x352, 28K)

Don't trust the armors and statues this is own Dwemers used to looks like.

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Uncanny how much this looks like GRRM.

God Bless you.

I worded that poorly. Vivec didn't require the worship to stay a god, he just ransomed it with the meteor because he's a dickhead that wanted to be worshipped.

Dunmer at the time of Morrowind share a surprising number of similarities with the Jews during Roman occupation.

> occupation

Yeah, it's even implied that he was the one to murder Nerevar.
Reading through his sermons it's pretty apparent that he was obsessed with making himself seem more important than he was, with Nerevar answering to him rather than the other way around and repeatedly asserting his divinity.

Nothing can fix Morrowind boring combat.

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Playing Morrowind on Xbox was a genuinely incredible experience.
And I'm glad it convinced me to switch to pc.


I thought dark elves were like native American nomads in Morrowind and we're basically living in a country occupied and owned by Imperials (aka European colonists).

Besides that any canon after Morrowind doesn't even matter.

Is that hand painted in black?

No i mean tes vi: redguard

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I think the thumb finger nail has paint lol

I would actually enjoy High Rock, since not even Bethesda could fuck up the visual design of a generic medieval fantasy kingdom.
Did they fire the designers from the Morrowind era? I can't imagine so since Solstheim looked great in Dragonborn but Skyrim was so boring.

Chinese or Indians, something dirty and rude like that.

Nah it was just injuries from dagoth, go kill him for me nerevarine :^)
Vivec is the biggest piece of shit

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Chim chimmry chim chimmary chim chumaroo

Nah Dark Elves actually had their own governance, unity, and backstabbing imperialism. They just lost, that's all. Argonians are more like native americans.

Dark elves are a bunch of stuff. Todd call them japanese and arabic

Skyrim should've been about world's end TES 6 should've been reboot for the series

Isn't that a renewal of the original Redguard?
Yeah, it'd be really hard to fuck up, the next logical step for the story, and they could use Daggerfall nostalgia, like they did with Morrowind nostalgia. Assuming there's anyone who played Daggerfall who still gives a shit about the series.

Why would they renew original redguard but wouldn't renew Battlespire?

Rank the races in terms of being based.

1. Dwemer
2. Dunmer
everyone else is trash

>Japanese and Arabic
Not at all what I would have guessed but it makes a lot of sense as inspiration now.

>Altmer (Thalmor)

Sload >>>> Imperial > Dunmer > Snake Bitches > Every else >>>>>> Bosmer

Fair enough. But why wouldn't they call it Hammerfell? Better than naming it Redguard 2.
Also, I'm surprised they haven't released Battlespire as freeware yet.

speaking of which. Bethesda should really consider remaking Redguard. It aged terribly compared to battlespire
>But why wouldn't they call it Hammerfell?
Why would i know? All i know is that they filed first registration in march of 2011 soon after skyrim announcement. What i find interesting is that skyrim trademark was registered same year oblivion released, although 6 months after the release, not before the release

>so autistic they became skin

Morrowind was a strong and prosperous province because Dunmer retained some level of autonomy. Morrowind was ruined because of a series of bad events like Red Mountain erupting, that moon crashing into Vivec and Argonians invading.

In other words Vivec being a dick doomed dunmers

>literally enslaved nords and tree-worshipping nig-races for hundreds of years
>constantly crying about muh imperialism because they got their shit kicked in by superior imperials
>worship false gods and pretend as though they're real even though everyone knows that's bullshit
>entire civilisation is literally one single dudes disappearance away from total collapse
>still think they're somehow superior
>immediately flee country at the first sign of trouble and refuse to intergrate into host nations, constantly bitching about largely non-existant racism as the supposedly racist faction is the only one that actually takes them in
Are Bethesda /ourdevs/ or what?

I made that image the other day lol
Here's another.

Attached: my-ancestor-4-nignogs-jpg-1601802.png (499x633, 156K)

Make another one with imperials or altmers.

I remember someone explained this picture years ago, but I've since forgotten. Why did they take Neverever's face and make his legs not OK? Vivec sticking him with the dick is obvious enough.



Give me material I don't know any previous elven race related in some way with the altmers.

So he could come back as anyone and walk any road in life.

>worship false gods and pretend as though they're real even though everyone knows that's bullshit

Dunmer gods are a lot more real than the Nine. Are the Nine even fucking real? At least the Tribunal are physically present on Nirn and the Daedra are proven to exist. The only thing Imperials have to prove the existence of their pantheon is some very vague bullshit related to Akatosh.


Well, that was nice of them.

What would happen if Mehrune Dagon was win?

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friendly reminder that mods could have genuinely fixed it
the modders are lazy niggerfaggot cunts to the point that bethesda are better than them

try doing the quest where you get keening in skyrim

Altmers are the degenerate version of the Aldmers.

>Dumer gods are a lot more real than the nine even though the Tribunal only exist because they fucked with the heart of Lorkhan the existence of which (along with the numerous apperances of the various aspects of Akatosh, Talos, Mara, etc) demonstrates that the Aedra are very much real.


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>along with the numerous apperances of the various aspects of Akatosh, Talos, Mara, etc
lol. not an argument. you can't prove that was them.

Boring colour pallettes and shite level, creature and armour design everywhere.
So basically no different from Skyrim.

Use Topal the Pilot has reference.

you realize reality is much more abstracted out from existence in tes
but they're not the same thing even in this reality

Why is that Nord bald?

That doesn't prove anything dude. Kirkbride's explanations aren't automatically canon just because he wrote for Morrowind. No one knows what happened to the Dwemer. Not even other people who used the Heart.

>Y-you can't prove that Wulf was Talos!!
>Y-you can't prove that the aspect of Akatosh which was powerful enough to kick Mehrunes Dagon's ass was Akatosh!!
>Y-you can't prove that the armour of the Divine Crusader was blessed by the divines!!
>Y-you can't prove that wayshines do anything!!
This is what godless greyskins actually believe.

Can we talk about Tosh-Raka?

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If it's not to say that it's distilled Deviant Art-tier autism and should be retconned if and when Akavir gets a game then no we can't.