Fallout 4

Finally kill this bitch and her husband. Christ, they are so annoying.

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why knot just get sex mods and rape her?

Attached: 26633-0-1510691073.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)

You enjoying your playthrough, user?

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Is there a good rape mod for FO4 yet? Honest question, it would probably make me reinstall if I could go a-rapin'.

there are a few but they're really unpolished

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Damn, that's what I was afraid of. The weakness of the modding in FO4 was the biggest letdown to me. Enjoyed quite a lot of it but have yet to see a gameplay mod I went crazy for and I don't even get the usual Bethesda-game satisfaction of having rape caves. Or I guess in Fallout 4's case it would be a rape shack. Goddamn irritating though since there isn't much else to really satisfy that fetish.

I mean they're kinda there but not really


is the Bethesda modding scene dead or something? it was crazily active for Skyrim.

nice blog post faggot

that's because the hype for Skyrim was through the roof on an international scale, also some mod authors have said modding for fallout 4 is a lot harder than skyrim

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Sheesh, yeah. Even by Bethesda game sex mod standards those animations are pretty grim. Not to mention having gameplay mechanics influencing the rape helps sell it to me. It's part of what I liked about some of the Skyrim rape mods. Rape based on sneaking up and putting a knife to a throat, rape based on wearing down your opponent's endurance, rape based on a strength check, etc. Actual rapey animations obviously help too, but adding some mechanics helps sell the fantasy.

At this point I probably should just give up on rape mods ever being satisfying again and just try to find a submissive ERPer. Always thought ERP seemed iffy but I don't even enjoy rape in Crusader Kings 2 any more, and as far as I know Free Cities is basically dead.

there are some mods that facilitate it, but the sperglords on loverslab refuse to update their shit unless someone pays them



>but the sperglords on loverslab refuse to update their shit unless someone pays them
Christ. Thanks for the links though user.

Anyone else jack off to their character in this game with mods?

Nope. Rather than making a waifu PC I always make some piece of shit male PC and self insert as I have my way with the female and once in a while male NPCs. Never was big on waifuism in general.

who doesn't

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Link to body?

Fallout 4 is a fucking pain in the ass to mod for and largely not worth it. Skyrim SE finally got a script extender so we'll see what happens with that. I expect some massive town overhauls now that it's not limited to 4GB RAM.




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My nigga!

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No because I'm not a fag.

>Finally kill this bitch and her husband
You know you'll soon realize there is a better way than killing them, killing them is giving a easy living for them, true enlightenment is where you send these two salty motherfuckers as unarmed provision or deathclaw combat only for your amusement.

Bethesda are unironical hacks.
First they release shit, buggy game.
Then they don't provide mod tools for at least a year effectively killing the modding scene.
Then they start with paid mods kikery.
You should be glad there are any mods at all for fo4.

Fallout 4 takes talent to mod given how complex the toolset is now from Skyrim (which isn't to say it's hugely complex, just moreso than it was) and most mod-authors are petty drama-whore faggots that spend more time bitching about eachother and irrelevant shit than actually modding.
The modding tools for Fallout 4 also took far too long to release so the hype at the games release date was pretty much all gone by that point when most people realised that Fallout 4 is a bit fucking naff.

Precombined meshes ruined a lot of mods too. It makes you not want to add or change anything in the existing game world or you have to pack a bunch of fucking meshes with your mod file.

Why didn't Bethesda just make it so combined meshes are generated at startup? Because they're fucking hacks, that's why.