No matter how much i practice in any fighting game, I simply can't execute the Z move.
Do you absolutely have to use a $1000 fighting stick to be able to successfully execute it?
Someone who's actually good at fighting games, please explain this for me.
No matter how much i practice in any fighting game, I simply can't execute the Z move
Take your shit bait back to
do a regular hadouken input right after pressing forward.
It's literally just to make sure you can't do powerful reversal moves directly from a block.
nope, you can do it on a gamecube controller d-pad even if you aren't retarded. Or an Xbox 360 d-pad if you're a masochist. hell you could do it on a laptop keyboard. it's not hard you just hit forward, then down, then diagonal down-forward, then press punch.
First, do the motion slowly. It won't come out but it will help you understand the way it feels. Gradually build up to normal speed in the span of 5 minutes. Some controllers are hard to do it on, but any modern controller from the Wii, PS3, 360 to the present should be able to give you the motion with little resistance.
Press forward, then down and down-forward. Kind of like a quarter circle motion, but not the full length.
Some games have an innate 'Shoryuken shortcut'.
In modern SF games, you can just double tap down-forward.
I'd rather do the Z motion all day than use fucking charge characters. FUCK charge moves.
Alright, i'll give it a go.
What's your most hated playstyle, Sup Forums?
I'm really bad with charge characters and characters that have to manage items left on screen
Which sucks because I really wanted to play Parasoul when I got SG