What is your honest opinion on Link, especially Breath of the Wild Link?
What is your honest opinion on Link, especially Breath of the Wild Link?
>haha hey guys i'm gay, but ironically
Fuck off
Blank slate protagonist that gets the job done. Nothing more, nothing less. And no, I wouldn't fuck Link.
He's ok
He's a satisfyingly capable character who gets a remarkable amount of character through the small number of dialogue options.
He's also cute, and I support more games having cute boy protagonists, because cute boys are the best thing to have in straight porn.
Are the people who make these threads daily actually legit homos or just prison gay losers?
I think he’s cool, a change of design is fresh and I like that he rocks a ponytail, but Twilight princess design is the best when considering smash Bros or any other media form. The green tunic is super iconic. He’s been my favorite game character since OoT
im not in and have never been to prison
i was in no fap, thanks faggot
bretty cute
They’re gay as fuck, and are usually incapable of giving a platonic opinion on Link.
That's a really nice fanart
Yeh, i agree with you except for the last part link is pretty hot dude
gay slut link is the best link
fucking GAY
The first Link I've wanted to fug
Neither. This is paid shilling, believe it or not.
prove were gay
Yeh and?
Being gay is pretty cool (tho im actually bi not 100% gay)
With all the food you eat in the game, I'm surprised Nintendo didn't let you make Link get fat.
thanks for letting us know crazyaga
You already did.
He’s been my favorite character since the NES Zelda, though he ties with Samus honestly (since SNES).
He’s cool. My grandparents always thought he was an elf and BotW changed that
kind of think his life is sad. He's always going to be reborn and have to fight ganon. Then all that is left is for him to die and be reborn again. Botw Link was fine but got hurt to easily by nature.
cop or a soldier
his cool
>He’s not an Elf
Then what is he?
>dating women
absolute disgust
wanna hug user? its totally not gay
>That opening sequence in OoT where he’s laying in his bed just crying as a child
Always stuck with me for some reason. Another sad thing is that what you posted is pretty much his only reason to exist. He’s just meant to be the hero that saves the day before an actual person
Idk. I feel like it would be nice to be attracted to women. Not all are bad and some seem genuinely kind. It least it would look normal.
That’s just a name for his race in his realm/universe. He still has elf ears and features common to elves, but they realized it would be boring to just call him an Elf. He’s an Elf though bro
Where's his fucking dick i cant see his fucking dick
Yep. It wasn't even his choice. He was forced to be reborn and repeat the same thing every time.
liking link is not gay desu
That pic contains everything you need in order to find it.
there isn't one. She's just flat.
I want the green tunic back. Blue is boring.
>link was once a badass, now everyone just wants to fuck him
Don't lewd link guys, he's for zelda only
This honestly. This sissy fetish thing is corporate brainwashing to encourage acceptance of slavery for the weak. You can clearly see it in where a "male" slave fully accepts his feminization. It's a slavery fetish with the underlying truth that women are physically weaker than men, but twisted so that weak men believe they must be women due to their own weakness.
This is partially why the corporate agenda Is Pro-gay now, as masculine men are the only ones able to stand up against oppressive tendencies, and also on a smaller scale attempting to create a customer base for men with traditionally feminine products. There may be some Jew scheme involved to demasculinize western society too but the corporatists are far more likely imo.
Yes it is.
You're all fucking fags
fuckin GAY
True and i miss his hat. Thank god I got the Oot amiibo.
You’re one poor little faggot. Her face is cute enough that if she had a nice perky ass, I would probably be okay with this except for rules 3 and 4. She’s just a cutie that wants some semblance of her nerdy bf’s attention while she’s over. People who think like you must get next to no pussy or have some sort of superiority complex or something.
No, one of those posters is a girl (not me).
user I love how deep in character you go into to shitpost. I have mad respect for you.
Link is cool.
His fanbase is goddamned aids though. Kill yourselves, queers.
I better see a testimony of a jew specifically trying to make people gay user, or else your just a lair
The fact she went to the effort and even knows about the match system in cod impressed me a little. I wouldn't sign but just verbally promise to give her time.
In normal circumstances i would think you are just trolling, but since this is Sup Forums i cannot rule out the possibility you are actually this retarded
Economics and ethnic hatred are tied together when you're talking about Jews, user.
Also I don't think these threads are shilling. I just think these people are fucking gay.
It’s definitely part of the Jew scheme. They sprinkling rainbow shit anywhere they can.
Nah that's wrong. The balls can't touch that's all.
Haha those damn gays! THAT'LL show them! XDDDD
kys queer
I know right. lol.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
End this terrible fucking meme, no sissy boy is as cute as Astolfo or Felix.
Here is a radical idea: jews are just normal people and the hate they are getting is completely unjustified.
The accusation that "jews are spreading gayness" is comically retarded
Kindly make yourself a bleach cocktail.
I'm sure you'll love it, since it has your favorite thing right in the name.
i want to make love to him
That’s fair. Only one of the queers in this thread would be more for their video games than an a girl like that
>tripfag has terrible opinions
Idk user. Stereotypes exist for a reason but all the conspiracy is bullshit though.
Please user you're being too mean! I don't think I can take it!
>A girl having to create a waiver to get you to spend time away from your couch and games
>Not a nerd
Cmon user
I never cared for link he always came off as a generic stale hero to me, nothing interesting about him at all imo
Every guy would rather spend their time playing shooty than being with their girl, unless it's for sex.
Because really, what else can you do with a girl?
Can't wait till we get an old Link
It’s okay that you think that, but you’re wrong.
Cuddle like everyone else
There is no conspiracy per se. It's not like when Jews go to synagogue they're actually holding weekly world domination meetings. Jews just do Jewy, societally corrosive things independent of any conspiracies that may or may not also include high proportions of Jews. Read Culture of Critique, le jewish conspiracy xd is a strawman.
Cuddling gets old after about half an hour, unless you fall asleep.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is not staved for physical attention.
Im not wrong, you just have shit taste
Yeah that's why I said Stereo types exist for a reason. I think it's funny how their culture is so driven by monetary and status gains that they control most of the media.
Why do people like shit tier traps like Astolfo?
I’ve been thinking, a game where the timeline got fucked around, and there are multiple links running around (all different and not just the same guy, including linkle and more) would be pretty cool. It could be the first Zelda with multiplayer that would halfway make sense
Idk, grow? Experience new thing and places together? Believe it or not user, having the right kind of girl in your life can make you better in a lot of ways.
I can but I guess I'm just a pretty boring guy cause I really like it. But I guess it would get boring if you don't share many interests.
>Mention that it might be the Jews but probably not
>Jidf defense activates
This is why people believe it's the Jews
You are probably right though. But I don't think gayness is a genetic trait, rather learned. If the KGB can create sleeper agents, and the CIA actually attempted research to create gay bombs, who knows what groups nowadays are capable of. I'm probably paranoid but I like to think I'm paranoid for a reason.
Damn you got some serious skills. I can't even reach those kinds of troll levels.
Seek help.
No, you.
Smells like Sup Forums here
So Hyrule Warriors 2 then.
no sir, that would be you
who the fuck uses a spoon like that?
I don't think it goes that deep, like I said. Homosexuality isn't inborn but neither are "they" intentionally putting chemicals in the water. It's at best a desirable side effect of shit like feeding cows growth hormones.
I don't think it's bad to be paranoid but you have to think about what's most reasonable.
I don't think I'm gay, I wouldn't date a man irl.
or women for that matter.
>gay bombs
My sides are in orbit
No, no musou bullshit button mashing, just a Zelda game with its traditional 3D mechanics and different Links. He’s had how many games now? And is depicted differently in most of the ones that aren’t sequels to the point where they could make it work. Hyrule warriors is garbage and is coop only.
Stupid though it is, it has been theorised.
so what are you user?
>being made to sign a fucking contract demanding attention over a videogame is considered growth.
A truly enriched life.