How can a game simultaneously be the best in the series while also causing the downfall?
How can a game simultaneously be the best in the series while also causing the downfall?
Also the case with RE4.
>be the best in the series
>also causing the downfall
It caused the downfall because anime-obsessed faggots keep believing it's 'the best FF' for no other reason than "Well I played it when I was an easily-impressed fetus, and I CRIED ;_____;"
It's a shit game, aggressively linear, filled to the fucking brim with cutscenes of nothing but anime cliches, a cast of boring retards who only withhold information for DRAMATIC REVEALS later, and apocalyptically bad writing ("Hey, what does SACRIFICED mean????")
Its roaring popularity among faggots is why SE tried shit like
>Making Vaan the main protag, to appeal to girls/fags who somehow liked Tidus
>Made XIII as linear and full of wanky bullshit as X
>Went Full Retard with the fag-bait for XV's cast.
It's awful
30 hours in I still hadn't gotten to the plot
>making tens of thousands of gil in what I am assuming is a "starter" area
>leveling up past 50
>have to do quest to take healer to some cape place thing
>instead of doing that I now have a free loli healer that follows me around
I mean what even is this game?
an unfinished mess that nobody should touch till the final content patch hits
You fucked up your picture of Resident Evil 4 user.
that said while I do think X is a good game, and for the time of release a fucking insane game, I still prefer most of the 4-8 run of FF games.
This pretty much FFX having such a seemingly huge fanbase disgusts me. Similar to FF7 having that cringy deviantart fanbase that caused it to be so popular, except FF7 has the good fortune of actually still being a good game. I feel the need to also add that FFX's visual design is vomit-inducing and the character designs are some of the worst in FF history, and that's saying a lot.
its success brought out the jewish mentality of Squeenix and they got too greedy by making the first sequel to a numbered FF game. they haven't been the same since.
Because they took the worse parts(linearity, frequent cinematics, voice acting, focus on aesthetics) and turned them up to 11 while discounting the great parts, partially in 12 then completely in 13(sense of customization, side missions/activities, coherent story, likable and unique characters and diverse party, good villain).
>X had good side missions
Beware of exploding Blitzballs anons.
False narratives provided as facts only make you look like an idiot, idiot.
I finally agree with Sup Forums for once haha. X is just a shitty game bros. Like, when I think of fun games like Fortnite, it's just all action and fun. Stories are pretty boring and it's super linear. I want an open world so I can be my own boss. Voice acting is pretty shitty too. Rockstar is the king of it, take some notes. At least it's on PC, so they did something right!
I like this game. Why do we hate everything thats popular? You literally list the fanbase as a reason for hating the game...
it's Sup Forums, ultimate contrarian for anything not nintendo
they don't have any good reasons to hate something but social monkey brains cause them to find some need to agree even if it's weak or completely hypocritical enough to praise seven despite being the actual start of the franchise decline
this game was so fucking good i haven't played a another game since the HD version came out. dead serious
Good question and the answer is in your question, it wasnt the best final fantasy it was one of the worst and thats where the down fall began.
13 was made for the lazy gamer who didnt want to grind or play an rpg, they just wanted to watch a movie.
Resident Evil 4 falls in the same category, who cares though I just enjoy the games for being fun.
x didn't cause the downfall. spirits within caused the downfall. It's only saving grace is they got a nifty cgi and 3d render farm to make prerendered scenes for ffx.
How did X cause a downfall in any way? If anything, it was XI, which despite being good in its own right, was the Canary in the Coal Mine of Squeenix wanting a broader audience. After XI came the XIII trology which was utter garbage, and XIV, which was even worse, then XV, which lowered the bar even further.
X and XII were the last actual Final Fantasy games.
>Causing the downfall of the series
XIII's doing
>Best in the series
Not the worst, but not even close the best.
One last time.
FFX did not cause the downfall of square enix, square enix is causing the downfall of square enix.
Final Fantasy X is like a man diagnosed with cancer, the cancer is inside him spreading but he's still kicking and taking a jog on sunday. This cancer is there.
Final Fantasy XII is when chemio starts. He's still himself but his hair start to fall out and he vomits every morning.
Final Fantasy XII is the franchise on a hospital bed gasping for air saying goodbye to its family.
Square =/= Square Enix
13 marked FF's dead though.
FFX is one of the, if not the, most terrible 'games' I've ever played, and finished, I still don't know why.
Blitzball was awesome though
>simultaneous downfall
XI was a masterpiece mmo, with the best class system still to this day and XII was fun as fuck to play the first couple playthroughs
FF13 is Final Fantasy slowly dying over the span of 3 games then it died then FF15 came out.