>Prey 2 footage leaks
>It's a boring derivative cover shooter
Jesus christ can we finally put this game to rest now and admit that the new game is better than this was ever going to be?
>Prey 2 footage leaks
>It's a boring derivative cover shooter
Jesus christ can we finally put this game to rest now and admit that the new game is better than this was ever going to be?
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I kind of see where they were struggling to make the game fun, if this was the intent. Another sad story of an incredible trailer with a disappointing game, like Overstrike, which I am still bitter about.
Have you been living under a rock?
It's dumb to compare this with Prey 2017, they are absolutely unrelated in every way that matters.
Wow, if the Prey reboot didn't kill the series, this surely would have, literally COD in space. Well, glad it was canceled then.
It was supposed to be an open world game were you take contracts and hunt down criminals.
Looking at this, I really wish they would have just continued Tommy's story after the first game.
Prey 2 fags eternally blown the ever loving fuck
>It's an FPS
Yea sounds retarded.
Looks way better than bioprey
What Prey 2 fags? there are not Prey 2 fags.
>s-see!! this footage clearly labeled to only show weapon animations during the game shows that it's shit
>i-it's not like we have any other gameplay footage like
When will nu-Prey fags stop getting upset that not even 10 minutes of gameplay footage and a leaked ending was better than the shitty System Shock clone we ended up with
Retards will ignore to post their "it's a COD clone" faggotry because they're too stupid to take a few minutes to watch the video.
Nice to see borman has a build of this game though.
The idea was clearly too ambitious for the year they were developing it. If it was level based rather than open world, it would have worked.
>taking scripted marketing material over actual footage
Wow you guys really are in denial
looks way better than that bland piece of shit we got
>it's ACTUAL FOOTAGE and not something put together for show
>video is clearly labeled as test footage put together for show
Somebody's seething
Yeah System Shock 3 (aka Prey 2017) was a billion times better than this trash.
>That fucking hop onto the railing and shooting over it.
>That fucking eye-scanner augment.
I just a fucking cyberpunk FPSRPG god damnnit.
It's like one of those fun as fuck PS2 type of games that never get made anymore
Looks significantly better than that piece of shit Arkane released.
looks better than anything that has come out in the last 4 years since it was cancelled
>walking simulator
>better than anything
>there are people who still believe that bullshit story that Prey 2 was cancelled as part of an elaborate ploy to buy out Human Head Studios and not because the game was crap
>cyberpunk FPSRPG
I can think of 2 good ones and 1 decent one
All I've wanted is an open world Blade Runner-esque bounter hunter game with some aliens and/or cowboy beebop thrown in. It's a literal golden idea and I'm shocked no one has made it yet.
Are they System Shock or Dude Sex? I still need to give DE1 a full playthrough. SS2 was amazing once I got over the spooky monkeys and mutants.
I was going to name EYE and Deus Ex for the good ones and Human Revolution but I guess Deus Ex and System Shock also works
Man, I haven't seen this in a while. First person cover systems are irredeemable. This would just be another Far Cry 3: redundant abilities, robotic AI interactions that lose their lustre the third time you see them, and mission design consisting of repetitive room clearing and parkour sequences.
I forgot about EYE. I need to play that again. The whole story is about doing multiple playthroughs right?
>b-but the devs told me the game was the best game ever made and Bethesda only cancelled it out of spite and a hatred of making cash so it must be true
>whole story is about
Don't. Just don't ask about the story
They can work when you give the AI scripts to flush you out/ flank you so you can't just stay put and take pop shots.
You better have evidence for this because to this day human head's official site STILL mentions prey 2 and how proud they were to work on the game.
We're talking about the same Bethesda that screwed Obsidian out of their royalties for New Vegas.
>We're talking about the same Bethesda that screwed Obsidian out of their royalties for New Vegas.
god, seriously? that's fucking awful if true. why wasn't that a bigger controversy?
>People still blame Arkane's Prey for Prey 2's cancellation
That game literally had nothing to do with the original games at all beyond name. Bethesda decided to slap the name onto it.
Blame the publisher. Not the developer nor the game.
I mean they've literally told the entire story (that being that your character gets cloned every time he dies which is a spirit magic shit employed by tommy) so I don't see a point to them pretending they're still working on it, we'll probably see more leaks in the next year or two now that prey is a shelved IP/brand.
Deal was that they'd only get royalties if they hit 85 or higher on >metacritic. NV scored 84. No one heard about it until 2012, at which point the game had already been out for two years.
are you sure it was royalties and not a bonus?
Apparently. Avellone tweeted that FNV was a straight payment in response to some guy saying it should have made them loads of money given how well it sold.
Has there ever been an actual proof that Prey 2017 really did replace Prey 2? I mean like legitimately someone saying we diverted resources and funds to a different game from Prey 2 not just Zenimax using the same name because they owned it.
It was a bonus, not royalties. They made a deal and didn't meet the requirements. It's that simple. They weren't "screwed" out of anything unless you believe Bethesda conspired with metacritic to fix the score which is a claim that is going to require some evidence. The reason nobody heard about it was nobody asked. Someone tweeted at Obsidian "Do you get royalties?" one day and they got a response explaining the situation.
No. The game (prey 2) had been in production for like 8 years and that's an EXTREMELY long time. Longer than the original prey even. They felt the mediocrity the game was going to be probably, and then told them to nut up or shut up, they couldn't, they lost funding.
That's the most likely explanation anyway.
There's never any proof for any of this bullshit. There's just the presupposition that developer = good, publisher = bad and people start making stuff up from there.
Then why does this still happen, surely people don't think Arkane set out to do anything but make a System Shock clone.
The game itself started a few months after prey was released. So from late 2006-2011 means it's 5 years, not 8. Considering human head were happy as fuck to finally show it off and still keep mentioning it on their site, it can only mean two things. Either they made a damn good lie or they still are around of the work they did.
Because it's a convenient scapegoat with the same name? Same way people blame DmC for DMC5 not happening.
The issue was the beathesda was doing the QA.
They'd have more ground to stand on If obsidian didn't have a history of buggy games.
Beathesda was trying to buy the studio at the time, mr. Clueless.
2006-2014 (when the game was officially cancelled) is 8 years.
Oh look it's another thread where contrarians act like Prey 2006 was a some kind of classic beloved by millions.
No you fucking idiot, thanks to what I think was sony cocking up emulation and IP common law by being retarded, if you don't properly defend your IPs they go public domain.
Zenimax for some reason felt the need to tack the Prey name onto project danielle.
Why the fuck retards think a name is the entire IP is beyond me.
I was bringing it up as a way to blatantly point out that Prey 2017 and Prey 2 have nothing to do with each other not actually wondering.
>Doom 3 engine
>open world
>cocking up emulation
how? By losing like the only actual lawsuit that went to court in all of emulation history? (excluding blatant rom-ripper/piracy cases in the 80s with atari, anyway)
It was. Human Head pulled out as soon as they tried to pull the exact same shit they did with Arkane so the game was cancelled.
It worries and genuinely concerns me that I couldn't tell.
From what I remember about sony vs bleem, they let it exist unpunished for so long the judge told them they didn't even try to protect their IP then, so they didn't have the right to claim ownership of it.
Or some fucking stupid thing like that that's now common law because lol.
Human Head stated that they had an alpha build ready in 2011 that they'd been working on for two years, and that they'd stopped work on it towards the end of the year. Whatever made them stop, who the fuck knows, but considering how proud they are of their work all signs point political.
>The issue was the beathesda was doing the QA.
Oh, yes. The old "Bethesda only had 2 people doing QA!" bullshit. It's not true. Bethesda had more than 70 people assigned to QA for NV, Obsidian just didn't put much effort into fixing bugs. They never do. That's not Bethesda's fault and Obsidian shouldn't have agreed to a bonus predicated on a high metacritic score if they had no intention of making a quality game and only cared about filling it with as much of the owners' of the company's writing as possible.
>Beathesda was trying to buy the studio at the time, mr. Clueless.
There's actually no evidence of this. It's just what Human Head Studios claimed was Bethesda's ultimate goal when they cancelled the game. Bethesda has worked with many studios before that they haven't attempted to buy. I certainly don't see what is so special about Human Head Studios, a company that has never really done anything impressive or been all that successful over the years, that would entice Bethesda.
But why? Tommy wasn't really that engaging and he technically completed his story anyway. Relative and girlfriend avenged and awaiting him in indian spiritland, aliens fucked up and bar somewhat less fucked up. That alien portal shit was just a jarring forced sequel hook.
Reminder there are actual shills affiliated with Bethesda posting on this board.
Don't try to defend Bethesda when it comes to programming m8, you're flat out wrong, they don't know what they're doing to the point I've considered emailing the upper management to seek fraud charges against their own staff.
Programming is probably the one thing that's genuinely critically wrong with bethesda as a game studio, they've made an abortion of the netimmerse engine.
No, what happened is bleem had literally 0 code from the actual playstation so there was no ground for them having the product removed from market, which is industry standard practice. The only thing they got out of it was forcing bleem to stop using screenshots of actual sony properties/playstation games on their box, so they just put mockups/homebrew shit on it instead. And that was only in one country (the UK), everywhere else they lost that too.
Randy Linden and sean kaupinnen (who worked on bleem, randy as coder, sean as pr/ad management) both got jobs at sony like a year or two after. Randy worked on ps1 emulation on ps2, ps1 emulation on ps3/psp (yes, popsloader was him), and some ps2 on ps4 work before he left a few years ago.
Sean worked there for a lot less time, basically did a PR work for the PS2 launch, and psp launch in europe, then left and now he's on the board of directors at the GDC.
But the case went on so long that it just bankrupt bleem entirely.
Who is doing that? Link the posts?
>as soon as they tried to pull the exact same shit they did with Arkane
Zero evidence for this. You've just made it up. All we have on this subject is Human Head claiming Bethesda tried to acquire them via nefarious methods, Bethesda saying they will not talk about Human Head or Prey's production beyond stating they cancelled it because it was a troubled production and the game was turning out to be shit and Chris Avellone from Obsidian categorically stating that Bethesda never attempted to sabotage the production of NV or attempt to buy out Obsidian.
Wolfenstein 2009 had a semi-open hub world
>no game engine can't be tweaked
Well the footage herelooks fun enough, but the fact it was played on console triggers me.
Also looks like D44M in some ways, such as the parkour and the slowdowns.
Hilariously contains everything plenty of people here hate, such as objective markers and prompts everywhere.
I'd have played it perhaps, but the bigger problem remains that Bethesda forced the Prey name on Arkane.
Wonder why people keep thinking that Bethesda will shoot themselves in the foot to try to buy shitty developers like Human Head or Obsidian, former of which made a mini DNF with how long Prey 1 took and the latter can't make a polished product that doesn't crash or glitch the fuck out every 10 steps
Oh, do we have an actual Bethesda developer in this thread? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is or are you just LARPing?
Allegedly, human head did such unique modifications to the engine they still have ownership of it when the game was cancelled.
No, we have someone who spent around a week researching gamebryo and doing some basic tinkering with skse, the old havok sdk I pirated, and doing a bit of reverse engineering.
List all of Todd and co.'s incompetence.
It's always entertaining to read developers' muck ups.
prey 2017 cucks on suicide watch
>muh cod shooter
>Skyrim in space with guns
>System shock with console tier depth
Now this is what I call exiting!!
>implying I liked prop hunt but in space
laughing at you
Looks way better than that turd Arkane shat out
Then play the whole Deus Ex series you absolute muppet
Reminder Tom Sawyer actively browses Sup Forums.
Oldfag prey player here (probably the only one). I dont give a fuck about canceled prey but the nuprey was great. Suck my dick losers. We are living in the right timeline after all
As much as i like how this looks, this just doesn't have same feel as the original Prey. The old Prey was a singleplayer quake-like horror experience with intuitive puzzles. This demo just looks to be a space RPG.
Whichever Prey we get, nuPrey or sequel Prey, we'll never get the familiar Prey experience. That's funny.
Never played any of the games but the cancelled Prey 2 looks way better to me.
It was doom 3 with actual aliens and native American mysticism, other then some unique moments and cool weapons prey wasn't that great. I'm still confused by the love the game gets one here.
>we can't have both
Clearly you belong in the stupid timeline.
Prey Remake was good and maybe even better than the original. You faggots have some serious nostalgia goggles for a decent shooter. That's it, it wasn't innovative or super crazy, just a decent shooter.
Looks like we cant dreamboy and only one sequel exists. I give you a hint,its not the gay space cowboy one.
Prey 2017 absolutely should not have been called Prey.
What would have been a better title?
neck yourself, reddit.
No one even gave a shit about Prey 2 until the reboot was announced it's a classic example of Sup Forums just being a bunch of contrarian asshats for no good reason.
And then change the name of that ability in the game to Mind Blast or Neurobolt or something.