
So Tera comes out on console tomorrow. It is coming out with some bundles tera.enmasse.com/store/console-founders-packs

Is Elite status worth it? Also, what about the cash shop currency? I'm guessing this is one of those games where 90% of the armor you get in game looks hideous, and all the nice stuff is cash shop exclusive? Is there at least the ability to make other armor take the appearance of armor you own that you actually like? I'm trying to decide if any of the bundles are worth it.

Also what class should I go for? Since some are gender and race locked, it seems like I have to really commit to whatever I chose. The ones that interest me are Mystic, Valkyrie, Brawler, and Ninja. For what it is worth, my favorite jobs in FFXIV (by role) were Astrologian, Ninja, and Dark Knight with Astrologian being by far my favorite job to play followed by Ninja. I generally didn't like tanking in FFXIV, but I think that had more to do with the game's design and less to do with the concept of tanking as a whole.

I generally like going support/healer, but neither of the two healers in Tera seem interesting. What is with there only being two healers anyway?

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TERA is absolute trash only played by pedos that want to fuck their Elin.

Hey, that’s not true, I played and wanted to fuck my High Elf female

But how is the gameplay? Is it at least as good as FFXIV?

>Tera comes out on console tomorrow
For those who are spending 30 plus dollars for early access, while the actual release is April 5th, right?
I started the game recently but
>All the nice stuff is cash shop exclusive
Not really. You get a currency called fashion coupons, and you can get some nifty items from there. Also apparently they give out many things from time to time. You can buy and sell costumes on the player shops too for thousands of gold, not sure how that will play out on PS4 but it seems fair on PC
That's not true, I crave all except furry race

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Fuck off, I'm into sexy brown girls.

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If it's anything like the pc version. Every mob before end game have the hp of tissue paper.

I want to fuck an ellin and im not ashamed

Dead on arrival because it dares to be a different game than the pc release. That is to say they've drawn a line on cross play to benefit reimagining the game. Nothing wise to come from the same company that threw Closers into an endless cycle of buy 2 win packs and heinous gacha systems.

Is Elite status worth it? Also can you have more than one class per character or do you have to 100% commit?

I generally like going support/healer, but neither of the two healers in Tera seem interesting. What is with there only being two healers anyway?

They babied the fuck out of both of them to the point that neither require more than two brain cells to play. Just like 4.0 did with every job.

Dunno about Elite status being worth it, but the little extra bonuses are just nice, not needed from what I've seen. I'm currently on free elite because when they released male brawler, you get bonus days for reaching certain levels. You also get 15 emp a day and small extra stat buff items, but I'll just say elite is not needed. You can only have 1 class on 1 character so if you want an alt class you need to make a new one. Gold and some items can be transferred between characters
>Free, well known game on PS4
>Dead on arrival
Don't think so

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How the fuck is a console going to run this game during the raids? My pc was shitting the bad when there was 600 ppl on my screen literally slide show.

No, god no. It predates FFXIV by quite a few years. Sure, it's been improved over time, but it's still a tab-targeting MMO from 2011.

It runs FFXIV just fine

Jumping ship is a clear indication for bad times, but okay.
Because Tera is bad ui optimizations and baked lighting the game. It runs badly on all hardware unless scripting on client-side is done to remedy it. Will they fix it? Who knows.

TERA definetely does right SOME stuff. For the fighter classes like Lancer, Slayer and Warrior, you can actually do a lot of shit if you are skilled. It is not like some MMOs where you just add your level to your equipment in order to fight enemies.
There is quite a lot of skill involved and you can challenge enemies well above your weight class.
This happens because of combos, dodge/block skills. While some casual shitters would need a small party to kill a bamf (sort of like field bosses I guess), a sufficiently skilled player can solo them and well below the recommended level.

Now, with all of this said, TERA does a lot of shit poorly too. Endgame is kind of bad, and that is a big deal for an MMO. The most fun you will have on TERA is the sweetspot between levels 20-50.

>projection: the post

The gameplay is very different from FFXIV. Tera is action oriented, you can use your skills and you can miss if you don't aim them right, you need to dodge and know when or where its safe to attack. It certainly feels cheaper than something like black desert online, but it's not as mindless as that game. The combat works. Remember that you're gonna be playing an oldish MMO. At least it's 100% free to play. To be honest there's a big erp scene on pc which attracts many people, but on the same server there's plenty of kind people willing to talk. I know most PS4 players wont have a keyboard plugged in, but I hope they get inspired to purchase one. I got one for FFXIV over a year ago, wireless for 17 bucks. Never had to replace its battery yet

If you play TERA on consoles you are a fucking pleb, period.
>no cross-server
>can't mod the censorship

I had a decent amount of fun soloing shit for 10 minutes with warrior in the open beta years ago. Too bad I lost interest beyond the first few BAMs.

Does this mean they will finally make the controller setup not complete dogshit? Mouse is fucking cancer for your wrist and I wish I didn't have to deal with that on PC.

It does feel a bit good for your ego to solo BAMs while you watch other people having to group up to deal with them.
Too bad the developers couldn't capitalize on their decent combat system (at least for the time TERA was released, it was decent).

>sweetspot between levels 20-50.
too fucking true
i miss lumbertown

Tera has been working fine with Xbox 360 controllers for years

What censorship did they do with the US version?

Muh elins lost their underwear!!! Meanwhile the Elin curse ruined Tera.

That's the only reason anybody even plays that shit game.

I don't understand. This game died years ago. Is this some sort of experiment BHS decided to do before porting other games so they don't mess them up in the future?

Is the console version still p2w or they finally removed all that bullshit? it would be fucking stupid to pay full console price for a p2w game, just play it on pc for free.

Tera has never been p2w though, unless being able to dress your characters like hot sluts is the definition of winning to you

Right, I confused with Aion,
Tera's devs are NCSoft deserters if I remember correctly.

Technically speaking the players devised a pay to gear system by exchanging emp for gold. All the guilds I've ever been in with some level of notoriety have all had players guilt of selling emp and breaking the market.

Except the mats for top tier gear aren't even tradeable., so you have to farm them the same as everybody else, no matter how much money you sink into the game and how much EMP you sell. Breaking the market be damned, you only use that for costumes, mounts or sometimes recipes which is the one point where having money matters for getting equipment, and even then you're likely to get it as a drop from a dungeon eventually if you're serious about grinding for the gear.


>Can get stormcry gear off the market
>Can get carried for the mats no questions asked.
It's been a big issue since generation rolled out. It's very easily done and has been the encouraged method for gearing up significantly faster than f2p players can in the patch cycle period. PvP gear on the other hands is such a case where grinding and mat exclusivity are untainted.

>Mouse is fucking cancer for your wrist
what kind of manlet are you?

but its free to download on consoles also.

When you do computer work for 12 hours a day, RSI is unavoidable.

I can't imagine how bad tera would be with controllers. And the PVP would be so fucking bad too, not only would you have retards you'd have retards with wireless connections and controllers. Holy shit.

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get a real job you manbaby.

>bought into TERA
>it's trash
>bought into Kritika
>it's fucking trash
EME needs to be burned to the fucking ground.

why get mad at free games

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I've located your problem

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I can hardly think of a job that doesn't involve computers in this day and age.
Unless physical labors are considered "real jobs".

Which has a better ERP Community, this or FFXIV?

>manbaby who can't even use his wrists

You haven't answered the question. Did I insult you?

This is the part where that user says you’re somehow less of a man for working a white-collar job instead of making minimum wage in the coal mine of some dying Virginian town, right?

Spot on. I enjoyed leveling but I got bored with the game and dropped it not long after hitting cap. You could see the endgame was shallow and the real fun was behind you.

tera for pure talk, ffxiv for lewd graphics, but in ffxiv the cats have shit faces and some other races are hardly an option unless you can get over it looking awkward

Isnt this the game for degenerates that take more time taking screenshots of the loli race than actually playing?

shouldn't you be 6 feet under with mmog?

Tera it is, then. Sexy graphics aren’t much if everyone can’t roleplay for shit.

You're just a casual gamer. End game is more fun than leveling.

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Does TERA have a boob slider?

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What do you think?


i wish i had time to play mmo's

Oh well i'll just fap to the loli race

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I can confirm that.
I played Tera on my Berserker and level'd up ONLY by killing BAMs alone which I enjoyed a lot.
A lot of time it was fight where I could die on any fuck up I had, but I had a lot of fucking fun doing it.
But then I hit max level and it was basically grinding dungeons to get gears and stuff, so I gave up.

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It has.
You can only get the bigger size of the boobs by putting real money in the game.

I dont think anything can be worse than FF14's 5 second global cooldown and 50+ hour mandatory main quest full of cutscenes and 95% traveling just to unlock raid content.

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its a shit game

>im a dirty casual: the post

What? You can get the boob slider for an in game currency just from logging in. That said, it only works on select costumes so it's fucking lame

This. Tera should have died the moment they started gender locking classes to specific female races.

>be trophy hunting faggot
>see MMO with a relatively painless trophy list
>look up what world or field or w/e bosses are

Like, fuck you.

>30 dollars for 1 week early access and some titles or something

Double fuck you.

I mean, I'll still pick it up down the line because FREE, but dang.

>but it's still a tab-targeting MMO from 2011
You cant be this retarded. There is no tab targetting in tera. And the only targetting skills are the heals and some aoe from casters, and all you have to do is to go with the crossair and move it over the ones you want to select

it costs like 0k gold you faggot, it's basically free