So since it's on sale for like 10 bucks i've been thinking of getting it again cause im b& but I dont wanna grind for...

So since it's on sale for like 10 bucks i've been thinking of getting it again cause im b& but I dont wanna grind for weeks so is it still possible to get 100mil on a safe way without getting b& and as a new player?

It sucks that this game is pay to win, just wanna fuck around in online with 100mil

Attached: GTA5-grand-theft-auto-32732256-600-732.jpg (600x732, 137K)

so is trainer work is safe?


GTA5 talk finally died on Sup Forums ?

It's impossible to play the fucking game, all the time is spent on loading screens and menus

lol get a better computer poorfag

is d3sk1ng ever coming back

>being this contrarian.

gtav online is pathetically designed.


the game runs fine even with a fuckin 750ti


lol no

>graphics cards affect loading times

Where is it on sale for that price?

>waaaaa why cant i keep my 8gb of ram these days

its there if you know where to look

I don't understand what you're talking about. Are you not playing the game legimitely, or is the game punishing people for playing too well?

the game is pay to win unless you grind the same mission over and over and over for months in a row in order to purchase anything ingame

thats why im asking if its still possible for cheats where you get a shitload of money without rockstar banning your account

fucking retarded contrarian fuck

Attached: 5zbx8gocdhn01.jpg (650x622, 52K)

>>waaaaa why cant i keep my 8gb of ram these days
The fuck are you talking about

most people that complain that a game is slow have shit rigs with only 8gb of ram or a gtx 600 or whatever the fuck and still expect it to be as fast as a normal computer

>thats why im asking if its still possible for cheats where you get a shitload of money without rockstar banning your account
No, why would you think that?

He's complaining about loading times and menus. The only way to speed that up is with an SSD you silly goose, and even with an SSD GTA V is slow as fuck plus you have to wait for the other people you're with to load up the game too and they aren't guaranteed to have an SSD.

gta online sucks ass anyway why are any of you interested in it?
they could have done so much with it too, but instead we just get recycled ceo shit and constant release of cash sinks

If it was possible, spouting about it publicly on 4chins to any random nigger would make it a known issue for Rockstar rather quickly. Are you poor or a child or a third world citizen?

because apparently for some people it works and for others not

>ram affecting load times

Attached: okayretard.jpg (640x474, 44K)

Why wouldn't it affect?

>spotted the 8gb user in 2018

The effect of RAM on loading times is negligible to non-existent.
The speed of the hard drive that the game is stored on is the only real way to speed up or slow down loading times ya ignoramuses.

when it does its almost nothing.
also gtas loading time is shit and i have it on ssd.
also i have 16gb faggot

Where are you seeing it for $10?

What if you, like you know, code the game in a way that it pre-loads certain assets to RAM instead of fetching them from hdd when needed.

why the fuck did you use fake cover artwork

It's clearly not on sale for ten dollars.

Oh, and I think you're understating the importance of the CPU when the game wants to generate shit on the screen.

They probably could, sure. That would take a whole lot of RAM for a game as big as GTA V and since it's an online game you'd need everyone you're playing with to have a shit load of RAM too.

That's post loading screen.

I have news for you OP
currently, rockstar is indescriminately banning EVERYONE on PC
as in, tens of thousands of players
their accounts have been deleted and rockstar does not allow support tickets for ban appeals
if you're gonna install and play, now is not a good time

it is slow because it has literally the worse peer2peer netcoding ever created.

If R* hadn't been such cheap jews and used even 0.00001% of their treasure trove to dev the PC version with dedicated servers themselves it would easily be 6 million times faster, even if it had the same amount of loading screens.

>load game
>load the newswire on the online load
>load some more
>join gtao with the spawn anywhere option
>get shot
>go passive so I can at least request a vehicle or get to one of my houses to get my shit sorted out
>join gtao in a house you own
>for some reason I enter the game in a shower every single time
>have to wait for the character leave the shower
>quick job heist
>wait for the lobby to populate
>after like a minutes or two I finally join a game
>load map world zoom out
>wait for the host to start the game
>wait for all players to ready up during clothes selection.
>watch cutscene of them getting out of the building or doomsday bunker
>load black screen
>watch another cutscene of them leaving the bunker from above and the bunker closing
>run to the vehicle
>drive to the objective for at least 3 minutes or more depending on the mission and who's driving and on what car and where the bunker us located, but it's almost always on the cheapest bunker on paleto bay, so pretty far
>players sometimes miraculously die just getting to the destination to the mission and we have to load again, or he leaves because he's too far behind cause he's car us slow and perhaps the peer pressure of making us wait gets to him or something
>load again
>drive to destination while listening to the same 5 second in game track because the driver didn't turn the radio on or is playing shitty rap
>reach destination
>start shooting
>someone dies
>load world map zoom in
>cutscene showing our characters waving their guns around
>finally beat the mission and cash out
>load black screen
>load world map
>load spawn location house
>watch cutscene of the game showing your house or apartment
>repeat this entire process to play A mission again.

Says the vodka slav or BR hue hue fags with intel dual cores and intel HD4000 with 4gb rams.

You forgot one thing though.
>asshole leaves for god knows what reason after you've spent 10 minutes loading the damn mission and driving to the destination
>get an infinite loading screen while loading freemode
>have to force quit and reload the game from scratch

It's the fucking Chinese playing on toasters through inconsistent satellite internet
99% of the time when someone is delaying a job launch due to loading, you can click on their profile and see a Chinese flag
It's sad because a region detector would eliminate 95% of the long loading/connecting issues
But this is a low budget console port after all. It exists just so that rockstar can say they tried. We're lucky it even works at all