>It's been 11 years
>STILL not on PC
What the fuck is going on Microsoft? The 360 is fucking dead and we're ready for it.
Halo 3 thread
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I’d give my left nut to co-op campaign with friends on pc
You can play eldewrito which is similar to Halo 3 but it feels pretty buggy. I've been playing Halo 2 Project Cartographer (its fucking free) all day and now that they've updated it, it feels clean as hell. Not to mention it's a better, faster paced more fun game anyway so everyone should just hop into that. I can always find games but the more people we get the closer it'll be to Halo 2 days
They did backwards compability with halo 3 and tons of people went back to it now, and after xbox one x, even more people came back to it because of the enchancements, i think there's more chance of halo 6 releasing on pc than halo 3.
what are the population stats nowadays for Halo 3? Project Cartographer halo 2 usually has a bunch of games running, but I'd still buy an xbox live membership again if Halo 3 was populated well enough. Can One players play with 360 players? And can anyone fill me in on the population of MCC atm? I'd get an xbox one on sale if it meant I could consistently play Halo 1 and 2 online with ranks
I don't get it. You want that desperately to replay a campaign you already played many times, but this time in 4K?
Or, are you just retarded?
come play h5 forge for free on win10, there is like 13 other people who play, could us a few more.
Halo 3 custom games was my most memorable online gaming experience.
>You will never experience foundry for the first time ever again
Thanks user, I'm having a blast, I'm glad they removed the gays for windows live bullshit since it didn't work for my totally legit copy of halo 2
Is the co-op in yet?
You didn't buy Halo 2 Vista, who care anyway, it's going to be stuck on Windows 10 if it ever comes anyway.
>Can One players play with 360 players?
Yes, backward compatibility basically runs a 360 in you xbox one. Aside from the graphical and performance improvements it looks like you are playing from a 360
Any elDewrito discords that aren't cancer?
I don’t think you understand how exclusives work. They want you to BUY their console, not only their game
That’s why there’s no Mario galaxy for the pc or gears of war for the wii. If you want halo, you get an Xbox.
That's amazing, I loved halo 2. Modded an Xbox and was able to fly warthogs, edit map files, make any gun shoot anything.. Was fun as fuck doing that and messing about in custom games, as well as competitive team based matchmaking. The friends list and party system were really revolutionary as well. I'm definitely checking this out. Halo online was good too.
can you play with people on h5 forge?
Yeah custom games and stuff.
I have one where we sometimes play that and a lot more vidyas.
But we preffer to play Halo 5 unless there are people with toasters.
You know not every game comes out on PC right?
You should have bought the game 11 years ago instead of waiting.
>implying people wanting/playing Halo games on PC weren't part of the Halo fanbase, just refusing to bend over and buy an xbone
You guys are delulded
shit, does anyone have links theyre willing to share?
i dont talk to anyone in my old circle anymore and getting back into halo sounds amazing
long as you dont mind a lorefag
Just wait for Installation 01. It's already got the approval of 343 and looks like it'll be the best Halo game yet.
>getting back into halo sounds amazing
I'd rather wait for this
You could play the corpse version.
I was waiting for 0.6 too, but at one point I just stoped and got it since poorfags can't play Halo 5.
>that forge
It honestly looks better than anything Microsoft could ever shit out on pc
>I just stoped and got it
What did you get
Eldewrito 5.1.1.
Poorfags can't ever play Halo 5, and I though it would be a nice alternative but it's only good for small shitty minigames.
You are gonna join? I would love to play some halo rn.
>Poorfags can't ever play Halo 5
I'm using a 2500$ rig and I'll never downgrade to 10, I prefer an old modified build of 7 that isn't a spyware
I put 10 on both my laptop and my iMac and I'm still regretting it
Oh fuck is 5 fully on MS store? I thought it was just the forge
Is the multiplayer as lively as xbox one? I played on a friend's console and was slightly jealous that the online was actually good
>Oh fuck is 5 fully on MS store
Nope, it's just forge
They just added crap because nobody cared about it
>muh spyware
Sad excuse to not play the best Halo customs there will ever be for 2 more years at least.
>It's just forge
Nice missinformation nigger.
It's custom games as well, and you can just play with your friends on 16 people lobys just like in the Xbox, plus it's free.
>b-but no campa
Why would you even care for a worst Halo campaign when it has the best customs?
SP Halo was never that good anyways.
You got it backwards, user
Playing a butchered 343-built Halo, is a sad excuse to give up on your privacy
>It's custom games as well
That's why I said "They just added crap because nobody cared about it"
>SP Halo was never that good anyways.
This is the current Halo fanbase
>This is the current Halo fanbase
I doubt he was ever part of the fanbase to begin with.
Oh shit, the burger goverment will watch me masturbate to lolis! Whatever am I going to do?
>Buthered Halo game
It literally only doesn't has the campaign and that shitty excuse of a firefight game, it has the full functional multiplayer and you can't play ANYTHING you want on it allowed on any custom game.
SP Halo was mediocre at best, it peaked at ODST but that's it.
If you want to play a single player FPS, there is hundreds of much better FPS games designed around the actual SP. Halo's biggest strenght has always been their multiplayers, and please, don't be desilutional to think otherwise.
>Oh shit, the burger goverment will watch me masturbate to lolis! Whatever am I going to do?
>and you can't play ANYTHING you want on it allowed on any custom game
That's not a good thing
Can, I mean can.
>it has the full functional multiplayer
And yet it's dead as fuck, despite being free. Do you think it's because everybody in the world (excpet 13 people) is a poorfag?
Couldn't it just be the fact nobody wants to touch W10, and maybe the fact Halo 5 is so crap it utterly killed any general interest in Halo?
played couch co-op on xbone with this with my roommate last weekend. did shots until we passed out
thanks for beta testing... uh... me I guess...
get fucked PC fag
>SP Halo was mediocre at best
You clearly weren't there to try what the competition had to offer. Halo was just on another whole fucking level. No need to prove you're underage
>tfw no playes halo custom edition
>tfw can't make a custom game online
>peak of anything
Your opinion, not mine
>Nobody wants to touch Windows 10!!!!
Continiously changing. I don't give a fuck for W7 better menu if I get to play Halo in the PC.
>Halo 5 is so crap
I agree with launch Halo 5 being crap, but with all the updates it got is way above Halo 3 or Reach on content, which leads to a lot of creative freedom for custom games.
>At the time
You mean, Half Life, Metroid Prime, 007, Timesplitters, Farcry, eventually Portal, Crysis and L4D, all with much better SP content?
nice projection, nigger
Halo was for multiplayer first, single player second.
>goverment will watch me masturbate to lolis
If you live in some european/asian country, you already get arresed if you post the wrong opinions or watch whatever goes against the narrative™, do you really think they won't get to you and your loli porn because high tier politicians are used to fuck kids as well?
ODST has the best campaign.
Your opinion
>Metroid Prime
2D games are better
So let me get this straight, 70% of videogame enthusiasts are still using a 9 years old OS, while Windows 10 only has 25% of users despite being already 4 years old?
>I don't give a fuck for W7 better menu
>the problem of Windows 10 is the start menu layout guys
Better FPS SP than Halo by miles.
I am not trying to defend W10, I really don't care of the OS as long as it funcitonal, which both W7 and W10 provide, with the additional benefit that W10 let's me play Halo 5, and many other games from the Xbox. That image is only there to prove that yes indeed, people do have W10, and sure, it would be much better if you could play Halo 5, Gears and others on a W7, but it's not going to happen anytime soon.
This guyHalo needs to have a good single player to get anyone's attention, Euromutt.
Imagine being this stupid.
This user gets it. It sucks that the discord from PC launch died though.
Didnt mean to tag you m8. You are welc9me for the free (you)s though.
>Better FPS SP than Halo by miles.
Halo doesn't have shit combat, shit platforming, auto-aiming, artifact hunts, movement slower than a snail. Halo has slow movement compared to other shooters but not Metroid Prime slow.
>muh babbies first fps
fuck off underage
>but with all the updates it got is way above Halo 3 or Reach on content
I know multiplayer is good, but the market is oversaturated and you only get that kind of attention from the masses with a memorable singleplayer or a completely new and groundbreaking multiplayer experience
And the Halo gameplay, despite its new features, is perceived as old
>all with much better SP content?
Halo is a 2001 console game, user.
Christ you're new
Well, he is a Euromutt
>Half Life, Metroid Prime, 007, Timesplitters, Farcry, eventually
Portal, Crysis and L4D are late 2000s PC shooters.
Metroid Prime isn't even an fps, 007 and Timesplitters didn't change the market, and Farcry is from the same year as Halo 2.
You can't just list some random crap you copypasted from a "best shooters of all time" list you found on google and pretend you kow how shit went
It does, doesn't mean you will only play it by yourself more than twice a year, you still will end up playing over a five hundred hours of the multiplayer.
Halo 5 got quite a few additions to change the gameplay, if that's what you are looking for, altough I still preffer the classic known gameplay without the boost shit.
>2001 game
Half Life is a 1998 game.
Christ, you are actually new.
>Better FPS SP than Halo by miles.
You can't even look up while you're walking.
Just stop
>I really don't care of the OS as long as it funcitonal, which both W7 and W10 provide
But one of them is more functional than the other
Yes, I said eventually those others, nice reading comprehension.
>PC shooters
>Metroid Prime isn't an FPS
You shoot from your face, it is an SP FPS with platforming and exploration.
>Golden Eye didn't change the market
And what does changing the market have to do with how good an FP single player can be? That's not fucking related.
One of them has Halo with nice customs.
I just want to thank you for telling me about Project Cartographer. After so much fiddling around with Halo Online I'm glad that Project Cartographer just works and plays smoothly.
I prefer playing single player, multiplayer is a bonus but I like coming back to single player and playing alone.
>Half Life is a 1998 game.
Yeah, and?
It has a way lesser impact on the industry than Halo, you're thinking about Half Life 2. Which just popularized "cinematic experiences" as a concept.
Both were PC games, Halo was on console.
are halo 1-3 + odst all at 60 fps on their xbone remasters? Tempted to buy one just for it and rdr
>Halo 3 or Reach on content
Yeah, if you pay 2000 times more for it
Halo was groundbreaking because it was a fully functional console shooter, not a butchered PC fps port.
PC fps scene already existed by the time Halo showed up.
yes, they only have 60fps and HDR support, no "remastering"
Show me a fucking rule set for an FPS, that indicates that you have to be able to look up for it to count as an FPS?
Well shit, I guess Doom isn't an FPS.
>Half Life a way lesser impact than Halo
Nigger, what does that has to do with annything, is this bait or something?
Regardless of impact, which I may add Half Life had a similar impact to Halo, maybe a little bit less but still, as much fucking impact a game has doesn't changes how bad or good is, because acording to this shit you are saying PUBG most be the fucking most fantastic game out there.
In the end, Half Life has a better SP than Halo, and popularity or not doesn't changes that.
Again, your argument stands on popularity, when popularity does not define how good or bad the game is.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
You get everything on the game launch available to you on customs and forge.
Also halo had much better vehicle mechanics(outside of the warthog instakill) than most of the other FPS games with vehicles
>You shoot from your face, it is an SP FPS
it's an action adventure game in first person. it was never considered Nintendo's fps and comparing it to console shooters only makes primebabbies mad.
It doesn't share any elements with fps games, other than the fact "you shoot from your face". Calling it an fps is like calling DMC a beat em up.
Halo 5 shitposters employed by 343 are here
>One of them has Halo with nice customs.
You mean you won't be able to play eldewrito 6.0 on windows 10? taht sucks
>I guess Doom isn't an FPS.
Doom inspired any fps they made for more than a decade, can't say the same about prime
Also, Doom is 9 years older than Prime.
Because you explore and do platforming doesn't changes it's genre to something MP fags invent to call their game. FPS can extend to a lot of things, Prime included in this, this would imply that if an FPS, say ODST, that has exploration even if it's a little, then ODST most be an adventure platformer explorer first person (third person for morph ball) tactical whatever shit you wanna call Prime.
Keep dreaming user.
Betweeen an incomplete Halo 3 and Halo 5 with much more shit, I wonder which one of these would be objectivly better? Hint: Nostalgia can't change facts.
I just wanna play Halo like I used to play it on the fucking Xbox.
I like how what you are responding isn't even related to the whole post.
perfect, thanks. Will see if I can get a 2nd hand one for cheap
>as much fucking impact a game has doesn't changes how bad or good is
No, but this whole discussion started with the claim multiplayer was always the point of halo
Which just wasn't, better multiplayer fps games already existed, as well as singleplayers titles (on PC)
Halo exploded because it had a singleplayer structured to work as good as possible on console (with many new mechanics specifically built around the fact you couldn't use a mouse); you know Halo 1 didn't even have online features when released, right?
By the time Bungie started I love Bees, Halo was already a huge phenomenon, and (while it surely hepled) it wasn't because of its multiplayer.
>I like how what you are responding isn't even related to the whole post.
He's not wrong, what did Prime contribute to? It's just a series that died off in 2007 only to be brought back now being made by some rumor Japanese dev.
>FPS can extend to a lot of things
Sure, but not everything that has first person andaimin/shooting. Are Deus Ex and Portal also FPS by your standards?
I like when people deny 90% of the playtime isn't just them playing multiplayer.
>was always the point of halo
And then I said why you would be better playing other SP games than Halo. Halo is a game which most of the people keep playing only for the multiplayer.
>Halo 1 didn't even have online features
>Multiplayer can ONLY be played online
This faggot. You didn't know before your Iphone, you could go out to your friends house and play the game with him, in the same screen? Maybe you also don't know what a LAN party is? Maybe you also don't know of Custom edition, which launched before Halo 2?
Halo campaign was the initial success, but after the multiplayer kept and kept growing, it is what became what people know Halo for, and the very same reason there are people still playing it today.
just buy a bone x and xim apex
>Betweeen an incomplete Halo 3 and Halo 5 with much more shit
You mean a custom edition of Halo 3 that runs on any toaster, entirely managed by fans, that features actual modding and a totally revised forge mode that makes any other Halo forge/custom games look embarassing in comparison,
and an official microsoft modern Halo multiplayer-only exclusive for windows 10?
>I just wanna play Halo like I used to play it on the fucking Xbox.
Then play Project Cartographer or Halo Online you dumbass
Can you imagine Halo 3 on pc with steam workshop
game of the century right there
>I like when people deny 90% of the playtime isn't just them playing multiplayer
Nobody denied that here, it's just that many posters aren't new enough to think Halo had mediocre singleplayer at the time it was released (monopolizing the market and spawning a collection of clones)
>multiplayer is what people know Halo for
>And then I said why you would be better playing other SP games than Halo
Yeah, in 2018.
Console players (the original halo community) didn't have that many better choices. Maybe you joined later, that's ok
>Halo campaign was the initial success
How did such a mediocre campaign (according to your ass) change the industry while building a such huge fanbase, making Halo the fps every other shooter wanted to be for half a decade?
>takes two years to work on 0.6, and still no news about it
>despite the forge tools you see here, all maps are just made out of boxes and tinny rooms
>locked to servers only, and can't do basic stuff like invite friends to your group
>barely functional chats
>crashes continiously
>since it uses servers, can't say any meanie words, or you will get banned
>can't set up your own games with friends like classic halo
>only good thing it has is a couple of mods, which give it a Halo 3 artstyle (still incomplete) but most are uncompatable which other mods, which causes more crashes
>needs you to use reddit to get the game
Maybe I would choose the other one.
>more custom options
>actually complete and fucntional
>weapon variations
>more vehicles
>better forge with a thousand more forge pieces
>can just invite your friends to your game
>custom browser for any game you make
>download and play
>but a worse artstyle, which doesn't affects gameplay
I don't get it. Nex thing you are gonna say is that Halo 3 is better than Reach, which it isn't.
>Halo Online
>it's just servers with faggot admins that kick you for anything you say
I do play it sometimes with friends with toasters, but I would rather play Halo 5.
>How did a something bad became so popular?
You are pretending like it has never happend.
If it wasn't by Bungie making you be able to play split screen with your friends on Blood Glutch, Halo 2 would've had half the success.
See this guy's greentext.
>try to play pirated CE online
>doesnt work
>try project C
>doesnt fucking work and the crossair is too fucking low
any active halo servers? would be nice to play online
Im not gonna attack the Halo campaign you do you. But saying it "changed the industry" is laughable and bordering on Bungie employee levels of delusion.