Anyone else think this gonna bomb bad

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I doubt it. Kids like a lot of dumb shit and parents will buy whatever.

It's a gimmicky nintendo branded product aimed at literal children and manchildren, especially from NA, that grew up with absolute nintendo brand loyality and the brand is forever tied to their childhood and happiest moments in life.

It's not gonna flop.
It never does, aside extreme cases like the Virtual Boy.
I have seen people on Sup Forums defend Nintendo products harder than i've seen any human being defend anything in my life, i've seen them suck Nintendo's cock harder than a rabid redneck jacks off over a confederate flag.
It's not just fandom, it's almost a religious sect, it's basically a cult.

>harder than a rabid redneck jacks off over a confederate flag.
dumb cuck

They don't even have to trick that many people to see a return on cardboard. They should see a profit from all the YouTubers and man children alone forget about the parents that will buy this garbage for their whiney kids.


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I unironically hope it does in hope that you stupid faggots will shut the fuck up about it.

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I thought the Switch wouldn't do too well but now I keep hearing about it selling tons, so I don't know, it will probably do alright and then be abandoned as a concept after like 1 or 2 "expansions" I'm sure Nintendo will sell people.

Other companies have tried stuff like this in the past and it just doesn't sell.

It's not made to sell. It's just for marketing. Nintendo retards will buy it anyway.

Nintendo wins again, babyyy.

Are you sure?

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What is there to flop?

It's mini games and paper craft.

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>Sup Forums
>shutting up
If it sells well
If it doesn't

As clever as it is, it deserves to bomb hard.

$80 for fucking cardboard and some minigames, are you fucking kidding me

If it comes out here it probably will.

Imagine getting triggered over that lmao

>Shitposters will shitpost
More news at ten.

>and it just doesn't sell.
What? Programmable robot toys have been very successful.

It's been marketed and memed to the point where it won't bomb financially. Most of Nintendo bombs are due to little to no marketing.

Still buying it to show if it'll be good or bad.

Return policies still apply so I can just do that if it turns out shit.

Bomb? how? do you think this is a mayor investment that Nintendo is doing and they need to sell 5m units to get a return? Come on, most likely the mayor complain will be that you can't find them anywhere because stores only received 10 of each kit.

>selling carboard for 80 bucks
Do you know how cheap cardboard is?

No, it's actually good for actual children. It'll do fine.

It will do fine. I'm just unsure if it will be Wii level of success, or not so much.

No way it'll bomb.

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It needs to make more than the development and marketing costs, too, not just the manufacturing.

how? its fucking cardboard, they just need to sell a few to make a profit

Depends on what Nintendo's expectations are. It's some side project so they probably aren't expecting to sell tens of millions of labo merc.

Lol no. Unless you have been living under a rock , labo is going to be huge. The worldwide marketing push, the expos, the media coverage, all positive so far.

>its religious
>its a cult!!

People are so threatened by Nintendo its hilariously frightening.

I can't imagine it selling that much. But I can guarantee to you it will net Nintendo a truckload of engineering and design awards from outside the gaming industry.


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I still don't know the general applications of that device

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It won't bomb, Switch owners will buy cardboard because they don't have anything else.

Then it wouldn't matter if it fails or not, wouldn't it.
Shitposters will shitpost away.

I'm not gonna buy that garbage but if it wasn't made with carboard and was for PS4/PC Sup Forums would be losing their shit over it.

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