Playstation stagnating

>playstation stagnating
>nintendo blew their Switch load early and have nothing left
It's my Xbots!

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sea of thieves was your shining light of hope and it turned out to be shit


Remember Chromehounds? Yeah, me and everyone else who left M$ once that game ended.

Its a good game though

Show me better water on PS4?

Halo 5 was your last chance and you failed, it's over Xbros

>Switch load early and have nothing left

they will show smash5 footage and steal all spotlight at E3

>best multiplayer FPS of this console generation

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How does an Xbone X compare to PC? Mine is getting kind of old (970 with an i7 4770) and with all the bitcoin shit going on, would it be worth it just to upgrade my bone? I already have a gold sub and I'm unironically a big fan of Halo, Gears, and Forza

>cod: further into the future edition
>best multiplayer FPS of this console generation
hello, newfriend.

those specs are not getting old you sperg

It doesn't play anything like CoD.
What mp fps of this console generation was better?

You're a faggot

>It's my xbots!

What did he mean by this?

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Fucking Assassin's Creed BlackFlag had better water on the PS360

>Halo 5
>Best anything
The gunplay sucks now, warzone is a meme, and having to grind to unlock fucking armor is an insult. It's not as bad as 4 in terms of online but it's not the system seller they needed

your system is dated at all
if youre a big fan of those games maybe get one anyways though, microsoft ports them to pc but lately its been a hit or miss in terms of how much they actually try

Is this a new low for Xbox fans? Water?

>hasn't played it
Actually pretty fun desu.

970 can't handle games like AC:O, BF1, or FFXV at a consistent 1080p/60 anymore. Even on lowest 1080p, BF1 gives me ~45 FPS

>Game sucks
>Hey at least the water's good
I regret buying an xbone

>they will show smash5 footage and steal all spotlight at E3

Yeah just like they did with tr4sh kek that franchise is fucking dead like shitendo!

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>sea of thieves was your shining light of hope
Cuphead* and it was a huge success

Why exactly should I give a shit about your console?

The gunplay is fine, what's the problem?
>and having to grind to unlock fucking armor is an insult
Every Halo game with customizable armor has made you grind for it.
H5 has good core mechanics, wide variaty of fun weapons, best forge and user creation tools, custom user made game lobbies, it's great.
Titanfall 2 (aka mecha CoD), R6 siege, and Overwatch are way narrower in scope and not as good package.

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Yeah on PC

>Is this a new low for Xbox fans? Water?
Do you know how many people talked about Super Mario Sunshine's water Grafix's, a whole decade. You don't know that because you're new as fuck though

blew their switch load?
My boi
have you not heard smash bros announced

>Yeah on PC
>If you buy Xbox you're retarded
>If you install W10, the only way to play Xbox games you're also retarded
Make up your mind autist

Yeah I'm sure people will talk about sea of thieves for a decade lol

>Blew their load
>When Smash and Pokemon are coming this year, likely Yoshi too


>steam game

>M-mabybe if I say it I'll convince people that its true

It sold 14 million copies. It's far from dead

Uncharted 4?

>Yeah I'm sure people will talk about sea of thieves for a decade lol
If the game is not good like Super Mario Sunshine then people will probably jerk off over the water for a decade too

>water is exclusive to xbone

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I think having games release launch year has become such a foreign concept that people are twisting their minds to make it into a bad thing somehow.

Lol. Halo 5 is shit. I say that as someone who's SR 146. It's simply not fun. I only play it with friends, and even they don't want to play much anymore.

>plays game for 100s of hours
>but it's shit
lol okay

>defending Sea of Shit
You guys are a disgrace to us Xbox fans.

fuck off you guys make all the sony vs nintendo threads

This, can't wait for Halo 6.

>he thinks getting to 146 is that hard
Nigger, I haven't even passed a hundred hours. You rank up stupid quick in the game for the first hundred levels or so. It's still shit. I swear, with you faggots it's
>play game for only a little while
>>lol you don't even have enough experience to have a valid opinion
>put a lot of time learning the ins and outs and genuinely trying to enjoy the game after falling for the "it's the best multiplayer since Halo 2 meme"
>>lol if you hate it why did you play so much?

And I don't play it anymore. The ONLY reason I stuck by it for so long is because it has Halo on the box, and I let my brand loyalty blind me to how much enjoyment I was NOT getting out of this garbage game with a broken UI that crashes on me at least once per day. I told myself "maybe it'll get fun after I've stocked up on this shitty ptw card system" and "maybe it'll be more fun once I'm used to the controls and movement mechanics," and guess what? It never did get fun. It's a shitstain on the entire franchise with the only game worse being Halo 4.

You'd think but MS is gonna sit there and do fuck all even though they just released an updated version of the console. They're harmless, they're not gonna do a goddamn thing. I can't even remember the last time they did a goddamn thing.

Oh I'm 151, I forgot how hard the exp scaled up at the end.
Don't know you don't think it's fun, gunplay is just as enjoyable as past Halo games.

Oh, you haven't played. The game play loop may not be great for extended gameplay sessions, but the game itself is a lot of fun.

Not him I like all numbered FPS Halo games.

The only positive thing I have heard is a story of somebody getting their ship destroyed by another player in an ammusing way.

Im in the same boat bro could by 3 xboxes for the price of a gpu its fucking gay.

Any more than 30 fps is frivioulous

Makes sense.

>numbered FPS Halo games
Good taste, thought H4 mp was wierd.

Hungry, Sonybros?
How about a knuckle sandwich?

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Me too, it felt off, glad they fixed with Halo 5, now they're fixing the campaign with Halo 6.

Gunplay feels awful. There's so much magnetism to account for thrusters and sprint. Kill times were stupid quick as well, and it took them years to nerf the storm rifle and Brute Plasma Rifle which destroyed at close range with little opportunity for counter play. Also, the AR is a headshot weapon now for some retarded reason. The sniper rifle is easier to use than ever. I've gotten hundreds of sniper headshots I know I didn't deserve but the game gave me anyway. Also, the tracking on Promethean weapons is insane. Speaking of which, the tracking on the Plasma Pistol is the highest it's been since Halo 2 of all games. It feels like the game is aiming the guns for me. That just isn't satisfying to me as a longtime player of the series. Every kill feels too quick. Either I kill the enemy before he/she has the time to react or vice versa. The AI in Firefight straight up fucking cheats with Incineration canons making 90 degree turns to hit my vehicles. And don't even get me started on the retarded idea of putting hit markers on grenade explosions or how poor the campaign is level design-wise and story-wise.

>Kill times were stupid quick as well
They're inline with CE and H2.
>Also, the tracking on Promethean weapons is insane
And they suck.

>Sonybro pretending to be a xbot to make them look worse then psdrones
Sup Forums is pirmarily pscucks. Nice try faggot

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>Watch me swerve
>Now watch me 4k

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This, Xbox fans hate Sea of Thieves and are now shitting on Microsoft for making and releasing it, Xbox fans also lost interest in State of Decay 2. Thanks, Microsoft, thanks for nothing.

Fuck off and kill yourself, frog shitposter.

>Show me better water
The absolute state of Cuckedbox 1

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No they haven't. What are you even basing this on?

What is there to play on Xbox?

On Sea of Thieves dropping in the charts far under Pubg and other games. When people shill Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2, it feels like bait because one is shit and the other will be shit.

Cpu blows the shit out the Xbone Ex's, but the gpu is lacking.

Halo 5: Guardians
Gears of War 4
Forza Horizon 2
Forza Horizon 3
Killer Instinct
Rare Replay
Recore: Definitive Edition
Sunset Overdrive
Ori and the Blind Forest
Phantom Dust
Voodoo Vince
Xbox and Xbox 360 BC games

Halo 6
Forza Horizon 4
Crackdown 3
Ori and the Will of the Wisp

Xbox One is backwards compatible with the Xbox 360.

The Ps4 is not backwards compatible with the ps3.

The Xbox is more impressive in terms of software and hardware but PS gets better games

Are you fucking talking about Twitch? Where it's still more popular than Overwatch, Dota, CSGO, Siege, etc?

Aren't all those games, with the exception of Halo, on PC?

Maybe I should have been clearer; I already have a Switch and PC, what games are there on Xbox that would make it worth the while in addition to those 2 platforms?

Xbox 365 games

Sup Forums is primarily nintendo and PC cucks nice try though.

What did he mean by this?

I don't remember PC being a console also, what retard actually plays Windows 10 games from the Windows Store?

You just JELLY as fuck about our success.

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As opposed to buying a console that's exclusively a Windows 10 games box?

Pokemon is not revealed yet
Smash hype is red hot
Splatoon 2 paid DLC reveals more lore
Fire emblem is coming this year.
Xbox isn't interested that crackdown 3 is done.

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Probably meant "It's time, my Xbots!"

>actually defending Windows 10
Console gamers and PC gamers are smart enough to not fall for that pile of shit, you must be a new form of retard.

>all these sony roaches scurrying around like roaches under a light
can your console do 4k 60 fps? ours can

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Why do people on Sup Forums have their head so far up their asses sometimes? I would bet money that more people running windows are running W10 than any other version. There's nothing wrong with it.

Dumb frogbots have nothing to offer. Literally anything they can do can be done better on the other consoles.

Yeah but no one is playing Windows 10 games on it. You have a PC you play Steam games, that's it.

>Halo 6 gameplay trailer with Beta announcement
>Gears spin-off
>Forza Horizon 4
>Fable Reboot by Playground Games
>Crackdown 3 sp and full destruction mp
>new console exclusive from Crytek
>Jet Set Radio 3
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Division 2
>the new Remedy game
>Shadow of the Tomb Raider
>new game from the Inside/Limbo devs
>Ori and The Will of the Wisp
>Battlefield V
>Dark Tide
>Perfect Dark developed by Electric Square
>new ip from Armature
>Vanquish 2
>Age of Empire IV for Xbox One
>Xbox and Xbox 360 BC games that are 4K enhanced
>Xbox One X price drop

Alright Xbots! Surprise us! What do you have coming this E3 over everyone else?

This gen has been so fucking garbage in every single way that the Xbox one has been the only redeeming console this gen. I literally just end up playing multiplayer games with my friends online. Everything else is fucking trash even some of the online games like fortnite and battlefront 2 which are lootcrate fests.

All the biggest releases this year are going to be multi plat

>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Kingdom Heart 3

Guess what platform is going to be the best to play them on in 4k. Neither of these games are releasing on the switch or PC. Xbox always wins baby.

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>Halo 6 gameplay trailer
This is questionable at best it will probably be a teaser trailer and that's it
>Fable Reboot by Playground Games
>Perfect Dark developed by Electric Square
Either you're autistic or you really don't know the meaning of ONLY 18 months in advance.
What the fuck is this?


>beaten by a group of squids and kids.

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>91 replies
>No quilty atom bomb image.

You had one job, Sup Forums.

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God damn, this guy is autistic.

>retarded sonyfag larping as Xbox fan is even in this thread

KEK, get a life you retarded nigger.

I encountered this paid shill a couple months ago and he got blown the fuck out so hard I haven't seen him post here since


Xbox one X is like a PC with an GTX 1070 and a weak cpu, it has TONS of gpu power but weak cpu power, meaning that open world games will struggle to achieve 60fps, but most games will be able to reach the "ultra" settings of pc, meaning better textures,shadow and resolution.

so if you wanna upgrade your xbox, do it, it's worth it, i also recommend you to buy an 4k tv with hdr because almost every triple A game on it reaches native or dynamic 4k and makes good use of HDR to make the lights more real, an perfect example of it would be AC:Origins.

Halo 5 sucks but stop pretending that Splatoon beat anyone besides a bunch of manchildren beating there own dicks.

Will any of these be at e3?
Pokemon and fire emblem will be revealed soon even if Pokemon is 2019 Fire Emblem however won't.

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