Which Ratchet & Clank game is your favorite and why is it Going Commando?

Which Ratchet & Clank game is your favorite and why is it Going Commando?

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fuck off faggot

Co-op Deadlocked is the most fun, 2 has the best guns and plot

Attached: So+correct+me+if+im+wrong+but+instead+of+fit+_b027ce87af5c0a44007fab77e0c8dd4a[1].png (1024x901, 260K)

It's been a long time since I've played the games, so I don't remember my entire experience with the games, but Going Commando was my favorite. I think I have to agree with this guy since I remember not liking 3 because I didn't really like how the game progressed compared to the first two. Plus, the guns and gadgets were really satisfying in 2 to use.

Gladiator is boring as fuck solo though.

Going Commando


Because it improved on its predecessor in nearly every way, is chock full of content, has some of the best levels and music in the series, and only has a couple moments where you progress gets halted for way too long.
And I actually like the desert and snowfield.

Up Your Arsenal was better. Search your hearts, you know it to be true.

i don't remember which one was which

lay off the drugs and alcohol. partake occasionally, not regularly you addict

I replay these games every year, and I can say for a fact that you're wrong.

explain your reasoning then. not trying to be combative but i would like to know why someone would prefer one of the others to UYA

UYA is the best you retards

up your arsenal had that great multiplayer with that comfy elevator music in the waiting room.

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GC has:
>Better level design
>Better major antagonist (Thugs 4 Less leader)
>Better Clank segments
>Better gadgets
>Better late game weapons (Hoverbomb, Mini Rocket Tube > Disc Blade Gun, Annihilator)
>Better "get all the crystals" levels
>Better armour designs (ESPECIALLY the final one)
>Better use for platinum bolts
>Space combat
>No dumb bullshit Hacker puzzles
>No dumb bullshit vid comics

UYA has:
>Better early game weapons
>Better final boss
>Better Giant Clank segment
>No hoverbike race
>A few quality of life improvements
>Jackpot crates are cool I guess

Everything else is about even.


A crack in time.

ya didn't like the hacker puzzles and vid comics? understandable but those were fun to me. otherwise you raise some great points

I actually REALLY enjoyed Deadlocked.
2>>Deadlocked>=3>1>>>Modrn Rat&C games

Ratchet is the same as Spyro

Vid comics weren't bad the first time, but I can't stand them any more. If I wanted to play a 2D platformer, I could play much better ones instead.
It's part of that mid-00s trend where they thought every single game needed every type of minigame imaginable. Jak 3 suffered from this worse than anything.

Spyro is 1 > 2 >>> shit >>> 3

I'd argue Sly 3 was the worst example of minigame bloat.

Crack in time

why does every RYNO in every game post A Crack in Time have to try to steal the RYNO V's thunder?

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Crack in Time is the best also

*stealthily blocks ur path*

Because developing new weapons is hard if how they've been reusing the same weapons for the past decade ad nauseam is anything to go by

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Of the PS2 trilogy, my favorite is RaC1
GC is the best though

UYA is overrated beyond belief. Ugly, ugly art design and color palette. Boring, linear levels. No enemy variety.

get out if you didn't upgrade this to max rank and rain gay rainbow lasers down on your enemies

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