*saves the survival horror genre*

*saves the survival horror genre*

Attached: IMG_6314.jpg (1080x1333, 451K)

>*turns RE into a normie Twitch bait trash*

>if people stream it on twitch it's a bad game

Dumb bitch, normies have been doing speed runs of REmake for years

This is more like classic RE than any other RE after CV has ever been.

You are a dumb person and this is a dumb post.

>I'm literally too stupid to understand what people are saying
The game's fucking linear, "cinematic" and set-piece driven jumpscare fest, that is better WATCHED than actually played. A literal first-person movie that you "play" once and then forget.

That's literally the same as saying that a bicycle is the closest thing to a Lamborghini.

nice "argument".

so just like RE2
so just like the old games
>jumpscare fest
there's as much jumpscares as in the original games - 2 to 3 at most
>it's better watched than played
it's as fun to play and watch as the old games

I will never understand why Sup Forums doesn’t like this game. It’s easily the best mainline RE since 4.

>saves nothing
>copy/pastes outlast
>vr experiement
>nothing like classic re
>death of the franchise
>only youtuber and twitch scare reactionfags like it
>marketer-kun still won't stop ban evading and making threads for this shit game

find the nearest sharp object and stab it into your throat right now.

Yeah, like t-virus saves dead people, still with basic functions, but kinda ugly and just drags itself around.

Real talk, what was the point of having her barefoot here?

Attached: butwhy.jpg (1576x826, 52K)

Real savior here.

Attached: DL.jpg (2268x2622, 891K)

t. never played the game and is only parroting actionfag opinions

fuck off marketer-kun, you have the exact response to all criticisms

>lol dur hur it's just re4-6fags
>poster said nothing about action re at all

fuck you, get aids

That aint horror, drop kicking a fucker into some spikes is goddamn comedy gold.

its fun but its not horror except the first couple times a night til you learn how to cheese everything

but the only people who would call RE7 'not like the old games' are actionfags who think RE4-6 are the 'old games' or people who never played 7 at all.
stay mad that 7 saved the series

Uh, nope. It’s still dead bud, sorry to break it to you.

>That's literally the same as saying that a bicycle is the closest thing to a Lamborghini.

user were you dropped on the head as a child?

Attached: i-m-slowly-becoming-retarded-19733994.png (500x919, 288K)

what was the point of making Zoenaked in this?

especially when she gets her exact clothes and even her shoes back the end

Attached: 0.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Re7 was fun, change my mind

Attached: ameizing5.jpg (453x365, 12K)

you've never played 0, 1, REmake, 2, 3, or CV and it shows with every post you shit out. GET AIDS

>so just like RE2
false. While the progression through the story can be seen to be "linear", you are free to explore majority of the game's main hub soon after reaching it. RE7 literally funnels you from one set piece into another, via cramped corridors at that.

>just like old games
Negative. There's a huge difference between the old 90's "cinematic" and what everyone understands the term to mean nowadays. Former separates gameplay and cinematics into two separated segments, creating "cinematic feel" only via cutscenes, while RE7 tries to mix and match cinematics and gameplay, constantly robbing you from the control and changing the rules as it pleases.

>there's as much jumpscares as in the original games - 2 to 3 at most
7 has nothing but that going on, since you can't even be hesitant to proceed towards the next turn.

>it's as fun to play and watch as the old games
No, it really is not.
t: been replaying 1-4 in release order the past two months.

>It’s easily the best mainline RE since 4.
Because it is so fucking shit compared to 1-4 and REmake. Patronizing, predictable, boring and disposable.
My standards have not dropped in the past 20 years, while it seems that everyone else has indeed lowered the bar thanks to the Xbox generations.
The whole industry has become so goddamn disgusting that pseudo-passable "games" like this and nu-DOOM are now praised as the best shit ever. It is sickening.

False. I'm a pure-blood oldschool old-fart who loves 1-4 (yes, 4 was still good. Fite me), hated everything later, and 7 was still shit. It's not an upgrade or fix, it's just a huge mis-step to different direction.

I've played all mainline RE games, nice try though.
>RE2 has a (linear) hub/backtracking so it's not linear
so just like RE7.
>it is constantly robbing you out of control and has jumpscares every step
oh, so you didn't even play the game outside seeing the Guest House

>no arguments the post

Nice try Marketer-kun.

there is nothing to argue with people who are complaining about a game they have never played

>no arguments
Not him but did u ever learn to read?

>so just like RE7.
No. I give you that it's smart to avoid bringing up RE1, because anyone would call you out for your bullshit instantly, but RE2's cop station literally works similarly to 1's mansion and its 2-store + east & west wing designs.
RE7 has none of this, and instead has tiny corridor sections you never ever return to.

>oh, so you didn't even play the game outside seeing the Guest House
oh look, it's THAT "argument" again. Seems like Crapcom fans have been taking notes from Zenimax cucks.

No sonny Jim, I put 17 hours to this fucking mess, and beat it thoroughly. The ONLY section where the game even remotely started playing and feeling like a Resident Evil was the fucking Ship, which (You) cock suckers seem to generally hate for some reasons unknown.

riddle me this

The RE movies were better than RE7.

>RE2 police station works similiar to 1's
Enter police station -> Meet Marvin -> Go through the left wing to the STARS office -> go through the library to the east wing -> go get valve -> go downstairs to reach 1st floor east wing -> basement -> backtrack to 3rd floor -> backtrack to Iron's office/basement and potentially backtrack to stone/plug locations if you somehow missed them along the way
this is how A scenarios play out everytime. if you think that RE7 doesn't have backtracking and/or doesn't have a few optional areas along the way, you've never played the game

*reads thread*
Ya all need Uroboros, at least tentacles flailing around is funnier to watch than this.

It's shit

>*kills the survival horror genre*

Attached: 1508983216349.png (1073x224, 20K)

>Patronizing, predictable, boring and disposable
That's exactly what 1-3 are.


Yeah I figured you wouldn't understand what I was even saying.

You could make the exact same kind of graph of the necessary STEPS you need to take in order to beat RE1, but for some weird reason no one tries to claim that to be a "linear game".

False. I'd love to see you try and justify such absurd statement though.

in RE2 there is only ONE path outside the few optional rooms you can take when in RE1 you can choose whenever you want to start with east or west wing, each wing progressing you in different ways
>but in RE2 u can start with east-wi-
only to get an optional item in the optional interrogation room or go get the optional ammo in the safe (which both can be done by going along the linear path)

>in RE2 there is only ONE path outside the few optional rooms you can take when in RE1 you can choose whenever you want to start with east or west wing, each wing progressing you in different ways
False. You can EXPLORE the mansion to some degree as you please in order to gather the necessary key items that grant you access to the next area, but ultimately the end result is the same. RE2 just streamlines this design a tiny bit more, where as RE3 replaces it with mostly linear structure with A and B routes forking out of your own choices and actions.

Meanwhile, RE7 gives you nothing. It's even more embarrassing to see the claims that 7 would be closest thing to RE1, because apparently old houses with shotgun puzzles are all that you need.

no one outside of capcom's marketing team believes RE7 is a "return to the series' roots"

>streamlines a bit more
that's a funny way of saying "game becomes linear while having only a few optional rooms along the way". it's more linear than RE3, at least it has multiple choices; not to mention the hospital and tram item collection can be done in whatever order
yeah the end result in RE1 is the same, but the end result can be achieved in varied ways since both wings are required for progression and that each wing needs the other and that you can choose which wing you want to progress with first, when in RE2 you have to go through left-wing's one entrance while being railroaded to be able to access the rest of police station
>RE7 gives you nothing
it gives you RE2 linearity - optional rooms with some backtracking required for progression. you'd know that if you actually played the game
>7 is close to 1
in some gameplay aspects it is, but in level progression? nah

Aww duuude, 4 strength 4 stam leather belt?

Attached: 6705836F-5127-4098-BAF9-D25F1D1A7F28.gif (512x321, 1.73M)

I never doubted that.

>you'd know that if you actually played the game
I can keep repeating it until it starts to sound like a broken record: I've beaten the game. 7 does not even try to give you an illusion of exploration.

>I never doubted that.

There's a few easy ways to tell it's marketer-kun.

>he claims actionfags hate it 4-6, also shits on revelations
>he claims it's the closest thing to classic re while claiming you never played 7, once again calls you an actionfag
>people who like classic re call him on it and say it's nothing like classic re, marketer-kun once again claims they're actionfags
>fans who like both classic and action say re7 is shit, he once again retaliates with no arguments and plays the actionfag card yet again

don't forget the now classic:
>You didn't even play it, right?

>it doesn't even give you an illusion of exploration
except for the fact that certain doors need keys that can't be obtained within the area
it's nothing like the old games
>called out
the only people who think 7 is shit are actionfags, Sup Forumscore opinion parrots and actionfags falseflagging as classicfags, all the actual classicfags like 7

>except for the fact that certain doors need keys that can't be obtained within the area
all within practically one room.

>the only people who think 7 is shit are actionfags
I had a sneaking suspicion I was "talking" to a shill-fag. Thanks for confirming it.

>all within 1 room
I had a sneaking suspicion I was talking to somebody who complains about games they have never played. Thanks for confirming it.

now what?

Attached: what's your next excuse, shill.jpg (895x369, 72K)

shut up marketer-kun, get banned again.

not your screenshot

>I played 28 hours of the game, which is enough for 3 full playthroughs and I never noticed that I have to backtrack after Jack 2 and Marge or that the Scorpion and Crow keys are in different locations and open optional areas
you'd seem less of an idiot if you'd just claim you never played the game
who said I was banned in the first place
so you think it's just one person? cute

Play the game faggot

Also this game as first vr game basically neutered any and all other horror games and completely destroyed horror movies to me.
This game in vr is the prove that games are by far the best way to experience horror infinitly better than, books, comics and movies.


Shill harder, cancer-kun.

>Also this game as first vr game basically neutered any and all other horror games and completely destroyed horror movies to me.
That's because it was your first horror "game", son.

>This game in vr is the prove that games are by far the best way to experience horror
Sad it took you realize something I could've told you 20 years ago.

Attached: yes it is you fucking shill.jpg (1920x1196, 597K)

your samefagging is getting sader by the minute

>poster count goes up by one
>posting style is the same

how many ban evades you at now for just this thread marketer-kun?