Rin in a bin

Rin in a bin.

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Not vidya.

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It is, but I hope this thread gets deleted anyway.

Cripple storybook is not vidya. Sorry.

I haven't hugged a girl in 8 years

I haven't hugged one in 22

Rin was one of the best girls. Close 2nd to crispy

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Right where trash belongs.

Johnny Quest was the best Hanna barbera cartoon.

dw bros, I'll hug my gf twice just for you

How do you white dumbasses remember these retarded anime names so easily

Because of our superior aryan brains?

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you can read

yes but the sentence you formed does not make the tiniest fucking sense. how can it be difficult for anyone, regardless of race, memorize THREE consecutive letters that is the name of a character they like?

It's literally one syllable with three letters. What the fuck would be hard about it?
I don't even know who this character is and I still know enough to say that you're some kind of fuckwit

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They literally all look the exact same and nothing you say can change that. fight me idgaf

That doesn't rhyme.

so tell me, which white first person shooter protagonist with a crew cut is your favorite?

You guys with your autistic as fuck general that has been going on for, what, 3k+, have completely killed any discussion of Katawa Shoujo ever

every fps I've ever played doesn't have a specific face for the protag so

There's nothing left to discuss.

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Leave it to a nigger to mock someone for having a good memory

I'm vietnamese faggot

I repeat, leave it to a nigger, etc etc

Exactly. Can't even talk about it because the general always gets brought up and derails the thread. I mean, have you looked at it recently? Autism incarnate

t-thanks user


Rin > Hanako >>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>> the other sluts nobody cares about

cutest gril

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Which is where she belongs


Would you clean her butt?

i'm still going to marry rin, all these years later

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Rin need a good slap on the ass.

Rin need to choke on a BBC

This is your Rin cosplayer for tonight

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i want to have sex with her feet. may i?

>they literally all look the exact same
That's just because they're all named the same thing.

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Are you sure you want to ask that question? Because there are things you'll need to know first

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for example? i thought having sex with her feet would be pretty straight-forward

Just post the dick already

But I like my Rin female

You were warned
This image may shock you

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upper-body feet?

you footfags need jesus but I'd definitely nut in that armpit

Yes, and?

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I'm just saying, she might not be the most accurate Rin cosplayer

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Rumba rumba rumba rumba

She just has to be autistic, the arms don't matter

In a way I'm kind of glad people do this, it just reinforces how much better 2D is every time I see it.

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On what number is the general again? How can people discuss a novel for so long?

>All that concentrated autism and best girl still hasn't manifested because of it
There's no point.

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Do you apply that kind of logic to people writing reports or talking about older literature?

id kiss her on the lips

I'm more partial to the thighs myself

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There are multiple Rins in the world. The only problem is they're all guys

What was her problem.

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Being fat

not thicc enough


that's okay as long as they have cute feet

Nigger drenched in agent orange then.

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it stil hurts guys

why can't rin be REAL

imagine being so pathetic you fall in love with a poorly written cookie cutter personality character from a western visual novel of all things
l m o a

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even if she was real she would most likely just hang around with art / lit university chads, not some loser spending his time playing FTP videogames and fapping to cartoons

imagine being so pathetic you play touhou games

you say that as if I'm not a literature chad

Oof damn bro *dab* :fire: :fire:

I've been in love with Hanako since day number one

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She would get bored of poser chads in 5 minutes and lock herself back up to go paint more. If you want Rin you have to connect with her existential angst on a deep level. The worst part would be not fucking something up that causes her to distance herself away from you, say the wrong thing once and you can ruin everything, traversing the autistic jungle of her mind is like another Vietnam.

You speak a language that's written in shittily-Romanized Chinese and you're talking shit on Japanese? What the fuck man

Hanako is my waifu for laifu

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I never really noticed Lily's milky cataracts before

I know americans love bacon but that's just ridiculous

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No bully

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This isn't DDLC though. Katawa Shoujo's characters may not be the deepest ever, but they're at least not "cookie cutter", whether they're badly written or not.

May or may not be a little mentally deficient, if the scene from Shizune's good ending route is any indication. Still best girl though.

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I never liked the show as a kid but I gave it many chances because the intro was hype as fuck. Too bad a lot of the episodes were slow and plodding.

>>drill girl...get's drilled.

like poetry

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